.net not working
Reddit » C# programming language
by /u/Zestyclose_Plate_991
7h ago
https://preview.redd.it/115hlijwpved1.png?width=1917&format=png&auto=webp&s=88b0f88edb25cb4ef32824665b5404eec5092d8f i tried to shift my already half completed form from my old laptop to another laptop . the thing is that my old laptop had .NET 6 but my new laptop has .NET 8 enabled. but after that this error is poping. need help submitted by /u/Zestyclose_Plate_991 [visit reddit] [comments ..read more
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Struggling with XML Signature Prefixes in .NET? Here's a Quick Insight!
Reddit » C# programming language
by /u/hanadderia
7h ago
As a .NET developer working with XML digital signatures, you might have encountered the challenge of adding the "ds" prefix to the <Signature> element and its descendants using the SignedXML class. If you've found this task to be quite frustrating, you're not alone! The SignedXML class in .NET provides robust functionality for creating and verifying XML signatures, but it doesn't natively support customizing the namespace prefixes for the <Signature> and its child elements. This can be particularly problematic when working with systems or standards that require specific prefix con ..read more
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Azure, Aspire.Net, Blazor - Suggestions please
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by /u/BeardedBaldMan
7h ago
I'm a bit behind the times and need to catch up with a simple modern project to see what the current state of play is. API which takes a audio file and runs it through a speech to text convertor API which processes the text and returns different text API which takes text and returns an audio file of speech A web interface I can see that this looks pretty sensibly and cheaply done using Azure Speech Azure Functions and the API Management Gateway Azure Storage (for the audio files) Blazor WebAssembly for the UI But... I also see that there's now Aspire which while it doesn't ..read more
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Details of Dictionary
Reddit » C# programming language
by /u/antikfilosov
7h ago
I am trying to learn about the inner workings of Dictionary<TKey, TValue>, but there are a few things I don't understand. This is a simplified source of Dictionary<TKey, TValue>. From what I understand, 'buckets' store the indexes of the data stored in 'entries'. However, I can't understand how the process works. How are indexes placed in buckets(if i understand properly : "KeyHash % capacity = index" ?), and if I need to get XYZ data from _entries, how does the system know in bucket array which index to look in to get the index for XYZ data from _entries? or with other words i me ..read more
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Console + Serilog + Graylog not working
Reddit » C# programming language
by /u/clxrdr
7h ago
Hi its been two days that im trying to fix this but no luck. I spin a graylog server on a WSL docker using this example. I can open the panel via browser without problem and i set a new input.   using Serilog; using Serilog.Core; using Serilog.Events; using Serilog.Sinks.Graylog; // Logging var levelSwitch = new LoggingLevelSwitch(LogEventLevel.Debug); #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine("Mode=Debug"); levelSwitch.MinimumLevel = LogEventLevel.Debug; #endif Log.Logger = new LoggerConfiguration() .WriteTo.Graylog(new GraylogSinkOptions { HostnameOrAddress = "localhost", Port = 12201, TransportTyp ..read more
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What is the Mapperly equivalent of AfterMap method in Automapper?
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by /u/rama_rahul
7h ago
I'm trying to replace AutoMapper with Mapperly in our project due to the latter's performance. However, I'm facing difficulty while replacing AutoMapper with Mapperly because I can't find any equivalent of AfterMap() method of AutoMapper in Mapperly. What is the workaround available in Mapperly for this scenario? submitted by /u/rama_rahul [visit reddit] [comments ..read more
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Blazor Standalone WebAssembly
Reddit » C# programming language
by /u/mateuszKroplewski
17h ago
Hi, im currently creating a project using Blazor Standalone WebAssembly for the frontend and a c# web api for the backend. Im authenticating the using with JWT tokens. Is there an easy way to hold the state for a user in Blazor Standalone WebAssembly? Where i can easily access users firstname, last name ext (all info from claims). As currently i have now a ClientAuthStateProvider which inherits AuthenticationStateProvider so i can GetAuthenticationStateAsync() but this function calls the api to check the validity of the token and i dont want to call it for every component that i need the user ..read more
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Cascading delete from child to parent
Reddit » C# programming language
by /u/Live_Cartoonist3847
17h ago
I have an entity like this: public class A{ public Guid Id; public Guid Bid; public B b; } public class B{ public Guid Id; } How can I make so that B get deleted when A get deleted submitted by /u/Live_Cartoonist3847 [visit reddit] [comments ..read more
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Best AI for C# and how to avoid leaking commercial codebase
Reddit » C# programming language
by /u/Scary-Score-1012
17h ago
I am about to learn and document a new big legacy C# code base an would like AI to assist me in this. This is commercial software and the company obviously do not want their code to be available to competitors. How can I use AI on the code base while minimizing the risk of it being included in future training or needlessly retained. We are "just" talking about software code and not sensitive PII data or data that in other ways should be kept private for legal reasons. I would like to work with as much of the code base in the AI context as possible and are considering if any of these solutions ..read more
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How to actually build a console app?
Reddit » C# programming language
by /u/trubulica
17h ago
Hello everyone! Total newb here. So I have been learning C# for a while now, I would say I understand enough now to move on to real app building in .NET framework. I've watched many tutorials on C#, but none of them show how to make the application. Let's say I want to make an app that helps with physics and calculates many problems, provides formulas, learning materials. I understand that I need to make a database in SQL. But where do all the visuals come from? All I can find videos on are Windows forms and that' ugly. Thank you so much :) submitted by /u/trubulica [visit reddit] [comments ..read more
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