Let Your Dreams Begin Blog
Mitzi Bockmann is a highly skilled certified life coach who works with women to reclaim the life of their dreams. Certified Life Coach Mitzi Bockmann reveals her wisdom for a fuller life. Discover how you can start feeling invigorated by your life again!
Let Your Dreams Begin Blog
1w ago
7 Reasons It is So Hard to Break up With Your Girlfriend, Even if You Don’t Love Her So many of my male clients come to me because they want to break up with their girlfriend. They are clear that she isn’t the right one for them but still find it impossible to take action ..read more
Let Your Dreams Begin Blog
1w ago
The 5 Stages of Grief that Happen After the End of a Marriage and How to Get Through Them Over the dozen years that I have been a life coach, and as I have lived my life, I have come to learn that going through the end of a marriage can be akin to going ..read more
Let Your Dreams Begin Blog
2w ago
7 Reasons Why Dating A Married Man Who is Separated is a Huge Waste of Time One thing is for sure – the availability of great men to date seems to be somewhat limited. As a result, women are often open to dating a married man who is separated. After all, his marriage is over ..read more
Let Your Dreams Begin Blog
2w ago
7 Psychological Facts about Toxic Marriages that Nearly Everyone Misses If you are reading this article I am guessing that you are wondering if you are in a toxic marriage but not really sure. I get it! So many of my clients come to me, wondering if their marriage is a toxic one. When we ..read more
Let Your Dreams Begin Blog
3w ago
7 Truths about Your Married Man’s Marriage that You Don’t want to Hear One thing that every single one of my clients who is having an affair with a married man talks about is how their man’s marriage is a disaster; that they don’t understand how he can exist in it and that it should ..read more
Let Your Dreams Begin Blog
1M ago
9 Ways You Can Reinvent Yourself After Divorce First off all, if you have survived a devastating divorce, good for you! You might have just gone through one of the worst times of your life but you came out the other side intact and are now ready to reinvent yourself! And reinventing yourself is one ..read more
Let Your Dreams Begin Blog
1M ago
7 Steps Couples Must Take to Rebuild Trust After He Cheated And Save Their Relationship Many people reach out to me wondering if they can ever rebuild trust with their partner after he cheated. After all, learning that the person who says that they love them has stepped out on them is horrible; they are ..read more
Let Your Dreams Begin Blog
1M ago
Going through a Break up? 7 Ways to Emotionally Detach to Get Through it. There is nothing worse than a broken heart. The physical, mental and emotional pain can be so intense that sometimes its easy to question whether it is survivable. But I can promise you that no one has ever died of a ..read more
Let Your Dreams Begin Blog
1M ago
7 Ways to End the Cycle of Break Ups With Your Married Man and This Time Make it Stick Every day I talk to clients who are trying, and failing, to break up with their married man and make it stick. They don’t want to break up with them because they don’t love them but ..read more
Let Your Dreams Begin Blog
1M ago
7 Surprisingly Easy Ways to Make Your Wife Feel Special in 2025 If you are like many men, one of your resolutions might be to make your wife feel special in 2025. After all, another year has passed and perhaps you are thinking that its time to jumpstart your relationship with a little extra effort ..read more