5 Things to Do NOW To Drive Holiday Sales
Graff Retail Blog
by Kevin Graff
1M ago
It’s hard to believe Christmas is almost here. Are you ready to make this a great selling season? There’s no reason why you can’t sell more! Here are 5 things we think you need to get on top of right now if you haven’t already.  1. Get your cashiers selling: If you don’t have a ..read more
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Will This Christmas Be The “One”?
Graff Retail Blog
by David Ashby
2M ago
  Anxiously keeping your fingers crossed and hoping that this Christmas season will be “The One”?  The one that makes up for the disappointing seasons of the past … the one that really pushes you over the top and makes your whole year a success … the one that makes you happy you got into ..read more
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A Great Way To Kick-Start Holiday Sales
Graff Retail Blog
by Mary & Kim
2M ago
If you want to kick-start your holiday sales, develop and launch a sales contest that will get your staff’s attention and produce solid results ..read more
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It’s Almost Here…Happy Black Friday Selling!
Graff Retail Blog
by Mary & Kim
2M ago
Everyone Stay Focused!  At this time of year when things are so busy, there are all kinds of distractions that can cause both you and your staff to lose focus.  What are we talking about here?  Too many shipments, long line ups, sore feet, busy schedules, short tempers.  These things have a tendency to take ..read more
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Black Friday’s Late Arrival: A Time Crunch for Retailers
Graff Retail Blog
by David Ashby
2M ago
This year, Black Friday’s later-than-usual date has created a significant challenge for retailers: fewer selling days between Thanksgiving and Christmas. While shoppers’ holiday needs remain unchanged, the shortened timeframe can significantly impact their spending habits. Research shows that when customers have fewer shopping days, they tend to shop less, cutting directly into retailers’ bottom lines ..read more
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8 Things You Need to Get On Top of NOW To Be Ready For Christmas
Graff Retail Blog
by David Ashby
3M ago
Retail managers often juggle a variety of challenges, and through countless conversations with them, it’s clear that certain obstacles are common across the board. The good news is, there are proven techniques that can transform a manager from struggling to thriving. If you’re looking to ensure you’re an All-Star this Christmas selling season, here’s a ..read more
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5 Steps To Selling More In Your Store … Today
Graff Retail Blog
by David Ashby
5M ago
The last thing anyone wants to do right now is read a long blog. So, let’s get down to the point right away. You could, and should, be selling more in your stores every day.  So why not start today? Here are 5 things you can do TODAY to sell more easily: 1.  Wait on ..read more
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What are YOUR Expectations for the Fall Selling Season?
Graff Retail Blog
by David Ashby
5M ago
Set clear expectations … and they’ll be met! Frustrated because you can’t seem to hit your targets? Disappointed because it often seems like your staff just doesn’t get it? Tired of banging your head against the wall? Before you jump all over your team again, ask yourself this simple but very important question … “How ..read more
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Your Leadership Engagement Quiz: Learning From Your Shortcomings
Graff Retail Blog
by David Ashby
6M ago
We all talk about employee engagement.  We all know how important it is to driving results.  And, there’s certainly no shortage of tactical solutions you could implement to improve engagement levels. Yet, what’s always true is the undeniable link between the quality of Leadership and Employee Engagement.  That’s not a tactical approach, but rather, an ..read more
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“I’m the top salesperson…trust me, I don’t need sales training!”
Graff Retail Blog
by David Ashby
9M ago
“I’m the top salesperson…trust me, I don’t need sales training!” Does this sound familiar? Are your top performers resisting the ongoing sales training required by your company? Handling this push-back is a common struggle among retail managers. Often, it results in letting that all-star salesperson do their own thing, bypassing the training that everyone else ..read more
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