Key Lessons About Purpose
New Ventures West Blog
by Uzma Shaikh
3d ago
The post Key Lessons About Purpose appeared first on New Ventures West more
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Always Becoming You
New Ventures West Blog
by Adam
2w ago
The post Always Becoming You appeared first on New Ventures West more
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Listening to Your Life
New Ventures West Blog
by Adam
1M ago
The post Listening to Your Life appeared first on New Ventures West more
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Walking into Vocation
New Ventures West Blog
by Adam
3M ago
The post Walking into Vocation appeared first on New Ventures West more
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Supporting High Risk Youth
New Ventures West Blog
by Leah Anne, New Ventures West
8M ago
Apple PodcastsAmazon MusicYouTubeSpotify In this episode of Stepping In, Adam speaks with Christy McClendon, a New Ventures West graduate and President/CEO of New Pathways for Youth (NPFY), an organization serving youth living in extreme adversity. NPFY programs aim to break through self-destructive thinking and develop essential skills, empowering youth to achieve their desired future. In our conversation, Christy explains how NPFY’s youth, mentors, and staff engage in ongoing self-development, which is, in many ways, at the root of the organization’s impact. This fascinating exploration of more
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A Prayer for Coaching
New Ventures West Blog
by Adam
8M ago
by Dennis Adsit, PhD. The person in front of me is complex. I see only a small slice of them. I think I know who they are, but I don’t and can never. May I see with fresh eyes what is here today. The person in front of me is vast. They hold infinite possibilities. We often fail to see our own vastness and potential. Keep me from adding to this by allowing me to never lose sight of the great ocean that is inside of them. This person is evolving and emergent. Help me remain open to the possible, to the unfolding I’ve been graced to witness, and to create a container to hold what is becoming more
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A Prayer for Coaching
New Ventures West Blog
by Adam
11M ago
by Dennis Adsit, PhD. The person in front of me is complex. I see only a small slice of them. I think I know who they are, but I don’t and can never. May I see with fresh eyes what is here today. The person in front of me is vast. They hold infinite possibilities. We often fail to see our own vastness and potential. Keep me from adding to this by allowing me to never lose sight of the great ocean that is inside of them. This person is evolving and emergent. Help me remain open to the possible, to the unfolding I’ve been graced to witness, and to create a container to hold what is becoming more
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The Necessity of Darkness
New Ventures West Blog
by Adam
11M ago
I used to read Ramona the Pest to my daughter. We likely read it 7 or 8 times when she was in kindergarten. As soon as we would finish, she would want to begin again. And so we did. I loved revisiting these stories from my youth. And seeing the words, hearing the language as an adult filled me with such appreciation for the way in which Beverly Cleary was able to capture what it felt like to be a budding human in a 5-year-old body. Ramona had so much curiosity and eagerness and zest and spirit! And yet the rules around her confused her and frustrated her spirit. One of my favorite stories more
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The Rapture of Being Alive
New Ventures West Blog
by Adam
11M ago
It seems hard to believe, but one of the best selling Zen books for all time, Zen Mind, Beginners Mind, was published over 50 years ago. There is a chapter on Excitement, where Suzuki Roshi admonishes that Zen is not some kind of excitement but concentration on our everyday routines: “If we become interested in some excitement…we will become completely involved in our busy life and we will be lost.  But if your mind is calm and constant, you can keep yourself away from the noisy world, even though you are in the midst of it.  In the midst of noise and change, your mind will be q more
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Layers of Listening
New Ventures West Blog
by Joy Reichart
11M ago
Many of us spend the majority of our days in conversations of one kind or another. This is particularly true for coaches, therapists, and other practitioners who spend their time supporting others’ development. Bringing greater mindfulness to how we approach conversations with anyone—our clients, colleagues, partners, children, friends, and others—holds the potential to make these conversations not only productive, but transformational. There are two main elements to any conversation: speaking and listening. In this post, we’ll focus on the latter. What are you listening for? It more
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