When To Consider a Ductless AC
Air On Demand Blog
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2y ago
The importance of a good air conditioner in a Florida home cannot be understated. Not every home is built the same though. If you have been struggling with a window air conditioner or, worse, trying to use fans to keep cool, then it is a great idea to consider your AC system options. For those individuals who feel boxed in because they don’t have ducts or can’t add them to their homes, we have good news. There is still an AC system available to your home that will trump anything a window unit could offer. For unique home layouts or for unique home cooling needs, a ductless AC in Palmetto Bay ..read more
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What Happens If You Skip AC Maintenance?
Air On Demand Blog
by admin
2y ago
We talk about the importance of getting regular AC tune-ups each year on a regular basis. We want to make sure that everyone gets a chance to learn how helpful this service is. With this said though we understand if a lot of people are still questioning if this service is truly worthwhile. Can you skip it for just one year, maybe two, and get alright? While skipping air conditioning maintenance in Pinecrest, FL isn’t going to set you up for an immediate breakdown, there are problems that will pop up because of it. Below we want to explain what the impact of skipped maintenance can be so you k ..read more
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The Noises You Don’t Want To Hear From Your AC
Air On Demand Blog
by admin
2y ago
Keeping your air conditioner in proper working order when you live in Florida can honestly be more important than it could be elsewhere, if only because of how much longer our hot weather lasts–the truth is that is almost year-round. With that said, it makes sense that you’d want to keep up on maintenance and address any air conditioning repair in Palmetto Bay promptly. Waiting can undermine your system’s ability to do its job and leave you with a system in need of replacement years too early. When it comes to getting AC repairs, sooner is always better. So how can you figure out that you nee ..read more
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Get $1450 Back When You Upgrade Your AC
Air On Demand Blog
by admin
2y ago
Looking to replace your current air conditioner? Or maybe you are looking to install a new air conditioner after battling with window air conditioners for years. Now is the time to get the system of your dreams. When you purchase a qualifying Daikin FIT system for your home, you can get a $1420 rebate and even qualify for 0% financing. Find out more about the Daikin FIT here to see if it is the right fit for you: Don’t delay! Contact Air On Demand today to get your system installation booked. The post Get $1450 Back When You Upgrade Your AC first appeared on Air On Demand ..read more
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When Are Repairs No Longer An Option?
Air On Demand Blog
by admin
2y ago
The fact that you are researching new air conditioners in the middle of August doesn’t bode well. But, thankfully, you aren’t without help. Needing an air conditioning replacement in Miami, FL is something that needs to be taken care of as quickly as possible. After all, no one wants to be with a good cooling system during the hottest parts of summer. But maybe you are hesitating about booking a replacement because you are trying to keep things going with repairs. Expert repairs are a great way to help your AC unit last, but it still won’t last forever. Here are some signs that it is time to ..read more
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Do You Need To Get Your Refrigerant Supply Refilled?
Air On Demand Blog
by admin
2y ago
Does this situation sound familiar? You notice that something seems to be wrong with your air conditioner and when you talk to your local handyman, they tell you that you are “low on refrigerant.” Then they tell you that they can top it off. Perhaps they mention that needing refrigerant refills throughout your system’s lifespan is normal. We hate to be the bearers of bad news, but nothing about a low refrigerant supply is normal. Anyone telling you that needing a “top off” for your refrigerant is lying to you. Yes, you may one day need to get your refrigerant supply refilled but the reality i ..read more
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Is It Too Late To Get an AC Tune-Up?
Air On Demand Blog
by admin
2y ago
Summer is in full swing. This doesn’t mean that it is too late for maintenance though. Yes, maintenance is a task that is usually done in the spring season but if you haven’t had your system tuned up yet, now isn’t too late. We want to tell you two things about AC maintenance in Miami: first, that it is highly important and, second, that you can have your system maintained as long as it is still operational. With this in mind, if you were hesitating to schedule maintenance before today, we strongly advise scheduling an appointment now. While it may be late, let’s discuss why this service is s ..read more
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3 Signs You Need an AC Replacement
Air On Demand Blog
by admin
2y ago
Uh-oh. The heat is really starting to creep into your home. While this is nothing that you haven’t dealt with on a hot summer day, it is problematic because your air conditioner is supposed to be running at full blast right now. So why isn’t it working and keeping your home cool? We know it is the last thing that people in this area want to hear, but there is a chance that you might need an air conditioner replacement in Miami. However, if this is the situation to deal with, we strongly advise getting the process started now! Let’s talk about the warning signs that you may need a new AC so yo ..read more
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5 Tips for Trying To Keep Cool While Waiting On AC Repairs
Air On Demand Blog
by admin
2y ago
You’ve noticed something is definitely wrong with your air conditioner. You already had maintenance done on this system so you’ve made the smart decision to call a professional technician about getting an air conditioner repair in Miami. Well done! The catch here is that you likely aren’t the only one in need of repairs. Miami sees plenty of high temperatures which means our air conditioners see a lot of use, leading to plenty of overlap for repair appointments. It may be a little while until your technician arrives to service your AC unit. While you wait for your expert AC repair technician ..read more
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The Perks of Installing a Ductless AC
Air On Demand Blog
by admin
2y ago
Living in this part of the country means that you really need a good air conditioner to help you get through the heat that we see throughout the year. You want an air conditioner that can cool your home effectively without costing you too much to run. Modern air conditioners are great at providing effectiveness and efficiency. However, not every AC system is the right fit for every home. We want to focus on what is going to make a ductless mini split AC in Miami a great fit for your home comfort needs. What, exactly, is a ductless mini split system? A ductless system is a type of heat pump mi ..read more
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