Anar Godjaev
Oracle blog by Anar Godjaev.
Anar Godjaev
4y ago
29-10.2020 – Congratulations ! I’ve been promoted to Oracle Gold Badge  ..read more
Anar Godjaev
4y ago
29-10.2020 – Congratulations ! I’ve been promoted to Oracle Gold Badge  ..read more
Anar Godjaev
5y ago
How to restore a lost datafile in the Standby [when there is no backup on the Standby server and no backup recently taken or planned on the Primary server] STDBYDB>sqlplus '/ as sysdba' SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Fri May 8 22:19:56 2020 Version Copyright (c) 1982, 2019, Oracle. All rights reserved. Connected ..read more
Anar Godjaev
5y ago
As a DBA, application team sometimes might ask you to provide details of last modified table in oracle. The table modification can be insert, update or delete. Below queries get details of last or latest modifed table in oracle database. Run the queries depending upon the database version. Last modified table in oracle 10g and ..read more
Anar Godjaev
5y ago
Flash Recovery Area must be monitored regularly. Sometimes FRA runs our of space and a DBA must be able to gather FRA space utilization. It is very important to monitor space usage in the fast recovery area to ensure that it is large enough to contain backups and other recovery-related files. Below script gives you ..read more
Anar Godjaev
5y ago
When you try to schedule backups under corntab as Oracle user, you might encounter crontab permission error [oracle@plcdbprod ~]$ crontab -l cron/oracle: Permission denied The error is because of permission issues on /usr/bin/crontab file. Login as root user and find the crontab permissions on /usr/bin/crontab [root@plcdbprod ~]# ls -l /usr/bin/crontab -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 315432 ..read more
Anar Godjaev
5y ago
Whenever you want to invoke graphical interface in Linux, You must know how to set DISPLAY variable in order to open the GUI. Linux by default does not allow you to open any GUI (Linux Oracle Installer) until you enable the GUI display. Use below command to enable Linux GUI interface at command prompt as ..read more
Anar Godjaev
5y ago
User below query to get the top wait classes in Oracle database Select wait_class, sum(time_waited), sum(time_waited)/sum(total_waits) Sum_Waits From v$system_wait_class Group by wait_class Order by 3 desc; From the above query, supply each wait class into below query to get the top wait events in database with respect to particular wait class Select a.event, a.total_waits, a.time_waited ..read more
Anar Godjaev
5y ago
If you want to print files older than 7 days on screen and do not want to save it into a file, use below command find /backup/logs -type f -mtime +7 -print Find files in current directory older than 28 days and remove them Below linux command will and all the files under current location ..read more