Watercolor Painting Pans and Palettes for Artists
Belinda Del Pesco Fine Art Blog
by Belinda Del Pesco
3M ago
This is a post from Belinda Del Pesco's Art Blog Belinda Del Pesco. Watercolor Painting Pans and Palettes for Artists Here are some helpful tips about watercolor painting pans and palettes for artists learning about painting in small spaces, or while traveling. When I first started playing with watercolors, I had a metal palette with divided sections for either paper-wrapped pigment cakes, or tube-squeezed dollops of pigment. In the photo below, you can see my old friendly palette - with half pan sections that are filled with both tube and cake pigments. My thirty year old tin watercolor pale ..read more
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Five Art Book Gift Ideas for Sketchers and Watercolor Artists
Belinda Del Pesco Fine Art Blog
by Belinda Del Pesco
4M ago
This is a post from Belinda Del Pesco's Art Blog Belinda Del Pesco. Five Art Book Gift Ideas for Sketchers and Watercolor Artists It's almost gift-giving season, and you might have not-so-artsy family members struggling with choosing art-related goodies for you or the other artists in your family. My non-art friends and family want to be supportive of my studio endeavors, but they don't know what flavor of gift an artist might enjoy. My brother is a musician, and I'm not, so it would be like me picking out a new microphone or guitar strings for him - I'd be lost ..read more
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Make an Intaglio Style Collagraph Print
Belinda Del Pesco Fine Art Blog
by Belinda Del Pesco
5M ago
This is a post from Belinda Del Pesco's Art Blog Belinda Del Pesco. Make an Intaglio Style Collagraph Print I’ve been making a collagraph print from a scrap sheet of mat board, carved with a number 11 facto knife blade and sealed a glossy acrylic varnish. Sealing the plate with varnish is the final step to make a paper-product sturdy enough to pull a print from. A girl and her cat are my subjects, and the shape of the composition reminds me of a figure eight, or an ampersand (&). What is intaglio style? The word in Italian (intagliare) means to incase, carve or engrave. In printmaking, in ..read more
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Gel Plate Image Transfer with Colored Pencils
Belinda Del Pesco Fine Art Blog
by Belinda Del Pesco
6M ago
This is a post from Belinda Del Pesco's Art Blog Belinda Del Pesco. Gel Plate Image Transfer with Colored Pencils If you make botanical gel prints using leaves and flowers from your yard - you can add a gel plate image transfer on top of the botanical print. Or, in reverse, make a magazine gel plate image transfer first, and then use a paper mask to preserve your favorite parts, and over-print with botanicals. Picture a pretty girl standing in foliage. :) I'm new-ish to gel plate printing, but I really love it. There's no press required, you can use standard acrylic paint if you don’t have pr ..read more
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Art Ideas from Family Photos
Belinda Del Pesco Fine Art Blog
by Belinda Del Pesco
7M ago
This is a post from Belinda Del Pesco's Art Blog Belinda Del Pesco. Art Ideas from Family Photos Have you ever collected art ideas from family photos? I'm a huge fan of painting, sketching and collaging familiar places and faces stored in our old family photo albums. Here are some examples to give you ideas to try it with your own family photo albums.... Trace Monotype with Watercolor from a cell phone snap during nap timeDrypoint Engraving with Watercolor from a 1950's family photo albumPortrait Collage from 1960's Family Photos Take scenes from vintage images of your family, and expand them ..read more
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New Artist Books to Explore
Belinda Del Pesco Fine Art Blog
by Belinda Del Pesco
9M ago
This is a post from Belinda Del Pesco's Art Blog Belinda Del Pesco. New Art Books to Explore I found some new Artist books to explore, so I listed them with links below. I dearly love the art-related books on my shelves, and the inspiration they offer, so I enjoy discovering and sharing new books related to art and artists. If you’ve recently added new books to your artist's library, please leave their titles in the comments section of this post! Books are often promoted regionally, so we might all be looking at vastly different titles. Let’s share what we’ve found. Graphite in a sketchbook ..read more
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Words as Art Supplies
Belinda Del Pesco Fine Art Blog
by Belinda Del Pesco
11M ago
This is a post from Belinda Del Pesco's Art Blog Belinda Del Pesco. Wrestling Your Naysayers When an artist’s practical ingredients are missing (supplies, space), that's a legitimate road block to creativity. But the most important foundation to making art is not as functional as brushes and paint - it's in our heads. Words as Art Supplies. Wrestling with the mental side of being a creative person requires observational stamina, and conviction to re-write our own scripts. Anyone who wishes they were making art more often knows the struggle. What are the ingredients of the blocades on repeat i ..read more
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Consuming Social Media, or Creating Art
Belinda Del Pesco Fine Art Blog
by Belinda Del Pesco
1y ago
This is a post from Belinda Del Pesco's Art Blog Belinda Del Pesco. Consuming Social Media, or Creating Art I've been thinking about the tug-of-war between consuming social media and creating art. The come-hither glow of visual stimulation in social media, and the resulting deflation as a result of comparison is worth a personal survey. Reaching for a screen is Soooo Easy. But is it good for the artist in us? Scrolling through FB or Instagram or YouTube (or all of them in the same sitting), is such a passive action of consumption - it’s akin to eating a whole plate of frosted cupcakes. The on ..read more
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My Favorite Pencil and Graphite Drawing Supplies
Belinda Del Pesco Fine Art Blog
by Belinda Del Pesco
1y ago
This is a post from Belinda Del Pesco's Art Blog Belinda Del Pesco. My Favorite Pencil and Graphite Drawing Supplies After two decades of drawing, and lots of emails with the same questions, this post is focused on my favorite pencil and graphite drawing supplies. I've included links to resources when I could find them, in case you want to supplement your art supply cupboard. If any of the items I've described here are puzzlers to you, please leave questions in the comments. I always love to hear from you, and I try to respond quickly. Using my favorite mechanical pencil (I got it from Amazon ..read more
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Tearing Full Sheets of Fine Art Paper to Smaller Sizes
Belinda Del Pesco Fine Art Blog
by Belinda Del Pesco
1y ago
This is a post from Belinda Del Pesco's Art Blog Belinda Del Pesco. Tearing Full Sheets of Fine Art Paper to Smaller Sizes When I started my creative adventures, I was baffled by the assortment of papers available for watercolor painting and printmaking. Many of the recommended fine art papers were only available in full sheets, and I liked to practice by working small. Tearing down full sheets of paper to smaller sizes gave me pause because it required math, and I'm about six years old with numbers. Also, paper is expensive, so mistakes and/or waste while reducing the sheets would be costly ..read more
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