Life Coach Directory – Find a Life Coach or NLP Practitioner Near You
Life Coach Directory is an online directory listing qualified or registered life coaches in the UK and Northern Ireland. Whether you are struggling with your life/work balance, experiencing relationship problems or looking to embark on a new health regime, Life Coach Directory is the place to start.
Life Coach Directory – Find a Life Coach or NLP Practitioner Near You
9M ago
Do you feel worried, anxious or uncertain about the rise of artificial intelligence? The truth is, many of us are likely to feel a little uneasy about the rapid advancements in technology. Perhaps you’re concerned about your career or simply wondering what the future of creativity will look like. We know that AI will never fully replace humans but, with technology changing all the time, the unknown can naturally leave us feeling on-edge.
So, can we learn to work with AI, and how might we manage anxieties around artificial intelligence? Here, personal and professional coach and business improve ..read more
Life Coach Directory – Find a Life Coach or NLP Practitioner Near You
1y ago
It can be easy to move from day to day as if we’re running on autopilot. The days soon turn into weeks, and the weeks into months, and you might start to feel like a bystander in your own life.
If this feels familiar, it may be time to press pause and do a life audit – allowing you to take stock of your values and what really matters most to you, as well as getting rid of those that no longer serve your needs. But what exactly is a life audit and how do you do one? Here, personal development coach Caroline Knight answers your questions.
What exactly is a life audit?
Think of a life audit as a ..read more
Life Coach Directory – Find a Life Coach or NLP Practitioner Near You
1y ago
Are you a victim of the ‘rise and grind’ mentality? Do you live to work? The idea that we must be constantly proving ourselves by being overachievers and ‘doing it all’ is dangerous. This kind of thinking can lead to regrets later in life. Do you really want to be the kind of person who complains about working too hard and not having lived enough when you’re older?
In this current climate, people who do what their job role requires them to do (and no more) are branded as ‘lazy’. It’s no wonder many of us push ourselves to do more, more, more! We want to feel good about ourselves, to be recogni ..read more
Life Coach Directory – Find a Life Coach or NLP Practitioner Near You
1y ago
Most people struggle at some point to feel motivated at work. Rest assured, you’re not alone in your quest to find that inner inspiration! It’s important to afford yourself compassion and kindness during this period of time and consider it an opportunity for introspection.
I encourage you to gently consider:
What specific tasks are you avoiding, and what is the underlying reason?
What are your long-term and short-term goals?
Is it possible that you’re placing too much pressure on yourself, and if so, why?
How does being successful at work make you feel about yourself?
Instead of ..read more
Life Coach Directory – Find a Life Coach or NLP Practitioner Near You
1y ago
Change is inevitable. It’s something that we’re all likely to experience at least once in our lifetimes, so why is it that, for many of us, the thought fills us with dread?
Fearing change is perfectly natural. Often, the anticipation of what’s to come can leave us feeling a little on the edge. Here, well-being and performance coach Sarah Clark explains how we can let go of this fear and start to embrace change.
Why might we fear change?
Change is a part of everyday life. We can’t not experience change – from the weather to our moods, external pressures that occur naturally and internal pressur ..read more
Life Coach Directory – Find a Life Coach or NLP Practitioner Near You
1y ago
What are your natural desires or pleasures? What topics or activities do you gravitate towards? Well, what would you say if I told you that your most genuine desires and curiosities want you back? It’s true. They resonate from deep within you as they’re your soul’s purpose – and they’re beckoning you to follow them!
When we bravely pursue our desires, we’re more likely to produce results that have a lasting impact. Our passion for the subject is likely to reflect back on us, through our work. What’s more, people will trust us as there’s an intrinsic belief that individuals who are driven by th ..read more
Life Coach Directory – Find a Life Coach or NLP Practitioner Near You
1y ago
When embarking on a journey to pursue a dream job or project, you may convince yourself that you lack the knowledge, time or resources to succeed. However, you can reach your greatest potential if you believe in yourself, and if your mindset allows you to keep moving forward with conviction. Maintaining self-belief is a critical part of your journey to success (whatever success means to you), and affirmations can be the key to unlocking your inner confidence.
What are affirmations?
Affirmations are optimistic statements we can repeat daily (either aloud or in our heads) to help us evolve into ..read more
Life Coach Directory – Find a Life Coach or NLP Practitioner Near You
1y ago
The thought of going out alone fills a lot of us with dread. What if I see someone I know? Will I look lonely or weird? What will I do at a coffee shop alone? Will I look awkward?
Fear of judgement keeps many of us stuck at home. But seeing life outside our own is important for our mental well-being – when we’re stuck in the same environment all day, we can end up trapped in our worried minds, making our problems feel heavier.
Going out and catching people living their lives helps us grasp the bigger picture. Seeing people meeting in coffee shops, doing their daily runs, and picking up bread f ..read more
Life Coach Directory – Find a Life Coach or NLP Practitioner Near You
2y ago
Have you ever set yourself a goal and then felt frustrated at your lack of progress?
Feeling stuck in this way can be frustrating. We may beat ourselves up for not achieving what we hoped or feel like we’ve failed. This can all become a vicious cycle and prevent you from setting further goals for yourself.
Here we speak to coach Kate Kilby to find out what we can do when we feel we’re not making progress, how we can be more compassionate with ourselves and reignite our motivation.
What can we do if we’re not making progress? For those of us feeling as if we’re not making progress w ..read more
Life Coach Directory – Find a Life Coach or NLP Practitioner Near You
2y ago
Have you ever met someone who just seems to make life effortless? They might be using neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) strategies to reach their goals, build great connections, and float through the ups and downs of life.
Is it really possible to change old habits and feel more confident? Let’s go through six ways NLP can help in your everyday life.
What is NLP?
NLP utilises the power of language to overcome emotional blocks. “Neuro” is the way our nervous system processes information from the outside world through our five senses. “Linguistic” refers to the way we use language t ..read more