Upgrading to AWS Lambda Powertools for Python v2
Dave Hall Consulting blogs
2y ago
Learn how easy it is to upgrade AWS Lambda Powertools to version ..read more
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Tracking Infrastructure with SSM and Terraform
Dave Hall Consulting blogs
2y ago
Storing AWS ARNs in SSM Parameter store exposes your configuration for other teams ..read more
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Close the Gate: Why You Need Egress Controls in your Security Groups
Dave Hall Consulting blogs
3y ago
Open egress in your cloud environments is bad idea ..read more
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Does GitHub Enterprise Cloud Make Your Organisation Less Secure?
Dave Hall Consulting blogs
3y ago
GitHub’s oAuth scopes could leave organisations vulnerable ..read more
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Your Terraform Module Needs an Opinion
Dave Hall Consulting blogs
3y ago
Learn how can you securely copy container images from GHCR to ECR ..read more
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Visualising Drupal Development History with Gource
Dave Hall Consulting blogs
3y ago
Over the Christmas break I came across gource, a software version control visualization tool. Gource produces really nice visual representations of software projects growing. About 2 years ago David Norman produced a gource video of development of Drupal up to the 7 release. This is pretty cool, but it only shows who committed the patch, not who contributed to it. After some searching I found the Drupal contribution analyzer sandbox project ..read more
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Coder Talks Wanted for DrupalCon Sydney
Dave Hall Consulting blogs
3y ago
One of the many hats I wear these days is Development and Coding Track Chair for DrupalCon Sydney 2013. As outlined in the track description we are planning on showcasing what is awesome today in Drupal 7 and the cool stuff that is coming in Drupal 8. Given that there are no core conversations in Sydney we are trying to put together a more intermediate-to-advanced level track. I want people to come to these sessions and go away with their heads full of ideas about what they can do better in their next project ..read more
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Switching Installation Profiles on Existing Drupal Sites
Dave Hall Consulting blogs
3y ago
In my last blog post I outlined how to use per project installation profiles. If you read that post and want to use installation profiles to take advantage of site wide content changes and centralised dependency management, this post will show you how to do it quickly and easily. The easiest way to switch installation profiles is using the command line with drush. The following command will do it for you ..read more
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Managing per Project Installation Profiles
Dave Hall Consulting blogs
3y ago
Unbeknown to many users, installation profiles are what is used to install a Drupal site. The two profiles that ship with core are standard and minimal. Standard gives new users a basic, functional Drupal site. Minimal provides a very minimal configuration so developers and site builders can start building a new site. A key piece of a Drupal distro is an installation profile. I believe that developers and more experienced site builders should be using installation profiles as part of their client sites builds ..read more
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GitList and my TODO List
Dave Hall Consulting blogs
3y ago
Months ago I was searching for a good web front end for git for doing code reviews and browsing repos. My short list ended up being Gitweb and GitLab. Gitweb is a Perl based web front end for git that is a sub project of the official git project. Out of the box Gitweb is pretty ugly and I have never found it to be very user friendly. Even with all of its problems, it does what it does pretty well ..read more
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