Avian Influenza: understanding the threat and enhancing preparedness
Zootecnica International
by zootecnica
1w ago
Avian influenza viruses continue to pose a growing threat, with the potential to mutate and adapt to humans, potentially triggering future pandemics. In response to these concerns, the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) and the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) have collaborated to provide scientific guidance on avian influenza mutations, their risks ..read more
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Impact of the lighting and feeding regimen during rearing on Hy-Line brown pullet growth and start of lay
Zootecnica International
by zootecnica
1w ago
The impact of two lighting and three feeding programs during rearing on pullet body weight (BW), feed intake (FI), organ characteristics and start of lay was evaluated. Nine hundred Hy- line Brown chicks were housed in floorpens from day old to 16 weeks of age (WOA) under two lighting programs i.e. standard lighting (SL) of ..read more
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Effective fumigation of hatching eggs to improve hatch results
Zootecnica International
by zootecnica
1w ago
Microbial contamination of hatching eggs is a main concern of hatcheries as it causes decreased hatchability, poor chick quality, growth and performance. It is evident that high standards of hygiene must be practised in all areas of the hatchery, but also the importance of incoming egg disinfection is undoubtable. One of the most effective ways ..read more
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Poultry gut health critical to NAE production
Zootecnica International
by zootecnica
1w ago
The production of “No Antibiotics Ever” (NAE) poultry is a common trend worldwide today. Despite scientific evidence indicating that specific antibiotic growth promoters (AGP) could still be used selectively and rationally in animal feeding programs, market tendencies and the constant negative publicity in the media against AGP have shifted most poultry integrators to at least ..read more
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VIV Asia 2025: High-level Seminars on Sustainable Animal Farming, Biosecurity, Disease Prevention and More
Zootecnica International
by zootecnica
2w ago
With over 150 curated sessions led by 300 industry experts, VIV Asia 2025 provides an unparalleled platform for knowledge-building and networking VIV Asia 2025, the premier international trade show for the animal protein production and processing industry is set to return this year in co-location with Meat Pro Asia and Horti Agri Next (HAN) Asia ..read more
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Overcoming challenges of antibiotic-free production
Zootecnica International
by zootecnica
2w ago
Antibiotic use once became a conventional, on-farm practice to prevent health issues and boost growth in poultry. Yet, public health concerns about rising bacteria resistance worldwide support the looming prohibition of the use of antibiotics for non-treatment purposes. However, even though majority agrees with lowering the elevated use of antibiotics, there are worries regarding its ..read more
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Transgenerational impact of broiler breeder nutrition
Zootecnica International
by zootecnica
2w ago
Continuous genetic selection in meat-type chicken for rapid growth resulted in increased meat production and decreased the time required for achieving the market weight. According to Havenstein et al. (2003), 42-day broiler weights have improved about 1% per year, and this trend has continued through to today. In 1957 a 42-day broiler weighed 540 g ..read more
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Hubbard Welcomes Roberto Yamawaki as New Global Technical Director
Zootecnica International
by zootecnica
1M ago
Hubbard is pleased to announce the appointment of Roberto Yamawaki as its new Global Technical Director, taking over from Dr James Bentley effective January 2025 After a smooth and successful transition with Dr James Bentley, Roberto Yamawaki will take on leadership of the Global Technical Customer Support team. In his new role, he will oversee ..read more
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VIV Africa 2024 Concludes in Kigali with Record Numbers and Industry Engagement
Zootecnica International
by zootecnica
2M ago
VIV Africa 2024 has officially come to an end after three dynamic days of connecting agricultural, poultry, and dairy professionals from across the continent and beyond. With over 150 exhibitors from 35 countries and more than 1732 visitors from 60 countries, this year’s edition broke new ground, underscoring the importance of Africa, with Rwanda in ..read more
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Organic acids as feed additives: pros and cons
Zootecnica International
by zootecnica
2M ago
Organic acid salts are often included as feed additives in livestock nutrition as feed preservatives but also as growth promoters, intestinal microbiota enhancers, and feed intake regulator. Yet, these beneficial effects on poultry performance and health are dose dependent and can lead to detrimental effects at elevated concentrations.  What are the benefits of adding organic ..read more
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