Popping Up From Down Under
Helen Hiebert Studio | The Sunday Paper Blog
by Helen Hiebert
4d ago
The Sunday Paper #523 September 15, 2024 Hi Everyone! I’m popping in from down under (Melbourne) with a few timely items (but no official Sunday Paper). I’m at a lovely weekend paper retreat with a group of women, organized by my hostess, Gail Stiffe. I know Gail from the 2010’s, when we served together on the board of the International Association of Papermakers and Paper Artists (IAPMA). Gail and her husband Mike go to the gym most mornings, so I’ve been able to go along and swim. If you’re a swimmer, you’ll know about circling – I have to circle in the other direction, but so far so good, I ..read more
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Pop Up Sculptures
Helen Hiebert Studio | The Sunday Paper Blog
by Helen Hiebert
1w ago
The Sunday Paper #522 September 8, 2024 I’m super excited about my trip to Australia and Tasmania – I leave on Tuesday. I fly into Melbourne and will be teaching at a weekend retreat with some of the Papermakers of Victoria. Then, I’ll be in Melbourne for a few days before heading down to Tasmania for the Paper On Skin fashion show on September 21st. I will be judging the handmade paper entries and teaching two workshops, among other things. The blog will take a brief 2-week blog hiatus due to my travels, but I will be in touch about a FREE Zoom workshop I’m hosting on September 30th to kick o ..read more
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Paper + Thread
Helen Hiebert Studio | The Sunday Paper Blog
by Helen Hiebert
2w ago
The Sunday Paper #521 September 1, 2024 I really enjoy the Red Cliff Paper Retreat each year, and this year was no different. 12 participants traveled from around the country to form a creative community in the tiny hamlet of Red Cliff for the week (view more images on IG). We explored paper and thread by: stitching on paper, embedding threads and strings in paper, and making our own paper string. We applied konnyaku to Japanese papers to make momigami, and we pulled our own flax, flabaca and abaca handmade sheets. This made for a nice combination of wet and dry work. Details about next year’s ..read more
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On Washi
Helen Hiebert Studio | The Sunday Paper Blog
by Helen Hiebert
3w ago
The Sunday Paper #520 August 25, 2024 I don’t usually bring politics into this space, so suffice it to say that I am STOKED about the possibility of our first female president. Ron Shaull, who attended the Papermaking Master Class in July, created this lovely watermark which you see here as a freshly couched sheet. Reflecting on Michelle Obama’s speech at the DNC this past Tuesday, I was reminded of how my piece Step Into the Light  aligns with her powerful phrase that led to the chant: DO SOMETHING. Viewers of my lantern are invited to step inside of the lantern to ponder how they can ‘b ..read more
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Paper Space
Helen Hiebert Studio | The Sunday Paper Blog
by Helen Hiebert
1M ago
The Sunday Paper #519 August 18, 2024 We had a whirlwind of a week in Vermont, which began with a relaxing two days on Lake Champlain. Next, we went to Burlington, where I attended a potluck and meeting of the Book Arts Guild of Vermont. A member of that group, Penne Tompkins, hosted us and reconnected me with Laurie Shelton, who specializes in papermaking in early education (they happen live in the same neighborhood, small world!). I went to the University of Vermont, where I met with Steve Kostell, who leads the Bio-Fiber Lab and is doing some interesting work with hemp fiber (3D printed sam ..read more
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This Little Piggy
Helen Hiebert Studio | The Sunday Paper Blog
by Helen Hiebert
1M ago
The Sunday Paper #518 August 11, 2024 We explored inflatables in The Paper Year last month. Click through to watch the video round-up of member creations. You’ll also get a glimpse of some Strap Books that we made in our quarterly surface design workshop, and a sneak peak at this month’s project too. Registration for The Paper Year will open again in October. Hold your spot! ——————————————————————————————––––––– Discover papermaking in Oaxaca, Mexico! Spend 8 days with paper artist Paula Hartmann and local travel guide Katrin Schrimpf and explore the artisanal and culturally rich world of Oaxa ..read more
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Helen Hiebert Studio | The Sunday Paper Blog
by Helen Hiebert
1M ago
The Sunday Paper #517 August 4, 2024 This week, I took a bit of time to work with this momigami (kneaded paper) that I made long ago. I’m making a vest, which may or may not ever be worn, because it is important (to me) that it look good enough! I’ve stitched the vest together (no photo) but it needs something else – maybe an interesting paper or ribbon to line the edges, and perhaps some buttons. Paper (at least this paper) doesn’t drape like fabric, so I think it is going to look better fastened in the center. ——————————————————————————————––––––– I had the pleasure of interviewing Joyce Gol ..read more
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The Art of Paper
Helen Hiebert Studio | The Sunday Paper Blog
by Helen Hiebert
1M ago
The Sunday Paper #516 July 28, 2024 I host three week-long events in my studio each year. This past week, five of us gathered for the second of two Papermaking Master Classes (view images on Instagram). I will announce dates for next year in the fall. Click here to learn more and express interest. My next and final in studio event is the Red Cliff Paper Retreat, which will take place August 26-30. One spot has just opened up. We’ll be exploring paper and thread this year: curved stitching, embedding strings, and structural string forms. Cool off and craft with a like-minded group of paper enth ..read more
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Beating Flax
Helen Hiebert Studio | The Sunday Paper Blog
by Helen Hiebert
2M ago
The Sunday Paper #515 July 21, 2024 Registration opened this week for New Altitudes, the annual meeting of the North American Hand Papermakers, which is taking place in Denver, October 17-19. I’m honored to be giving the Anita Lynn Forgach Keynote Lecture, and I’ll be talking about how moving to altitude helped me grow my business (among other things). There will be many other wonderful presentations, demonstrations and exhibitions, all relating to handmade paper. I hope to see some of you there! Scholarships are available. ——————————————————————————————––––––– I’ve featured the work of Paul C ..read more
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A Paean to Paper
Helen Hiebert Studio | The Sunday Paper Blog
by Helen Hiebert
2M ago
The Sunday Paper #514 July 14, 2024 I had the pleasure of interviewing Emily Martin on Episode #126 of Paper Talk. Martin has produced more than fifty artist’s books, often using movable and/or sculptural paper engineering techniques. Her books are included in public and private collections throughout the world, and she has received grants and residencies from the College Book Arts Association, the Center for Book Arts in New York City, and the Bodleian Bibliographical Press in Oxford, England among others. Martin has two adult daughters and lives in Iowa City, IA with her Vandercook SP15 prin ..read more
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