New York Criminal Lawyer Blog
Attorney Saland focuses on complex white collar crimes, such as those involving money laundering, identity theft, forgery, or fraud, non-violent crimes, violent crimes, weapon possession, and Desk Appearance Ticket. Jeremy Saland is a New York criminal defense lawyer. He represents clients seeking experienced and skilled counsel in criminal proceedings. Check out the blog for more information..
New York Criminal Lawyer Blog
4M ago
Though it may seem politically incorrect, when you are accused of a crime…political correctness doesn’t mean squat. Instead, facts, evidence, and the law is what matters. With that in mind, Saland Law is pleased to share that a recent client not only avoided a Domestic Violence arrest after his ex-girlfriend falsely made a criminal complaint ..read more
New York Criminal Lawyer Blog
5M ago
Whether in Westchester, Manhattan, Brooklyn, or any borough of New York City or county in the state, District Attorneys prioritize Domestic Violence related arrests, and rightfully so. Similarly, Domestic Violence lawyers who represent individuals accused of these crimes equally prioritize these cases knowing that both the police and prosecutors aggressively pursue what they believe, right ..read more
New York Criminal Lawyer Blog
11M ago
As a Title IX attorney routinely representing clients accused of dating violence or some form of harassment or sexual misconduct at a college or university, I sometimes find it incredibly frustrating to deal with the general lack of due process provided to students, especially the accused. Compounding matters, as an advisor to these students, I have witnessed time and time again the lack of practical and actual experience those in charge of investigating criminal-type offenses have despite their ability to upend the academic lives and futures of so many young people. Sadly, even with the flims ..read more
New York Criminal Lawyer Blog
11M ago
There are few things more difficult as a criminal defense attorney than representing an “empty chair” at trial where that chair, or, better stated, client, is accused of possessing a loaded and disguised “cell phone” gun in a vehicle he is driving without any passengers. OK, well, maybe that is surmountable, but throw in the fact that the evidence before the jury demonstrated that the accused’s DNA was on both the firearm trigger and grip, and that he had what police called a “holster”, things tick up in difficulty. Sound insurmountable? Well, you’d be wrong if you said “Yes”, but that is not ..read more
New York Criminal Lawyer Blog
1y ago
On the heels of a “Not Responsible” finding for a client accused of dating violence at his college in violation of Title IX policies against sexual harassment and domestic violence, New York criminal lawyer Jeremy Saland is once again pleased to share that Saland Law exonerated another client accused of domestic charges and crimes. Arrested for Third Degree Assault, Penal Law 120.00, Criminal Obstruction of Breathing or Blood Circulation, Penal Law 121.11, and other crimes after our client’s then-girlfriend alleged he choked her, tore off her necklace, and repeatedly struck her in a hotel room ..read more
Another Saland Law Client “Not Responsible” After Title IX Dating Violence Hearing at Top University
New York Criminal Lawyer Blog
1y ago
Since starting my career in 2000 as a lawyer in the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office and establishing a successful criminal defense firm that has grown into servicing other areas of law, I have become all too familiar with the gravity and magnitude a criminal accusation can and does have upon a person and his or her family. More specifically, as my law practice grew into representing clients involved in university and college Title IX and code of conduct investigations, I quickly learned that even beyond a criminal case, any allegation is overwhelming. When the target or subject of miscond ..read more
New York Criminal Lawyer Blog
1y ago
Over the past year alone, Saland Law, PC, a New York criminal defense firm, has represented well north of two dozen clients arrested, given Desk Appearance Tickets (DATs), or given pink summonses or tickets by police officers with the Port Authority Police Department for a litany of New York weapon crimes at Queens’ LaGuardia and JFK Airports. During that time, we have seen, and continue to see, what appears to be an uptick in law abiding people being charged with violating Penal Law Article 265 or the NYC Administrative Code for not just guns and knives, but “weapons” as innocent as batons.
W ..read more
New York Criminal Lawyer Blog
1y ago
Sometimes good people do terribly bad things, regular people make incredibly poor choices, and bad situations find everyday people who did nothing much at all. No matter how they got there, when the handcuffs are locked around their wrists and a Grand Jury hands down an indictment, they face the same dire consequences within the confines of New York’s criminal justice system.
Regardless of the bucket a recent Saland Law client could point to, he found himself in desperate need of an experienced criminal defense lawyer. Facing the Class “D” violent felonies of Second Degree Assault, Penal Law 1 ..read more
New York Criminal Lawyer Blog
1y ago
So, you were arrested at the Phish concert outside New York’s Madison Square Garden after NYPD police officers grabbed you with a balloon allegedly filled with nitrous oxide. Maybe you did not even have a balloon in your hand, but were simply next to the nitrous tank when the police handcuffed and placed you under arrested. Though you may have “lucked out” and received a Desk Appearance Ticket or DAT instead of spending the night and early morning in Manhattan’s Central Booking, either of which is a far lousier option than getting lost in “Tweezer” or “You Enjoy Myself” at MSG, now you find yo ..read more
New York Criminal Lawyer Blog
1y ago
According to reports, NYC is once again under siege from a wayward construction crane that collapsed from its perch near Hudson Yards. Though six people were injured, there were fortunately no deaths nor serious injuries after the crane caught fire, broke down, and cascaded towards the street below. Carrying sixteen tons of concrete, the crane, according to the NY Post, appears to be owned by the Lomma Crane Company. The now deceased James Lomma was previously indicted for Manslaughter and other crimes after a crane he owned crushed a man in 2008. A Manhattan jury acquitted him of those ..read more