Defense Tech examines the intersection of technology and defense from every angle and provides analysis on what's ahead. Defense Tech reports on the technology shaping how wars are fought, borders are protected, crooks are caught and individual rights are defined.
3w ago
The Navy office that oversees the military's use of the V-22 Osprey is allowing the services to resume flying the aircraft ..read more
2M ago
The revelations about the history of the gear problems come as family members from the Japan crash, as well as families of ..read more
2M ago
Check out the latest combat vehicle from the people who brought us the JLTV, MTVR and HEMTT ..read more
3M ago
The bombers conducted airstrikes on five underground weapons facilities, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said, and the ..read more
3M ago
BAE Systems, HDT and McQ Inc. are teaming up to build a contender for the Army’s Robotic Combat Vehicle contract ..read more
3M ago
Autonomous vehicles and cutting-edge hybrid off-roaders are prowling the hills of South Carolina ..read more
3M ago
GDLS is one of four contenders for the U.S. Army's RCV program. Let's see what this killer robot is all about ..read more
3M ago
The unmanned X-37B Orbital Test Vehicle has been in space since late December, and it has been used for classified ..read more
4M ago
Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall announced this month that Whiteman Air Force Base in Missouri and Dyess Air Force Base in ..read more
5M ago
The XM919 Individual Assault Munition is intended to replace the service’s various anti-tank and anti-structure rounds with a ..read more