Diamond Pet Food Blog
Blog posts on adoption, behavior, culture, grooming, health and nutrition. Stay up-up-to-date with the latest articles regarding pet care on our Pet Talk blog. We bring you informative articles covering what matters to pet parents, from activities that you and your pet can do together, to important nutrition and health related topics.
Diamond Pet Food Blog
4d ago
You’re walking around the house, and you have this strange feeling that you’re being followed. Everywhere you go a small shadow follows you — even into the bathroom. But it’s nothing sinister, it’s your velcro cat! If this sounds familiar, you may be wondering “Why does my cat follow me everywhere?” There are many reasons ..read more
Diamond Pet Food Blog
6d ago
According to folklore, a dry nose means a dog is sick. While this may be true in some cases, a dry nose doesn’t always require an urgent trip to the veterinarian (although if your dog has other symptoms, then yes, it’s time for a vet visit). There are other reasons for a dog’s dry nose ..read more
Diamond Pet Food Blog
1M ago
Diamond is a proud partner of Warriors’ Best Friend, a nonprofit organization that professionally trains service dogs for veterans, service members and students. Through Operation Enrichment, Diamond is providing a consistent source of balanced nutrition to Warriors’ Best Friends’ canine recruits, giving them all the sustenance they need to succeed. Here we meet Joe Jeffers ..read more
Diamond Pet Food Blog
1M ago
Fleas aren’t just annoying for dogs. These small blood-sucking parasites can cause serious health issues, including spreading tapeworms (to pets and humans) and causing anemia in the case of a severe flea infestation. Fleas are good at avoiding detection, but there are signs that you can look for, including flea dirt and excessive itching. Signs ..read more
Diamond Pet Food Blog
2M ago
Have you ever wondered, “Can cats see color or are cats color blind?” Maybe you’re curious if your cat can see the same colors as you. Well, cats can see colors, but how those shades appear to human and feline eyes is very different. Cats don’t see a full rainbow of colors that humans do ..read more
Diamond Pet Food Blog
2M ago
If you’re looking for gun dogs or bird dog breeds that also make great family pets, then we’ve got five pointing breeds to introduce you to. If you weren’t aware, dog pointing is when the dog catches the scent, points their nose in the direction of the scent and lifts their front paw. Pointers can ..read more
Diamond Pet Food Blog
2M ago
Diamond is a proud partner of Warriors’ Best Friend, a non-profit organization that professionally trains service dogs for veterans, service members and students. Through Operation Enrichment, Diamond is providing a consistent source of balanced nutrition to Warriors’ Best Friends’ canine recruits, giving them all the sustenance they need to succeed. Here we meet one of ..read more
Diamond Pet Food Blog
2M ago
You want your dog to eat healthy and nutritious food, which is why complete and balanced commercial dog foods are the perfect choice. But sometimes those puppy-dog eyes tug at your heartstrings and you want to toss your furry friend a tidbit of human food. Knowing what human foods dogs can eat safely is key ..read more
Diamond Pet Food Blog
3M ago
Guard dogs have many uses, whether for personal protection, safeguarding property or being alerted to someone’s presence. When looking for a guard dog, several qualities are important to consider, including size, strength, intelligence, courage, loyalty, temperament and territorial instincts. While it’s essential for a guard dog to be alert and protective, aggression should not be ..read more
Diamond Pet Food Blog
3M ago
You may not see many cats running through an agility course or ads for a cat obedience school, but it is possible to train your cat. In some ways they may already be trained — think about their behavior at dinnertime. Do they come find you at the same time each day? Do they come ..read more