SkyNews Closure
by Membership
1y ago
After nearly three decades, SkyNews Inc. shut down operations at the end of February 2023. Unfortunately, rising costs and declining advertising revenue mean that the magazine is no longer financially viable, even though the parent corporation, The Royal Astronomical Society of Canada (RASC) has subsidized its operations for years. The March/April Issue of SkyNews is therefore the final issue that... Source more
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Getting started with Electronically-Assisted Astronomy
by Brian Ventrudo
2y ago
It’s often a challenge for city-bound stargazers to see much of the deep sky through their telescopes. Light pollution obscures all but the brightest sights, and the time and energy needed to drive to dark-sky locations is hard to find. That’s why many backyard astronomers turn to Electronically-Assisted Astronomy (EAA). Essentially a form of simple astrophotography, EAA involves capturing and... Source more
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Why the Milky Way survey matters
by Vincent McDermott
2y ago
A survey of the Milky Way Galaxy has produced an astronomical tapestry of 3.32 billion celestial objects. The result of the Dark Energy Camera Plane Survey, or DECaPS2, could help astronomers create three-dimensional models of our own galaxy. The data will also contribute to research work for decades, especially as more surveys are completed. “It’s very striking. The level of resolution you see in... Source more
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Astrophotography for beginners
by Nicole Mortillaro
2y ago
A big focus among people starting out in astronomy is the ability to photograph the night sky. Whether that means capturing the Milky Way, planets, or stunning nebulae, there is simply no shortage of mind-blowing images from astrophotographers. Many newcomers wonder how they can do that for themselves. But to produce these types of images — such as from astronomers like Alan Dyer and Kerry-Ann... Source more
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Testing the StarField Géar115
by Alan Dyer
2y ago
The latest model in StarField Optics’ growing line of “Géar” refractors, at least as of this writing, is the Géar115, a triplet apochromat. Its aperture of 4.53 inches edges it into the class of moderately large refractors, while its slower-than-usual f/7 focal ratio yields a focal length of 805mm. Compared to more common 80mm to 90mm f/5 or f/6 apo refractors, the Géar115’s larger aperture and... Source more
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Astrophoto review: Paul Dopson’s Pacman Nebula
by SkyNews Staff
2y ago
By Dan Kusz | Astrophoto Review column Astrophotography has an exceptionally steep learning curve. It includes dealing with a number of difficulties, from the technical interactions between equipment and software to battling mother nature, and then working through the challenge of post-processing all the data into a beautiful image of the heavens. In this column, we are going to look at all of... Source more
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All eyes on Quebec’s 45 year-old observatory
by Carina Ockedahl
2y ago
THIS YEAR MARKS the 45th anniversary of one of the most powerful telescopes in Canada. The Observatoire du Mont-Mégantic (OMM), which houses a Ritchey-Chrétien telescope, was opened in 1978. It is operated jointly by the Université de Montréal (UdeM) and Université Laval (ULaval) in Québec. “It’s built this great expertise in Québec and in Canada in astronomy, but especially infrared astronomy,”... Source more
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This Week’s Sky: February 20-28
by Chris Vaughan
2y ago
Every week, SkyNews publishes a list of key events in the Canadian sky in This Week’s Sky. This series gives you all the latest news in Solar System movements, including where the planets are in our sky and Moon phases. From eclipses to meteor showers, This Week’s Sky keeps you updated on the best in upcoming astronomical highlights. At 3:06 a.m. EST, 12:06 a.m. PST or 07:06 GMT on Monday... Source more
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2023 Star party calendar
by Christine Kulyk
2y ago
Compiled by Christine Kulyk Events across Canada offer astronomy enthusiasts a chance to enjoy stargazing at its best. Many sites are noted for their exceptional dark skies or unique regional flavour. Be sure to check event websites for important information about advance registration, fees, accommodations, directions to event sites, and updates relating to park regulations or COVID restrictions. Source more
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SkyNews is closing
by SkyNews Staff
2y ago
After nearly three decades, the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada has announced that SkyNews will be shutting down at the end of February 2023. While it is sad to say goodbye, we are proud of the work that has been published and of the community that supported the magazine for so many years. Terence Dickinson expanded the publication into a commercial magazine in 1995, and in so doing created... Source more
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