OracleMine is a humble attempt to share Oracle tutorials and Oracle related knowledge on a single platform. Oracle is much more than database technology.
6y ago
Answer to a widely asked interview question, the difference between key-next-item and post-text-item is explained in a simple way in this article.… Read More Difference Between KEY-NEXT-ITEM and POST-TEXT-ITEM Triggers in Oracle Forms
The post Difference Between KEY-NEXT-ITEM and POST-TEXT-ITEM Triggers in Oracle Forms appeared first on OracleMine ..read more
8y ago
SQL*Plus is a handy command-line tool. If you’re using it as your main tool for running SQL, I would suggest using an IDE. I explain a few reasons why in this article. It Saves Time Using SQL*Plus is simple because it comes with all Oracle installations. However, I suggest using an IDE instead of SQL*Plus.… Read More Why You Should Use an IDE Instead of SQLPlus
The post Why You Should Use an IDE Instead of SQLPlus appeared first on OracleMine ..read more