Fun Refactoring Python Code
by DB
2y ago
I recently came across a coding challenge. Well, let’s say we needed to handle several combinations of filtering data in a #Pandas Dataframe leveraging the #Streamlit selectbox widget. Not a difficult lift per se. The fun was where it started and where it ended up.  Let’s get started. Scenario I have 4 columns of data ... The post Fun Refactoring Python Code appeared first on dbaonTap more
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Snowflake Snowpark JAVA UDF with JAR – Streamlit bonus
by DB
2y ago
Recently, I was asked the following question: “How can I manage my Snowflake JAVA UDFs without needing to re-create the UDF every time I make a change to the logic? And by the way can you show me how to invoke that from Streamlit?” The first thing that popped in my head was, “Streamlit is a ... The post Snowflake Snowpark JAVA UDF with JAR – Streamlit bonus appeared first on dbaonTap more
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Data Warehouse Migration with Snowflake VSC and Flyway
by DB
2y ago
Wow! It has been a year since my last blog post. This post was originally going to cover getting #Flyway set up with Snowflake. Then a couple of days ago, my friend Kent Graziano tweeted a link on getting Visual Studio Code (VSC) connected to Snowflake. Considering I had just come off a lengthy project ... The post Data Warehouse Migration with Snowflake VSC and Flyway appeared first on dbaonTap more
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Let DBeaver Build Your ERD from a Snowflake Data Warehouse
by DB
2y ago
I was recently responding to a question about DBeaver and the ability to automatically generate an ERD. The following post will walk you through the process.   ;TLDR Looking for an easy way to create one of these?   Let’s create 3 simple tables.  A parent table with a primary key constraint and two additional ... The post Let DBeaver Build Your ERD from a Snowflake Data Warehouse appeared first on dbaonTap more
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Python Abort trap: 6 fix after Catalina update
by DB
2y ago
A couple of days ago, I update my MacOS to Catalina and immediately after that, all the Snowflake scripts I wrote in #Python started returning an Abort trap: 6 error. My initial thought was something must be a compatibility issue with either the python connector or new default terminal shell zsh. Fortunately I was wrong, ... The post Python Abort trap: 6 fix after Catalina update appeared first on dbaonTap more
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Snowflake Migration using StreamSets
by DB
2y ago
#OnTapToday, using @StreamSets to migrate data from your source database to Snowflake. In this post, I will walk through the process of configuring StreamSets to migrate data from my on prem DB to Snowflake. WHY You need to get some data from a source database to the Snowflake data warehouse. There were a few options ... The post Snowflake Migration using StreamSets appeared first on dbaonTap more
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The Winds of Change
by DB
2y ago
I was asked a while ago by a twitter follower this question. “One year ago to now, how has your use of technology changed in your job role?” Interestingly enough, I celebrated 1 year @snowflakeDB on April 16, 2019. I think now is a good time to answer that question. In a nutshell, a year ... The post The Winds of Change appeared first on dbaonTap more
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Connect to Snowflake Data Warehouse with GO
by DB
2y ago
In this installment, I am going to walk through the process of connecting GO to the Snowflake Data Warehouse Service (DWaaS). This tutorial requires that you have a Snowflake account. You can sign up here for a 30 day/$400.00 trial. Download and Install the ODBC Driver Once you have your account set up in Snowflake, ... The post Connect to Snowflake Data Warehouse with GO appeared first on dbaonTap more
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ODTUG Kscope18 in the bag
by DB
2y ago
One month ago, ODTUG Kscope18 was getting started, and one month ago was the first time in two years that I was not the Conference Chair, and today, I can say that my friend Opal did a damn good job at taking the ODTUG Kscope conference to the next level. Thank you Opal for your ... The post ODTUG Kscope18 in the bag appeared first on dbaonTap more
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Connect to Snowflake with Node.js Driver
by DB
2y ago
This will be the first entry into my Snowflake toolbox. Today I am going to set my MacBook Pro up to connect to a Snowflake data warehouse via the Snowflake Node.js driver. This could come in handy when needing to move data between systems where direct connections are not available and you need an intermediary. ... The post Connect to Snowflake with Node.js Driver appeared first on dbaonTap more
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