Is My Shampoo Causing Acne? Why Breakouts On The Forehead Don’t Necessarily Mean You Have Problem Skin
by Anne Marie O'Connor
5y ago
Is your shampoo causing acne? The question isn’t as crazy as you think. Every day, millions of women break out around their hairlines or in the middle of their foreheads. Yet they never have a single pimple on the rest of their faces. So what gives? It turns out if you’re getting acne around your hairline, on your shoulders or upper back, hair products may be the culprit, says Dr. Annie Chiu... Source more
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Everything You Need To Know About Laser Acne Treatments
by Staff Writer
5y ago
Take a few minutes to research laser acne treatments and you’ll to bump into terms like fraxel, smoothbeam, v-beam, CO2, erbium, pixilation and photodynamic therapy. What do all these terms mean? Here, we break it down in a handy guide. A laser is simply a device that emits a focused beam of light. The light that surrounds us every day is made up of a rainbow of colors, but a laser light contains... Source more
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Chemical Peels For Acne Scars? The Cost Is High, But Doctors Say They Make A Difference … Here’s Why
by Joanna Powell
5y ago
Chemical peels for acne scars? You bet! One of the most frustrating things about acne is the reminder left on your face a month later. You finally get rid of those annoying pimples and there are still tiny indentations all over your face. “The skin can appear smoother, firmer with fewer lines and discolorations,” Dr. Michelle Copeland, a NYC plastic surgeon and skincare specialist, tells Source more
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Buying Non-Comedogenic Makeup: 8 Ways to Stop Makeup from Making Your Acne Worse
by Staff Writer
5y ago
It’s a classic conundrum: you use makeup to cover up your acne breakouts … then the makeup seems to make you break out even more. While there certainly are a handful of ingredients (hello, mineral oil) that are decidedly incompatible with acne-prone skin, go ahead and breathe a sigh of relief—not all products are the enemy! Read on to learn how to navigate the beauty counter like a pro, “clean”... Source more
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7 Ways To Stop A Zit From Ruining Your Big Day
by Staff Writer
5y ago
We’ve all experienced that horrific moment: You wake up on the day you’ve been anticipating for months (your wedding, a date with that special someone, a major job interview) only to discover a nasty blemish has taken shape smack in the middle of your face. While it might feel like the end of the world, all you need are a few quick tricks and the right products to bring down big red and regain... Source more
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