The Seattle Times
Read the latest news about residential and commercial real estate in the Seattle area and Pacific Northwest.
The Seattle Times
1w ago
The average rate on a 30-year mortgage in the U.S. eased for the second week in a row, but remains just below 7%, little relief for prospective home shoppers looking ahead to the spring homebuying season ..read more
The Seattle Times
1w ago
Voters have two choices to make to determine the future of Seattle's newest housing plan, starting with whether it should be funded. Ballots went out last week ..read more
The Seattle Times
1w ago
Airbnb's offer seemed generous, but now people aren't sure whether it was a genuine offer hamstrung by excessive red tape, or a half-hollow gesture meant to rack up free PR ..read more
The Seattle Times
1w ago
The Seattle Times wants to know if you lost access to affordable housing and how that impacted your life. Did you move somewhere else? Please let us know ..read more
The Seattle Times
1w ago
Today, many Washington cities and towns prohibit cafes and small grocers from operating on blocks zoned exclusively for homes. A bill has bipartisan support ..read more
The Seattle Times
1w ago
Boat life gets more expensive each year. In Seattle, that isn't stopping some liveaboards, who seek freedom, lifestyle and adventure ..read more
The Seattle Times
2w ago
With prices high, putting aside enough cash to buy a house can be daunting. But housing experts say there are assistance programs in all 50 states ..read more
The Seattle Times
2w ago
Sales of previously occupied U.S. homes fell in 2024 to a nearly 30-year low for the second year in a row as elevated mortgage rates, rising home prices and a low level of properties on the market kept many prospective homebuyers out of the market ..read more
The Seattle Times
2w ago
The average rate on a 30-year mortgage in the U.S. eased this week to just below 7%, its first decline after climbing five weeks in a row ..read more
The Seattle Times
2w ago
The home’s high price reflects its pop cultural significance, and its potential value if converted into an Airbnb or a museum ..read more