Ping/SSH Not Working in VM bridged adapter.
Easy to Learn Oracle Database and Solve Your Problem
5y ago
Uncheck  DNE LightWeight Filter from your Adapter's properties more
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Ora-01031 insufficient privileges windows
Easy to Learn Oracle Database and Solve Your Problem
5y ago
Cause: Your OS (Operating System) user is not a member of ora_dba Group. Action: Make your operating system user as a member of ora_dba Group. Operation: The following activity has to perform from Operating System Administrative user. 1. Open the command prompt (cmd) and write compmgmt.msc and hit Enter. 2. Select Group from Local user and Groups  3. Right Click on ora_dba and Click Add Group to 4. Now Click Add ... 5. Now write your OS username in the box “Enter the object name to select” and click OK more
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ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [17285], [0x1109F69A0]
Easy to Learn Oracle Database and Solve Your Problem
5y ago
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [17285], [0x1109F69A0], [1], [0x700000ED7586810], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] Use ADRCI or Support Workbench to package the incident. See Note 411.1 at My Oracle Support for error and packaging details. Wed Oct 11 16:37:11 2017 Sweep [inc][1123699]: completed Cause: It was due to Bug 17984204. Solution: Change the value of parameter _session_cached_instantiations set it to open_cursors+1 . Restart the instance. Note that this is not an official workaround so it may not work in some environments.  SQL> show parameter open_cursors NAME more
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ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [ktbdchk1: bad dscn]
Easy to Learn Oracle Database and Solve Your Problem
5y ago
Cause: This Errors May Occur after a switchover Physical Standby database, and it is due to Oracle Bug 8895202.  Solution:  Apply the patch where this issue is fixed , Patch 8895202 or Patch Sets >= or Patch Bundles >= If Your database version is >= then just change the parameter _ktb_debug_flags to 8. There is no danger in keeping _ktb_debug_flags=8. It gets only activated by invalid scn in itl. After change the parameter analyze the object which has been affected. bash-4.3$ sqlplus "/as sysdba" SQL*Plus: Release Production on Tue Sep 26 14 more
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ORA-12519: TNS:no appropriate service handler found
Easy to Learn Oracle Database and Solve Your Problem
5y ago
ORA-12519: TNS: no appropriate service handler found Cause: Number of session and process reached the MAX_UTILIZATION level when listener find the current number of connections has reached maximum load it may set the state of the service handler for an instance to "blocked" and begin refusing incoming client connections. Solution: Check the value of process parameter and increase the value of the parameter. [grid@DB ~]$ lsnrctl services LSNRCTL for Linux: Version - Production on 24-SEP-2017 13:32:38 Copyright (c) 1991, 2013, Oracle.  All rights reserved. Connecting to (DESCRI more
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Easy to Learn Oracle Database and Solve Your Problem
5y ago
Cause: Archive log are not applying into standby database but recovery process (MRP) are active, in this situation I decided to restart recovery process but whenever I am applying  ALTER DATABASE RECOVER MANAGED STANDBY DATABASE CANCEL, the command itself hanging situation. Solution: Rather than bouncing the standby database just find and kill the MRP process and start the media recovery process. SQL> ALTER DATABASE RECOVER MANAGED STANDBY DATABASE CANCEL; Database altered. SQL> ALTER DATABASE RECOVER MANAGED STANDBY DATABASE USING CURRENT LOGFILE DISCONNECT FROM SESSION; ALTER DA more
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MRP0: Background Media Recovery process shutdown
Easy to Learn Oracle Database and Solve Your Problem
5y ago
Errors with log +FRA/erpdrdb/archivelog/2017_06_02/thread_2_seq_9952.2503.945625685 MRP0: Background Media Recovery terminated with error 10485 Errors in file /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/erpdrdb/erpdrdb/trace/erpdrdb_pr00_9109800.trc: ORA-10485: Real-Time Query cannot be enabled while applying migration redo. Recovery interrupted! MRP0: Background Media Recovery process shutdown (erpdrdb) Cause: After starting the database as upgrade mode you have to disconnect the recovery database. Solution: Disconnect the recovery database, shutdown, startup and start the recovery process. SQL> alter more
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How to load sql plan baseline from AWR
Easy to Learn Oracle Database and Solve Your Problem
5y ago
1. Find out the SQL ID and Number of SQL Plan exist in AWR History. SELECT SQL_ID, COUNT (*)     FROM (SELECT DISTINCT SQL_ID, PLAN_HASH_VALUE FROM DBA_HIST_SQL_PLAN     WHERE SQL_ID='&SQL_ID') GROUP BY SQL_ID ORDER BY 2 DESC; 2. Find out the SQL Plan Hash Value using SQL ID. SELECT DISTINCT PLAN_HASH_VALUE,SQL_ID  FROM DBA_HIST_SQLSTAT WHERE SQL_ID='&SQL_ID'; 3. Check the SQL Execution Plan Cost and choose the best one. Note that you have to select Hash Vale and SNAP_ID for which you want to load into your Plan Baseline. SELECT SS.SNAP_ID,      SS.INSTANCE_NUMBER more
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Resolve Standby Gaps by Applying Archive log File
Easy to Learn Oracle Database and Solve Your Problem
5y ago
Description: In my database archive log file are deleted from the primary database after taken RMAN backup. In physical standby database, there is log gap which is already deleted from the primary database and MRP process is waiting for the log file. Solution: 1. Find out the backup archive log file. list backup of archivelog sequence 8760; 2. Transfer backup archive log file into Standby database. scp  3. Restore archive log file using log sequence number. restore archivelog from sequence 8760 until sequence 8760 thread=1; Checking in Standby Database for find out the archive log file deta more
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Export metadata only using expdp.
Easy to Learn Oracle Database and Solve Your Problem
5y ago
expdp system/password schemas=SCHEMA_NAME directory=DMPDIR dumpfile=file_name.dmp logfile=explogfile.log content=METADATA_ONLY more
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