FTM Magazine
FTM Magazine is a hard-copy, positive reflection of the female to male transgender community. We are in LGBT resource centers, book stores, and have become the symbol of trans inclusion in healthcare offices and business lobbys. They aim to promote, celebrate, and entertain our unique culture.
FTM Magazine
4y ago
Scars. For some, top surgery scars are considered battle wounds. Wounds that document your journey and the adversities you’ve overcome to become the individual you always saw yourself as. For others these wounds are a constant reminder that exacerbates the dysphoria experienced on a daily basis. For those of us in the trans masculine community ..read more
FTM Magazine
4y ago
Brix Schaumburg, age 30, is a well known actor, singer, entrepreneur and activist who was born and raised in Germany. As a trans man in Germany he has made it his mission to remain visible and to help uplift his community. In this article we explore the life of Brix Schaumburg and see why we ..read more
FTM Magazine
4y ago
I want you to keep these questions in the back of your mind as you read this story. What is your definition of strength? Do you consider yourself strong? [Keep thinking; I’ll have questions later]. Despite some protections that have been rolled back for transgender individuals by the current US administration, when it comes to gender ..read more
FTM Magazine
4y ago
‘Ask me who I’m with, I’m with THEM” THEM by Flavia is a sexy, inspiring, and purposeful pop song that’s released this month. Who is Flavia? How did this all get started and produced? We got to FaceTime her from her place in LA and talk about what this project meant to her to create ..read more
FTM Magazine
4y ago
A Mutual Aid Fund was created on March 13th on GoFundMe by Amita Swadhin in response to the growing instability of funds and welfare access to those most at risk: Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) within the LGBTQ Population, but mostly those within the non-binary, genderqueer, and gender non-conforming groups. “We are prioritizing LGBTQI ..read more
FTM Magazine
4y ago
There's no other way to say it - Sometimes there are just things you won't get unless you've been there too. Here are 8 things BuzzFeed Video says only we can understand, what do you think ..read more
FTM Magazine
4y ago
This should help with a few hours of time you've got over the weekend. Each video is more powerful than the next as Trans Men from all over talk about their experiences, philosophies, and express themselves through TEDx TALKS ..read more
FTM Magazine
4y ago
They say laughter is the best medicine, take a break from the Coronavirus News and check out these new Trans/FTM Memes that made us chuckle or say "oh man, right?" - We've all been there for sure ..read more
FTM Magazine
4y ago
This week, non-essential travel, retailing, bars and restaurants, and even state centers, parks, and buildings have closed due to the growing concern over the Global Pandemic virus, COVID-19. Along with these closures we’ve seen community conferences cancel. The 12th Annual Keystone Conference in Harrisburg PA announced earlier this week that they’d be back in 2021 ..read more