Mongabay is a nonprofit environmental science and conservation news platform that produces original reporting in several languages. Our main beats are forests, wildlife, oceans, and the conservation sector. Read news and inspirational articles in our blog.
6h ago
Commodity-trading giant Cargill recently signaled that it will weaken its no-deforestation commitments in the Amazon Rainforest, an investigation by Repórter Brasil has revealed. In its latest sustainability report, released in December 2024, Cargill changed how it measures deforestation in its soy supply chain. It had initially committed to following the guidelines of the Amazon Soy ..read more
6h ago
A recent study reveals a strong connection between three fossil fuel-based industries — oil and gas, plastics, and agrichemicals — and their use of social media to deny climate change and delay climate action. Energy, plastics and agrichemicals all rely on the same feedstock: fossil fuels. The biggest energy companies sell oil and gas predominantly ..read more
6h ago
PORTO ALEGRE — On the set of I’m Still Here (2024), the acclaimed Brazilian film by Walter Salles Jr., supporting actress Angela Ribeiro was approached by a woman with red hair and thin-rimmed glasses. “I came to meet my namesake,” the visitor joked in a light Portuguese accent. The presence of Manuela Carneiro da Cunha ..read more
10h ago
For Indigenous peoples and local communities across Central and South America, financial opportunities from voluntary carbon markets come with both benefits and risks. Working with the Rainforest Foundation Norway and Rainforest Foundation US, 14 organizations representing Indigenous peoples and local communities across the region have submitted a letter of recommendations to increase the benefits and ..read more
14h ago
Bottom trawling, a fishing technique in which vessels drag weighted nets along the seafloor, has long been condemned by conservationists for disrupting seabed habitat and capturing species indiscriminately. Yet it remains common in marine protected areas around Europe, including in some sections of Dogger Bank, a massive sandbank that experts consider the ecological heart of ..read more
14h ago
MICHEWENI, Tanzania — Botanists have found a stand of rare trees in Tanzania’s Zanzibar archipelago not known to grow wild anywhere else in Africa. The intsia trees (Intsia bijuga) were found growing within moist coastal forest in the north of Ngezi Forest Reserve on the island of Pemba. Worryingly, the area is earmarked for the ..read more
20h ago
For more than two decades, researchers knew of just a single, male individual of the greater mouse-eared bat that would repeatedly hibernate in an unused railway tunnel in Sussex, U.K. This male bat became known as the “loneliest soul in Britain” since he was without a companion. But researchers have now found that he isn’t ..read more
20h ago
Two dogs specially trained to sniff out truffles have helped researchers identify two new-to-science truffle species in the U.S., according to a recent study. Truffles, synonymous with luxury fine dining, are the fruiting bodies of fungi belonging to the genus Tuber, which grow underground in a symbiotic relationship with the roots of trees like oak ..read more
1d ago
Authorities in Indonesia have made yet another major seizure of smuggled songbirds, highlighting the persistent pressure from a trade with deep cultural roots in the country. The shipment of 6,860 songbirds from West Nusa Tenggara province was intercepted on Feb. 1 following a tip at Tanjung Wangi Port at the eastern end of the island ..read more
1d ago
In 2019, scientists rediscovered a species of miniature deer long lost to science within the dry coastal forests of southern Vietnam’s Nui Chua National Park. A victim of snaring, the silver-backed chevrotain (Tragulus versicolor) hadn’t been seen by scientists in the wild for nearly 30 years. Its unearthing via a camera-trapping study sparked a conservation ..read more