Bellissimo Law Group
Bellissimo Law Group's primary expertise is on complicated immigration matters including medical, criminal and other inadmissibilities, deportations and refusals of all types. Mario Bellissimo is one of Canada's leading immigration lawyers and one of very few lawyers Certified as a Specialist by the Law Society of Upper Canada in Citizenship, Immigration and Refugee Law.
Bellissimo Law Group
6y ago
We have been retained by a client who has been working under an International Experience Canada (IEC) class for more than half a year in Ontario. The client was from a French-speaking country, having also a high level of English knowledge (speaking and writing). A company from Ontario who has business in many countries, including French-speaking ones, was very much interested in retaining the services of this individual. They interviewed the foreign worker and were very pleased with his knowledge and level of experience. The company decided to extend a... Read more ..read more
Bellissimo Law Group
6y ago
On 28 May 2019, the Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, the Honourable Ahmed Hussen introduced Bill C-99 to change Canada’s Oath of Citizenship. The proposed change involves referencing the rights of Indigenous peoples in the oath. The current wording of the Oath of Citizenship is as follows: I swear (or affirm) that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, Queen of Canada, Her Heirs and Successors, and that I will faithfully observe the laws of Canada, and fulfil my duties as... Read more ..read more
Bellissimo Law Group
6y ago
The latest Express Entry Draw took place during the period of May 29th, 2019. During this round 3,350 Invitations to Apply have been issued to foreign nationals who had 470 points or more. For more information on Express Entry, please click here. If you would like to discuss your eligibility with a member from our legal team, please click here ..read more
Bellissimo Law Group
6y ago
The Supreme Court of Canada has ruled in Chhina (2019 SCC 29) that immigration detainees may challenge the lawfulness of their detention in provincial courts. Court can order that a detained person be brought before them, and require the authorities to justify any and all aspects of the detention. Courts have used this power, the writ of habeas corpus, since the 13th century to check abuses of power and end arbitrary detentions. In modern Canada, almost any detained person can petition for habeas corpus. Habeas corpus is a protected right... Read more ..read more
Bellissimo Law Group
6y ago
A number of people (foreign nationals) looking to immigrate to Canada find themselves in this situation often when seeking a visa. Misunderstandings and unfair assessments are not unusual. For purposes of this blog I will focus on foreign nationals seeking to immigrate to Canada. So, if you have been refused for misrepresentation and are confident you, or anyone acting on your behalf, did not misrepresent anything including not mentioning a fact that could be important there are steps you can take to try and save your application. First, let’s look... Read more ..read more
Bellissimo Law Group
6y ago
As we all know, there are many foreign students who graduate from a college or university in Canada. They are then eligible for a post-graduate work permit (PGWP) and many of them find a job related to their skills and education. But there are also many who cannot find a job according to their level of education. It is very frustrating, as these individuals invested time and funds to further their education in Canada and try to integrate into the Canadian society, by being productive and responsible foreign workers. We... Read more ..read more
Bellissimo Law Group
6y ago
The latest Express Entry Draw took place during the period of May 15th, 2019. During this round 500 Invitations to Apply have been issued to Federal Skilled Trades Class candidates who had 332 points or more. For more information on Express Entry, please click here. If you would like to discuss your eligibility with a member from our legal team, please click here ..read more
Bellissimo Law Group
6y ago
Tapambwa v Canada (Citizenship and Immigration)[1], a recent Federal Court of Appeal (FCA) decision, discusses the authority of officers charged with deciding a Pre-Removal Risk Assessment (PRRA) when the applicant was previously found to be excluded from refugee protection under Article 1(F)(a) of the Refugee Convention. The Appellants, a married couple who are citizens of Zimbabwe and former members of the Zimbabwe National Army, sought leave to appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada on 16 April 2019 and are currently awaiting a decision. The FCA held, in responding to... Read more ..read more
Bellissimo Law Group
6y ago
In the last few years, we received an inordinate number of consultations regarding provincial nominee programs, specifically more questions targeting Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP). It is very important to make a proper evaluation of each case on its own merits, whether the individual qualifies under any other program, for example under Federal Skilled Worker or Canadian Experience Class programs. We had a few cases when the applicant or /and his spouse did not qualify for any of these programs. We then started looking for provincial nominee programs, especially Ontario,... Read mor ..read more
Bellissimo Law Group
6y ago
We recently received a positive decision on a citizenship revocation case on behalf of our client, ending a grueling and hard fought 8-year legal battle. We first began working with our client in September 2011 when they received notice of the Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship’s intention to revoke their citizenship status. Our client ultimately joined Case Managed Proceedings being undertaken by our firm and others to challenge the new citizenship revocation process implemented in Canada in 2014. The legal challenge was successful and the relevant citizenship provisions were ..read more