Abogado para Inmigración explica: ¿Todos los venezolanos califican para el estatus de protección temporal?
The Lozano Law Firm, PLLC
by n9-admin
3y ago
¿Una designación de Estatus de Protección Temporal (TPS,sigla en inglés) significa que cada venezolano nacional que reside en los EE. UU. puede esperar un estatus de protección temporal? Alfredo Lozano, un abogado certificado por la junta para inmigración y fundador de The Lozano Law Firm PLLC con oficinas en San Antonio, San Angelo, and Eagle Pass, Texas, aclara este tema confuso. El 8 de marzo de 2021, Alejandro Mayorkas, el secretario del Departamento de Seguridad Nacional de los Estados Unidos, designó ciudadanos de Venezuela para el Estatus de protección temporal (TPS) en Estados Unidos d more
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Entendiendo los Requisitos de la Visa E-2
The Lozano Law Firm, PLLC
by n9-admin
3y ago
Si usted hace una inversión sustancial en un negocio con sede en los Estados Unidos, usted puede ser elegible para solicitar una visa E2. Esta visa le permitirá vivir y trabajar en los EE. UU. por un mínimo de tres meses y un máximo de cinco años, aunque el máximo puede ser elegible para la extensión. Dado que la visa E2 viene con requisitos complejos, usted debe consultar con un abogado de inmigración para ayudarle a través del proceso. Mientras tanto, puede revisar esta lista de preguntas para ver si los beneficios de inmigración a través de una visa E2 pueden ser adecuados para usted. ¿Es u more
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Entendiendo DACA – Acción Diferida para los llegados en la infancia y posibles cambios en el programa bajo el presidente Joe Biden
The Lozano Law Firm, PLLC
by n9-admin
3y ago
¿Usted o un ser querido tiene preguntas sobre el programa federal DACA? Muchos cambios han impactado este programa en los últimos años, así que asegúrese de trabajar con un abogado de inmigración si planea abrir su solicitud. ¿Qué es DACA? Bajo este programa, anunciado en 2012, el Departamento de Seguridad Nacional permite que ciertas personas que vienen a los EE. UU. como niños que califican para solicitar la consideración de “acción diferida” por dos años. Después de este punto, el estatus se puede renovar. Este término significa que la fiscalía tiene la discreción de pausar las acciones de more
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Lo que necesita saber sobre la Ley de Reforma e Integridad EB-5 de 2021
The Lozano Law Firm, PLLC
by n9-admin
3y ago
La visa EB-5 es un camino hacia una tarjeta verde para ciudadanos extranjeros que invierten en un negocio en los EE. UU. El programa EB-5, fundado en 1990, ha inducido una inversión considerable en la economía estadounidense en las últimas tres décadas. Con su esposo o esposa e hijos solteros menores de 21 años, un inversionista exitoso puede disfrutar del estatus de residente permanente legal en los Estados Unidos y también puede ser elegible para la ciudadanía más adelante. Requisitos de visa EB-5 Los requisitos de USCIS para los solicitantes de visa EB-5 incluyen invertir una cantidad mínim more
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Lawyer for Immigration Explains: Does Everyone from Venezuela Qualify for Temporary Protected Status?
The Lozano Law Firm, PLLC
by Alfred Lozano
3y ago
Does a Temporary Protected Status (TPS) designation mean that every Venezuelan national residing in the U.S. can expect Temporary Protected Status? Alfredo Lozano, a board-certified lawyer for immigration and founder of The Lozano Law Firm PLLC with offices in San Antonio, San Angelo, and Eagle Pass, Texas, clarifies this confusing topic. On March 8, 2021, Alejandro Mayorkas, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Secretary, designated citizens of Venezuela for Temporary Protected Status (TPS) in the United States from March 9, 2021, through September 2022. The DHS has decided to grant Venez more
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Understanding the Requirements of the E2 Visa
The Lozano Law Firm, PLLC
by n9-admin
3y ago
If you make a substantial investment in a business based in the United States, you may be eligible to apply for an E2 visa. This visa will allow you to live and work in the U.S. for a minimum of three months and a maximum of five years, although the maximum may be eligible for extension. Since the E2 visa comes with complex requirements, you should consult with a lawyer for immigration to help you through the process. In the meantime, you can review this list of questions to see if immigration benefits via an E2 visa may be right for you. Are you a citizen of a treaty country? The United State more
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Understanding DACA – Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals and Potential Changes to the Program Under President Joe Biden
The Lozano Law Firm, PLLC
by n9-admin
4y ago
Do you or a loved one have questions about the federal DACA  program? Many changes have impacted this program in recent years, so make sure you work with a lawyer for immigration if you plan to open your application. What Is DACA? Under this program, announced in 2012, the Department of Homeland Security allows certain parties coming to the U.S. as children who qualify to request consideration of “deferred action” for two years. After this point, the status can be renewed. This term means that the prosecution has the discretion to pause removal actions. Although it does not give an immigr more
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Alfredo Lozano Talks Comprehensive Immigration Reform on ABC 6 News – KAAL TV
The Lozano Law Firm, PLLC
by n9-admin
4y ago
On May 13, 2021, Immigration Attorney Alfredo Lozano, Founder of The Lozano Law Firm, PLLC, in San Antonio, Texas, joined Betsy Singer, Weekday News Anchor, on ABC 6 News – KAAL TV. They discussed the crisis on the U.S. southern border and comprehensive immigration reform. As Republican and Democrat Senators in Washington, D.C. work toward a bipartisan agreement on immigration, an overhaul of how to deal with the ongoing crisis at the U.S.-Mexican border, Republicans are demanding more decisive action from the Biden Administration before agreeing to any deal. With leaders in southern states fr more
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What You Need to Know About the EB-5 Visa Reform and Integrity Act of 2021
The Lozano Law Firm, PLLC
by n9-admin
4y ago
The EB-5 visa is a pathway to a green card for foreign citizens who invest in a U.S. business. The EB-5 program, established in 1990, has induced considerable investment in the U.S. economy over the past three decades. With their spouse and unmarried children under 21, a successful investor may enjoy the status of legal permanent resident in the United States and may also become eligible for citizenship later on. EB-5 Visa Requirements USCIS requirements for EB-5 visa applicants include investing a minimum amount of either $900,000 or $1.8 million. Specifically, the investment must equal at le more
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U Visa: Who Qualifies for One and How do They Work
The Lozano Law Firm, PLLC
by Byrdie Franco-Rocha
4y ago
U Visas are a type of visa that we have experience processing for some of our clients. Like any immigration related matter, many questions arise as to what the process involves. Timing, qualifications, and of course the process itself. This article gives explains what the U Visa is and how it works. But before we get to that information, we want to highlight the topic of timing. Recently, we have noticed that the priority date for some U Visas has been extended way into the future with delays up to four years. Currently, experts are estimating that the government will take about 12 years to ca more
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