Excel by Joe Blog
This blog is helping your daily fantasy research with spreadsheets. I teach others how to build these spreadsheets and how to use Excel for daily fantasy sports.
Excel by Joe Blog
2w ago
Top 15 Excel Functions you need to know Excel functions can greatly enhance your ability to perform tasks in day to day activities in Excel. While the are hundreds of functions out there, I feel there are 15 functions that all Excel users should know. Whether you are an office worker, or a small business […]
The post the top 20 excel functions you need to know if youre an excel user appeared first on Excel by Joe ..read more
Excel by Joe Blog
3y ago
Please watch the video below to see how to build a spreadsheet lineup optimizer tool in Excel.
I use Golf as the example but this can be used on any sport.
This video covers the basics of what you need to build a good lineup optimizer tool. To see the complete course which goes into everything, including stacking players, multiple positions, macros, team limits and more, go to https://spreadsheetschooldfs.com/p/bulk-lineups-without-solver
To see my full course on using spreadsheets for helping you in daily fantasy sports, check out https://spreadsheetschooldfs.com/
Use code MAI ..read more
Excel by Joe Blog
3y ago
Top 15 Excel Functions you need to know
Excel functions can greatly enhance your ability to perform tasks in day to day activities in Excel. While the are hundreds of functions out there, I feel there are 15 functions that all Excel users should know. Whether you are an office worker, or a small business owner using Excel to keep track of your finances or just the casual user, these 15 Excel functions can be very important time savers and enhance your ability to create better performing spreadsheets!
Top Excel Functions:
The Vlookup Excel function is one of the most important func ..read more
Excel by Joe Blog
3y ago
In this video I show how to customize the format of a Slicer. Slicers are used in Excel Dashboards as a filter. It’s a cleaner way to filter through your data.
You can format slicers to look like the rest of your dashboard but it isn’t always easy or straight forward. You need to go through a few steps to make them look visually appealing.
This video walks you through those steps.
Download the sample file here to follow along: http://bit.ly/excelbyjoe_downloads ..read more
Excel by Joe Blog
3y ago
Sometimes you have a project which needs a lot of data but you don’t know where to find data to suit your needs.
You may need something specific and in those cases it is best to create the data yourself.
But making the data unique and random and usable isn’t easy.
Check out this video where I show how to make sample data in your Excel spreadsheet which you can use for your Dashboard or project.
Download the sample file here to follow along: http://bit.ly/excelbyjoe_downloads ..read more
Excel by Joe Blog
3y ago
Making a progress or donut chart can be a challenging thing to put into your spreadsheet, however it can look very cool and professional on your dashboard.
Check out this video below showing how I build a progress chart .
Download the sample file here to follow along: http://bit.ly/excelbyjoe_downloads ..read more
Excel by Joe Blog
4y ago
Making a progress or donut chart can be a challenging thing to put into your spreadsheet, however it can look very cool and professional on your dashboard.
Check out this video below showing how I build a progress chart .
Download the sample file here to follow along: http://bit.ly/excelbyjoe_downloads ..read more
Excel by Joe Blog
5y ago
Sometimes you have a project which needs a lot of data but you don’t know where to find data to suit your needs.
You may need something specific and in those cases it is best to create the data yourself.
But making the data unique and random and usable isn’t easy.
Check out this video where I show how to make sample data in your Excel spreadsheet which you can use for your Dashboard or project.
Download the sample file here to follow along: http://bit.ly/excelbyjoe_downloads ..read more
Excel by Joe Blog
5y ago
Sometimes you have a small space in Excel to display your data. However you may have a lot of records to show. Instead of building this long table or putting them to a chart, you can create a table with a scroll bar. This way you can scroll through hundreds of records in one spot in your spreadsheet.
I take you through getting the data to building the pivot table to setting up the scroll bar to make the table appear moving.
Download the sample file here to follow along: http://bit.ly/excelbyjoe_downloads ..read more
Excel by Joe Blog
5y ago
In this video I show how to take an Excel Dashboard and save the page as a Pdf file. Then you can email it out for a static report.
I also show how to create a button to link a macro to, to automate this process.
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