Ren's Baby Name Blog
I'm Lauren Ashley, better known as Ren. If you couldn't already tell by the title or the content of my blog, I am a huge baby name lover. I try to keep my top names updated. To see my top names at the moment check out my blog.
Ren's Baby Name Blog
2y ago
Comeback Kid: A name that was once ranked in the top 1000 but fell off the list for 1 or more years.
I love looking at the names that are back onto the top 1000 and how long they have been off the list. Often times the names have only been off the list for a year or two but every once in a while you will see a name that hasn't been ranked since the 1930s, 1940s, or 1950s.
In 2021 39 names are back on the list. Half of them have only been off the list for a year but one name has not ranked for 82 years! I love when vintage beauties rank again.
*Next to each name is their ra ..read more
Ren's Baby Name Blog
2y ago
One of my favorite things to look at once the new top 1000 names comes out is the names that are new to the chart and also the names that are back on the chart after a year or more off. I've taken to calling the first time rankers Newbies. They have never been listed in the top 1000 since the list was started in 1880. I'd say missing the charts for 141 years is very impressive!
*Each name has the 2021 rank and the number of spots it jumped in parentheses.*
Ozzy #712 (+336)
Eliam #736 (+442)
Amiri #757 (+534, name with greatest increase)
Evander #767 (+279)
Elio #842 (+240)
Avyaan ..read more
Ren's Baby Name Blog
3y ago
The top 100 list is a hodge podge of names. You have the classic, timeless names mixed in with the modern coming of age names. I like to think there is a name on the top 100 for everyone. I know there are some people that would say any name in the top 100 is off limits. But I like to counteract that with asking this one question: "How many babies or kids do you know with the name Silas or Ruby?" Both those names are currently ranked under the top 50 but still in the top 100. Personally I don't know any kids in real life with those names. I can guarantee that there are plenty of names in the t ..read more
Ren's Baby Name Blog
3y ago
"It's the most wonderful time of the year!"
Close your eyes and imagine me singing that Christmas song in the beginning of May. That's exactly what's happening this weekend! The Social Security Office released the most popular names for 2021 (the most recent year of data). If you are a namer than you probably have similar feelings as myself. Some people in the name community call this Namer's Christmas and I couldn't agree with them more.
I've been looking over the data since yesterday and collecting all sorts of fun info. I have lots of posts idea to share but we're going to start wi ..read more
Ren's Baby Name Blog
4y ago
I love more unique names so taking a look at the bottom of the top 1000 chart is always my favorite thing to do. If you caught my blog post from earlier than you may be aware of what I do every year when the new list comes out. If not I'll explain it. Every year I take a look at all the names that are new to the top 1000 and spilt them up into 2 sublist: newbies and comeback kids. Earlier today I featured the comeback kids and now I have the newbies. What is newbies name? It is a name that has never been on the top 1000 list before. Some of the names you may already be familiar with but ..read more
Ren's Baby Name Blog
4y ago
One of my favorite things to do when the new top names list comes out is look at names that are new to the list. Personally I split the list into two sublist: newbies and comeback kids. Newbie names are names that have never ranked in the top 1000. Comeback kids are names that have been off the top 1000 list for one or more years. Most of the names on the latter list are off 1-2 years but every so often you get a name that has not been ranked since the 1930s. When I come across those gems I always let out a little squeal of excitement. I am a huge advocate for using these vintage gem.
I ..read more
Ren's Baby Name Blog
4y ago
We are coming up on our last post for today but don't worry there will be many more posts about the new SSA list in the weeks to come! I am not done spending all my free time looking at the list and lucky for me I have a 12 day staycation coming up. Below I have a list of all the comeback kid names. What is a comeback kid name? It is a name that has been on the top 1000 before but has been off the list for 1 or more years. Below you will see the name with the spot it is ranked in 2019 and below each name is the last year it was ranked with the spot it was that year.
Stone #999
Last ..read more
Ren's Baby Name Blog
4y ago
The top 100 list is always a line for people it is either too popular and just right. Personally I can't decide. Years ago I would have said that the list was too popular and never pick a name in the top 100 but now I say otherwise. Some of my favorite names are in the top 100. Of those names I have never or rarely hear kids with the names. That is something to take into consideration: How many babies do you know with the names in the top 100?
To my surprise there were only 4 new to the top 100 names for each gender. Last year there were almost double that for girls. I feel like there w ..read more
Ren's Baby Name Blog
4y ago
These next 2 blog posts are my favorites of all the new SSA name release blog post series. I love taking a look at the names that are entering the top 1000. I split my list up into 2 groups; names that have never been on the list before and names that are coming back from years past. Below you will find all the names that are entering the list for the first time. Next to the name is the spot they are in right now and in parentheses is the number of spots they jumped to enter the top 1000.
Rome #1000 (+101)
Seven #998 (+426)
Dhruv #997 (+75)
Aayan #996 (+150)
Zyon ..read more
Ren's Baby Name Blog
4y ago
After nearly 4 months of waiting the brand new 2019 SSA most popular list is out!!!! I am screaming and not going to lie I jumped off the couch so fast I made my mom concerned. Thanks to babynames.com for alerting me to the new list being out. If I'm being honest I did not believe it was really out at all and had to check and double check. A few weeks I ago I checked out of curiosity and had lost hope the list would be making an appearance any time soon.
So without waiting any longer let's dive in to the much awaited name list starting with he top 19 most popular names.
Boy ..read more