A Developer's Greatest Power
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by zain ul abdin
17m ago
I still remember the first day I wrote "Hello, World" in C++. It was my first programming language, and to be honest, I hated it at first. Compared to easier alternatives like Python, C++ felt incredibly complex. The syntax, the pointers, the memory management – it all seemed overwhelming. But as I persisted, I started to get used to C++. I built a strong understanding of programming concepts. Then came the time when I had to transition to a different language. I thought it would be weird and maybe hard for me to switch now that I was so comfortable with C++ and its intricacies. To my surprise ..read more
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Today's Trending Projects: Push Box Game With Pygame and More
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by Labby
17m ago
Dive into the exciting world of programming with LabEx's latest collection of trending projects! ? Whether you're a beginner looking to hone your skills or an experienced developer seeking new challenges, this lineup has something for everyone. From creating a classic Sokoban game to mastering web scraping and responsive design, these projects will push your boundaries and ignite your creativity. 1. Push Box Game With Pygame Get ready to put your problem-solving skills to the test with the Push Box Game With Pygame project! In this classic game, you'll guide a character through a maze, pushin ..read more
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Listening for HTTP requests on the CLI with tshark
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by Talles L
17m ago
sudo tshark -Y "http.request or tls.handshake.type == 1" -T fields -e http.request.method -e http.host -e http.request.uri -e tls.handshake.extensions_server_name Argument Description -Y "http.request or tls.handshake.type == 1" Filters for HTTP requests or TLS ClientHello packets -T fields Outputs the following fields -e http.request.method Displays the HTTP request method -e http.host Displays the HTTP host header (domain name) -e http.request.uri Displays the URI of the HTTP request -e tls.handshake.extensions_server_name Displays the server name from the TLS handshake ..read more
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แนวทางการใช้ Go package โดย Jaana Dogan(rakyll)
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by Pallat Anchaleechamaikorn
17m ago
Jaana Dogan หรือ rakyll คือใคร ปัจจุบันเธอกลับมาทำงานที่ Google อีกครั้ง จากก่อนหน้าที่จะไปอยู่ AWS เธอก็อยู่ Google มานานกว่า 8ปี จาก AWS ก็ไปทำงานที่ github สามารถติดตามเธอได้ที่ rakyll.org และ https://github.com/rakyll โดยต่อจากนี้จะเรียกเธอด้วยชื่อ rakyll แทนนะครับ บทความเกี่ยวกับเรื่องนี้ต้นฉบับอ่านได้ที่ https://rakyll.org/style-packages/ rakyll เริ่มต้นด้วยการเกริ่นก่อนว่าใน Go ..read more
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Database design for backend engineers
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by codewitgabi
17m ago
Often times, as backend engineers, we jump into writing our database schemas/models without properly planning what they will look like and this leads to more and more migration files been generated. For some of us, we stick to using pen and paper which is quite cool but then we may have no reference to them in the future or how then do we share those designs with future backend engineers who will work on the project (...cause you may not be working on that project forever.) Allow me to introduce DBML to you; DBML (Database Markup Language) is an open-source DSL language designed to define and ..read more
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Customizing Calendar with FSCalendar in SwiftUI
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by Muhammad Rasyad Caesarardhi
17m ago
Welcome back to my blog on front-end development, code, and iOS development. here, I will tell you about customizing the view of a calendar in SwiftUI using the FSCalendar package (https://github.com/WenchaoD/FSCalendar). Why do we need a custom calendar? First of all, why do we need a custom calendar? The answer is that we need a custom calendar that can show weekly views and not monthly views. second, we want to customize just part of the component from the calendar. for example, part of the background color, part of the text color, adding an image to the calendar to build streaks or adding ..read more
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Functional Programming Concepts in Kotlin
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by Kartik Mehta
2h ago
Introduction: Functional programming is a programming paradigm that is gaining popularity due to its efficient and concise code. Kotlin, a multi-platform programming language, supports functional programming concepts and combines them with object-oriented programming. This article will discuss the various functional programming concepts in Kotlin and their advantages and disadvantages. Advantages: Immutability: In functional programming, the values of objects cannot be changed once they are assigned, promoting a safer and more predictable code. With Kotlin's val declaration, objects become i ..read more
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Producer-Consumer Pattern
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by Johns Code
2h ago
In this post, Goroutines and channels are introduced. These are 2 of the most useful constructs in go. Together, when used properly, they give developers great flexibility in dealing with concurrency. They are one of the most common topics in an interview. Implement a simple producer consumer pattern in go. var buffer = make(chan int, 5) func produce(wg *sync.WaitGroup) { defer wg.Done() for i := 0; i < 10; i++ { buffer <- i time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * time.Duration(rand.Intn(100))) } fmt.Println("producer done") } func consume(wg *sync.WaitGroup ..read more
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Data Orientation in Relational Databases
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by Hiram Gonzalez
2h ago
Data orientation is a fundamental concept to database design because it determines how data is stored and accessed. In relational databases, understanding data orientation is critical to optimizing performance, storage efficiency, and query execution. There are two main types of data orientation in relational databases: ? Row-oriented storage: This is the traditional approach, where data is stored row by row. Each row represents a record, and the columns represent attributes of that record. This format is efficient for transactional (OLTP) workloads where data is frequently inserted, updated ..read more
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Unsupervised Learning
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by Oluwafemi Paul Adeyemi
2h ago
Unsupervised Learning involves a set of algorithm that are used to learn patterns from a data without targets (labels). Unsupervised Learning does not require that each that data point in the dataset be This is Contrarily to Supervised Learning that requires that each data point should have a label, which means that the dataset consists of features and targets. Basically, in unsupervised learning, the features are not labelled. That means that there is no target to be predicted and there is an interest in finding some patterns in the features. Fundamentally, unsupervised learning involves clus ..read more
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