TBEC signed an open letter to Johnson & Johnson
TB Europe Coalition
by Khrystyna Vilyura
2y ago
TBEC signed an open letter to Johnson & Johnson Among the other 44 civil society organizations, TBEC signed an open letter to Johnson & Johnson company requesting urgent action to improve equitable access to bedaquiline based regimens and so to achieve the 1/4/6×24 Campaign targets. “We urge Johnson & Johnson to commit that the company will not enforce the patent on the fumarate salt or any other patents beyond the primary patent’s expiration in July 2023.  Widespread access to bedaquiline is indispensable in order to scale up treatment for drug-resistant TB, in particular ..read more
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TBEC Annual Report іs published
TB Europe Coalition
by Khrystyna Vilyura
2y ago
TBEC Annual Report іs published Over the past year, the TB Europe Coalition has continued to expand its operations and strengthen leadership in TB advocacy in the region. Despite the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the full-scale war in Ukraine, and the consequent humanitarian crisis, TBEC successfully completed all the tasks set for the year and significantly increased the scope of work. In 2022, the TBEC Secretariat has been working on seven different grants, five of which will continue in 2023. The full version of the report can be found here: In English https://www.tbcoalition.eu/wp-conten ..read more
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Опубликован годовой отчет ЕКТБ
TB Europe Coalition
by Khrystyna Vilyura
2y ago
Опубликован годовой отчет ЕКТБ Начинаем новый рабочий год с подведения итогов за 2022. За прошедший год Европейская коалиция по борьбе с туберкулезом продолжила расширять свою деятельность и укреплять лидерство в адвокации в сфере борьбы с ТБ в регионе. Несмотря на продолжающуюся пандемию COVID-19, полномасштабную войну в Украине и вызванный ею гуманитарный кризис, ЕКТБ успешно осуществила все поставленные на год задачи и существенно увеличила масштаб работы. В 2022 году Секретариат ЕКТБ работал над семью различными грантами, пять из которых продолжат действовать и в 2023 ..read more
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Happy and peaceful New Year 2023!
TB Europe Coalition
by Khrystyna Vilyura
2y ago
Happy and peaceful New Year 2023 Dear friends and partners! On behalf of the TB Europe Coalition, I would like to congratulate you on New Year and Christmas holidays! I truly wish each of you, your families and your colleagues health, prosperity, and victory in the new year 2023! The outgoing year was not easy for all of us – misery and sorrow were multiplying before our eyes, and the most severe violation of the rights of millions of people has already been recognized as the largest humanitarian crisis since the Second World War. In times like this, the help and support provided by civil ..read more
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Счастливого и мирного 2023 года!
TB Europe Coalition
by Khrystyna Vilyura
2y ago
Счастливого и мирного 2023 года! Дорогие друзья и партнеры! От имени Европейской коалиции по борьбе с туберкулезом поздравляю вас с Новогодними и Рождественскими праздникам! Искренне желаю каждому из вас, вашим семьям и коллегам здоровья, благополучия и побед в новом 2023 ..read more
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TBEC Newsletter December 2022
TB Europe Coalition
by Khrystyna Vilyura
2y ago
TBEC Newsletter December 2022 [ENG] Online-meeting on the Algorithm of data collection for the four WHO Europe indicators On December 2, 2022, the TB Europe Coalition held an online meeting for civil society organisations and TB-affected communities on the Algorithm of data collection for the four WHO Europe indicators. If you were unable to join the meeting personally, for your convenience the recording is available at the link. Click for more ———————————————————- [RU ..read more
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Информационный бюллетень ЕКТБ за декабрь 2022 года
TB Europe Coalition
by Khrystyna Vilyura
2y ago
Информационный бюллетень ЕКТБ за декабрь 2022 года [ENG] Online-meeting on the Algorithm of data collection for the four WHO Europe indicators On December 2, 2022, the TB Europe Coalition held an online meeting for civil society organisations and TB-affected communities on the Algorithm of data collection for the four WHO Europe indicators. If you were unable to join the meeting personally, for your convenience the recording is available at the link. Click for more ———————————————————- [RU ..read more
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Online-meeting on the Algorithm of data collection for the four WHO Europe indicators
TB Europe Coalition
by Khrystyna Vilyura
2y ago
Online-meeting on the Algorithm of data collection for the four WHO Europe indicators On December 2, 2022, the TB Europe Coalition held an online-meeting for civil society organisations and TB-affected communities “Algorithm of data collection for the four WHO Europe indicators”, during which: – Giorgi Kuchukidze (WHO Europe) briefed participants on the role of CSOs and TB-affected communities in monitoring the meaningful engagement of CSOs and affected communities as part of the TB Action Plan for the WHO European Region 2023-2030, – Yana Terleeva (Head of the Department of TB Management ..read more
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TBEC Newsletter November 2022
TB Europe Coalition
by Khrystyna Vilyura
2y ago
TBEC Newsletter November 2022 [ ENG] TBEC took part in the Stop TB Partnership Community Summit in Bangkok The 5-day STP Community Summit organised by Stop TB Partnership was held from 31st October to 4th November in Bangkok (Thailand). About 150 representatives of civil society and TB-affected communities from more than 20 countries took part in the event. Yuliia Kalancha, the Executive Director was representing TB Europe Coalition at the Summit. Click for more ———————————————————- [RU] ЕКТБ приняла участие в Саммите Сообщества Партнерства “Остановить ТБ” в Бангкоке С 31 октября по 4 ..read more
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TBEC took part in the Regional Forum dedicated to the implementation of the Global Fund’s Community Engagement Technical Assistance Program in the EECA region in 2021-2022
TB Europe Coalition
by Khrystyna Vilyura
2y ago
TBEC took part in the Regional Forum dedicated to the implementation of the Global Fund’s Community Engagement Technical Assistance Program in the EECA region in 2021-2022 The Regional Forum dedicated to the implementation of the Global Fund’s Community Engagement Technical Assistance Program in the EECA region in 2021-2022 organized by Eurasian Harm Reduction Association and the Regional Platform-EECA was held between 28-29 November 2022 in Istanbul (Turkey). TBEC Programme Manager Vlada Rabinova participated in the event and spoke at a panel discussion of community perspectives on how to ..read more
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