The Toy Scavenger Blog
The Toy Scavenger brings you the best Vintage Action Figures from the 80s & 90s. It specialises in MOC, Carded, Loose, Vintage Action Figures, Vehicles and Play sets from Aliens to Zoids.
The Toy Scavenger Blog
2y ago
Sell Your Old Toys for Cash: A Guide to Maximizing Profits from Your Vintage Collections and Collectibles
As a child, you probably collected a variety of toys that you treasured and played with for hours on end. But as you grew older, you may have outgrown your toys and put them away in storage. If you're looking to make some extra cash, you might be wondering what to do with your old toys.
Selling your old toys can be a great way to make some extra money, especially if you have vintage collections or collectibles that are in high demand. Not only will you be able to clear out some space in y ..read more
The Toy Scavenger Blog
4y ago
Hey toy fans,
We have some amazing new products coming into the store very soon, a lot of X-men, M.A.S.K Masters of the Universe and some Vintage Star Wars Figures among other thing.
Its been a crazy few months and we have been concentrating on building the Toy Scavenger to be the best it can be. We have a new you tube channel that will be releasing some videos very soon, and also working on some very exciting NEW products that will hopefully leave vintage toy fans wanting more & more.
Lots to look forward to this year and its very exciting for us and i am sure you will all be happy ..read more
The Toy Scavenger Store Vintage Stock update, X-Men, Doctor Who, Batman, Biker Mice From Mars & More
The Toy Scavenger Blog
4y ago
Hello everyone, just wanted to give you all n update on stock and items that are coming in very soon.
We have just added a load of X-Men and Doctor Who items to the site, There will be more coming in the next few days so keep an eye open.
We are completely overstocked at the moment with loose items and need to find the time to upload them all, items include Thundercats, Masters of The Universe, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, among others. We are also looking into listing Accessories only as i know alot of you are asking for this. So again hopefully in the next few weeks we can get this ..read more
The Toy Scavenger Blog
4y ago
Can we take a minute to appreciate how good the Zords are from The Mighty Morphing Power Rangers from the 90s. This toy line has gone from strength to strength in recent years and is still very sort after. So here is a few images from items we have had in stock this past year ..read more
The Toy Scavenger Blog
4y ago
Hey guys, Toy Paul Official here, I was having a think about the first time i saw a Visionaries action figure the other day and I thought I would share it with you all.
It was not in a toy store, nor a catalogue, and it was not a carded box or vehicle. It was in fact at a fun fair, on a shooting range game. Among all the stuffed animals and balloons was a line of bagged up Acton Figures, and their was Arzon, he was the prize i was after. I remember thinking that he looked so awesome with an hologram, something I had only seen before in Supernaturals of which I had only one of, Lionheart ..read more
The Toy Scavenger Blog
4y ago
Hey guys, Toy Paul Official here, recently I have stumbled across a bag of Thundercats.
The exciting thing about these are the fact that they are near complete, and still have their weapons intact, especially Panthro's weapon, as the chain is always broken,
Lion-o's Eyes still light up and he is complete with Sword of Omens and Glove. In pretty standard condition with working action, Lion-o always goes down well at toy shows.
The next was Tygra, again with his weapon in one piece, i'm still on the look out for a young Tygra so i wasn't as excited as i could of been with that find. Still a gr ..read more
The Toy Scavenger Blog
4y ago
Calling all M.A.S.K Fans.
Here is the Cheapest Mint in Sealed Box you will find In the collection and is a must have.
A Euro Dynamo from the split second racing series. Its a great starter and quite easy to find if you look in the right places.
The main reason it is easy to find and quite cheap is a simple one............Over flooding of the Vintage Market by one seller.
You see about 4-5 years ago loads of Undiscovered shippers flooded eBay and Forums. (Along with Euro Adventure packs). The reason was that a warehouse was found with shippers opened and unopened in Au ..read more
The Toy Scavenger Blog
4y ago
Hey everyone, this Christmas was a very slow one in terms of gifts and presents from anybody due to keeping a tight budget on funds within the family. But despite this one awesome gift that was produced was a vintage Whack Attack by Peter Pan. I had one of these as a kid and totally forgot how much fun it was.
Whack Attack is a family action game that has 5 colourful heads that pop up one at a time, this requires you to smash them back down again with a plastic mallet in a race against time. At the end of the time the score you have collected is counted up and the person that has hit the m ..read more
The Toy Scavenger Blog
4y ago
Thank you to everyone that has supported us over the last year, here is our Top Nine Images found on Instagram
Happy New Year everyone. Morgan Freeman made it into our top 9 posts, now that's a Happy New year. #bestnine2017 #topposts #morganfreeman #ghostbusters #batman #fun #Toycollection #toyscavenger #toysforsale #toysale #toystagram #thundercats
A post shared by The Toy Scavenger (@toyscavenger) on Jan 1, 2018 at 2:02am PST ..read more
The Toy Scavenger Blog
4y ago
In a word, Mojo Rawley is 'Hyped'. Along with his tag team partner, Zack Ryder ,they formed the energetic team of The Hype Bros. The popularity of these two seems to be rising and as we made a Zack Ryder we had to make this custom figure also, because where would he be without his Mojo.
For this figure we used three other current Hasbro Figures to create Mojo. The attire was inspired by Mojo's Instagram page and his love for using Zubas shorts in the ring. As Mattel now own the rights to the WWE action figure lines, they recently released a Retro Figures range and there are further pl ..read more