Karla Fights Lyme
A blog by Karla Margeson about how she is getting well from Lyme disease, and blogging every step.
Karla Fights Lyme
5y ago
It’s funny. When I was actively sick with Lyme disease and Bartonella infections, I would SCOUR the internet for information and answers. It was not at all uncommon for me to be awake at 3am googling symptoms and chasing link trails until the sun came up. I swore, as I started to get well, I would NEVER stop updating a blog. I would never leave a trail unmarked. I would always share with my community, help everyone with as much info as I had to get better.
And here I am… going almost a YEAR without updating! What a wild ride this has been.
The truth is, there isn’t much I can share from ..read more