Wrestling Melanoma
My name is Mark Sims I was diagnosed with Stage 4 malignant melanoma on the 18th of February last year at the age of 27. This is dedicated to those people who participated into the drug trials many whom would have died so that I could have lived. It is due to them that there are treatments available to patients like me.
Wrestling Melanoma
3y ago
So much has happened since I last posted so where do I start? Chris and I are settled now in Beaminster Dorset and running Tangerine Cafe and Gallery which we love.
Soon after our move to Dorset we were were invited to the Cancer Research Institute in Cambridge for the unveiling of a new plaque for Mark. I have also spoken at CRUK events and talked to Skin Cancer specialist nurses at one of their conferences. I try as much as possible to continue to raise awareness of cancer generally and skin cancer in particular as Mark is no longer here to do it and it meant such a lot to him.
We are touch ..read more
Wrestling Melanoma
4y ago
We had this lovely review back in May.
Book Review: 24 May 2015
Title : P.S. I have Cancer: Wrestling Melanoma and Falling in Love
Author: Mark Sims
Publisher: Poetry Space Ltd 2018 £9.95
Reviewer: Polly Buchanan, Clinical Editor, Dermatological Nursing (Official Journal of the British Dermatological Nursing Group)
This remarkable book has been written by an even more remarkable person, Dr Mark Sims. Mark very sadly died aged 28years old. He had been diagnosed with malignant melanoma and this book represents, as he puts it, his story of defying the cancer and falling in love.
The book i ..read more
Wrestling Melanoma
4y ago
by Sue Sims
Until Mark died and left me with his beautiful book to publish and promote, I had not imagined becoming a public speaker. However speaking engagements have been rolling in as well as TV and press interviews. I have found I love doing them. It’s another way for me to keep telling Mark’s story and to raise awareness of the horrible disease that is malignant melanoma. Other family members have been getting involved too. Dave made a speech at a data conference organised by Public Heath England. Also some friends have organised their own events to raise awareness and keep Ma ..read more
Wrestling Melanoma
4y ago
The books have arrived and they are truly beautiful. You did a wonderful thing Mark, writing this.
You can order your copy in the Poetry Space online shop/
Profits will go to Mark’s Just Giving Fund for CRUK
For me it has been an amazing project, editing Mark’s 80,000 words and adding a chapter of my own in line with Mark’s wishes. All the family have helped in some way, by proof reading and advising. Now it is here, another lasting legacy for a beautiful guy ..read more
Wrestling Melanoma
4y ago
With the help of the family, I have now made a lot of progress on Mark’s book and it is currently at the final proof reading stage. This is the cover:
I have created a dedicated Facebook page for the book and have started to reserve books for people who would like to pre-order.I already have orders for 60 books. So thanks if that is you.
You can pre-order by visiting the page and sending a message.
The book will be published in paperback by Poetry Space Ltd and we plan to launch in February or March next year. It is 312 pages long and will retail at £9.95.
Profits from sale o ..read more
Wrestling Melanoma
4y ago
Raising funds for Cancer Research UK was extremely important to Mark. When he was at his lowest ebb it gave meaning to his life to know that he was giving hope to people in the future. It is still vitally important to us to continue to keep the money coming in and we are so grateful to all of you for doing your own fundraising and adding to the pot, and also for every single donation you give.
As many of you will know, I am currently editing Mark’s book and also writing a collection of poems based on my experience of bearing witness to Mark’s journey through cancer. I am making prog ..read more
Wrestling Melanoma
4y ago
On Saturday June 10th you are welcome to join us for a memorial walk for Mark.This has been organised by Chris in conjunction with Cancer Research UK.
Please meet us at Bath Abbey at 11.15. There will be a registration table at the side of the abbey.
The walk will leave Bath Abbey at 12 and we shall walk to Swineford via Kelston Round Hill. This is approximately 6 miles. The route will follow the Cotswold Way and should take three hours tree for moderate walkers.
We are planning to have refreshments at Round Hill after about 4 miles and then gather afterwards&nb ..read more
Wrestling Melanoma
4y ago
Leicester University meant a lot to Mark. It was the place he trained to be a doctor, made many good friends and the place he revisited in March 2015 and met the love of his life Georgie . So it was fitting that the lovely people at the Alumni association made it possible for us to host a wonderful memorial event for Mark at the university on Saturday 25th February.
The day itself was so special. Friends from many parts of Mark’s life, school, explorer scouts,university, work, hospitals, rugby team, CRUK and social social media gathered with us his family to tell stories, pay tribute an ..read more
Wrestling Melanoma
4y ago
Before February 2015, Mark was just getting on with his life, he rang now and again, came to stay sometimes and I went to see him but that was it. I never wanted to be the sort of mother who needed to know what he or any of his brothers were up to moment by moment. I was happy to have confident sons who simply got on with their lives, had adventures, rang or visited now and again . I knew I was always welcome for the occasional visit to see any of them and having four sons, it never really meant that any got more attention than they wanted. I had my life, writing poetry, doing some couns ..read more
Wrestling Melanoma
4y ago
Leicester University have kindly agreed to host Mark’s Memorial Service on Saturday 18th February 2017 at 2:30pm in the Peter Williams Lecture Theatre, in the Fielding Johnson South Wing. This service is to celebrate the life of our fantastic son, brother, fiancé, cousin, nephew and dear friend.
This is an open invitation for anyone who wishes to celebrate Mark’s life to come along, even if you have not met him in person. Please note the dress code is smart-casual (don’t feel like you have to wear black).
For anyone travelling from the Bristol area Baker’s coaches have kindly provided a coach ..read more