Tarot Avenue
Tarot avenue provides accurate and insightful online tarot readings so you can be guided to reaching your full potential. Their belief is that they can help you navigate the twisting roads of your life's journey and give you the information and guidance that you need to find the right path.
Tarot Avenue
4y ago
We are very lucky to have a beautiful soul reading from a guest writer - the very talented Kathy Crabbe. As well as being a medium and astrologer, she hand illustrates her own cards, which you can see in the reading. Read more about Kathy at the end of the article. Over to Kathy.... Every Moon-day I share a Soul Reading Video + Blog to help you resonate with the coming week. This week there is also a Libra New Moon on Friday, October 16 at 12:31 pm Pacific Time. I suggest you watch my video first and then scroll down for the meaning of the cards pulled in my reading. Enjo ..read more
Tarot Avenue
4y ago
I was very luck to receive the Art History for Past Lives deck to review from Red Orchid Publishing It's clear that Melanny and her team have put a lot of work into this deck and I wanted to share it with you. Melanny saw my tarot spread for past lives and thought I would be interested to give her deck a go.About the DeckThis deck is made up of images from art history. There are some beautiful scenes and you also get lots of information about the artist and the art. I really like this as I feel that it expands my knowledge on many levels. The cards are used to give a ..read more
Tarot Avenue
4y ago
Recently got given the Golden Girls Tarot Cards as a birthday gift! I'm a big fan of the Golden Girls so I was very excited to get these. Obviously, they are a bit of fun but I'm quite impressed with the cards and I am loving how tarot in general is taking on a new life and reaching new audiences. The UnboxingI wanted to share the whole experience with you so I put together this video of me opening the packet. You get to see them at the same time as I did.. The DeckThe Golden Girls Tarot Cards are based on the Rider Waite. Unfortunately they don't come wi ..read more
Tarot Avenue
4y ago
Here we are in another Mercury retrograde! They just keep coming. I've put together a short survival guide to help you make the most of every Mercury retrograde.What is a Mercury Retrograde?That's a good question. A lot of people think that a retrograde is when a planet moves backwards but that's not entirely true. It's a bit of an optical illusion. The best way I have heard it described is to imagine you are in a car on the highway going at 100kph. There is a car in the next lane going the same speed. All of a sudden that car slows down to 80kph. It look ..read more
Tarot Avenue
5y ago
One of the key elements to a successful tarot reading is finding the themes in the reading as this will help you with story telling. When I ask my tribe their biggest struggle with learning tarot there are few answers that always come up. Finding the story in the cards is one of the regulars that I see. This little exercise is a great way for you to look at your deck differently and spot things that you have never seen before.Searching for themesWhen looking for themes there are many things you can start to notice such as colours, numbers, symbols etc. In this particular e ..read more
Tarot Avenue
5y ago
Life is made up of decisions. The tricky part is choosing the right path. Making a decision can be overwhelming and this often leads to people getting stuck. Tarot is a really effective tool for helping you become unstuck and point you on the right path. I truly believe that we have free will but having some information about where we are headed before we get there can be invaluable.Decision Making Tarot SpreadI created this decision making tarot spread on the Two of Swords. This card often shows up if somebody is stuck and finding it difficult to choose a path.You c ..read more
Tarot Avenue
5y ago
There is no doubt that these are very challenging times. All of a sudden we are seeing our freedoms taken away from us and we are isolated from the world. Some people have lost their only income and others have even lost family members! In times of strife I usually look to my tarot deck for guidance. There are not always answers but there is always guidance. In these dark times it's important that we choose to live in the light. I've put together a brief video to show 7 ways that tarot can help us through the Coronavirus pandemic. You can download the journal template here.You can listen ..read more
Tarot Avenue
5y ago
I'm thrilled to demonstrate this excellent tarot spread that I discovered in the book - 365 Tarot Spreads by Sasha Graham. I would thoroughly recommend this book as the spreads are really useful and well explained.Here is the spread that I demo for you:As always, I find it much easier to demonstrate a tarot spread by video rather than text. I hope you enjoy and that it's a useful addition to your tarot spread repertoire.
The post Justice Tarot Spread Demonstration appeared first on Tarot Avenue ..read more
Tarot Avenue
5y ago
I was recently gifted a new tarot deck - The Modern Tarot Reader. This is a really interesting deck and I'm keen to share my thoughts.The InspirationYou will see from the images below that this deck has a real Victorian and medical influence. The deck creator (Claire Goodchild) is a long time tarot reader who has always been inspired by vintage tarot decks. She is a trained digital artist who was always curious and fascinated by the Victorian era. Claire's images draw from a time where people would go to the apothecary for a herbal remedy. She found anatomical images from medical texts to c ..read more
Tarot Avenue
5y ago
Have I just manifested my dream life change?I really need to learn to trust my own powers of manifestation.This has been an incredible year for me in term so life changes and I wanted to share some of the experiences with you. I feel that there are valuable lessons that we could all learn from this story.Setting GoalsI’ve been a big believer in setting clear goals for a long time. In fact you can download my tarot goal setting guide right here.Since starting Tarot Avenue I set the goal of achieving financial freedom by working on a business or businesses that I am truly passionate about.I ha ..read more