Amanda and Deb's Breast Cancer Tips
A blog sharing news, events and memories of a truly amazing daughter, wife and friend through her journey with secondary breast cancer.
Amanda and Deb's Breast Cancer Tips
1y ago
1 cancerous lump in my breast (a huge shock)
6 sessions of chemo (a concoction of nasty side effects)
3 weeks of radiotherapy (like being in a large, rotating photocopier)
2 malignant tumours in my brain (head cracked open like an egg twice)1 stint of Whole Brain Radiotherapy (the ultimate torture-fest)
2 seizures (scary for everyone in the ward, I was oblivious)
2 pulmonary embolisms (life-threatening, of course)
1 terminal diagnosis (Q. could this get any worse?)
3 months to live (A. apparently, yes)
1 amazing miracle (God is GOOD!)
10 year anniversary (you heard it right, 10 whole years!)
0 ..read more
Amanda and Deb's Breast Cancer Tips
3y ago
Eight years ago I was celebrating my 40th birthday. Unbeknownst to me however, my world was about to be - not just turned on its axis - but spun violently around until it finally shuddered to a halt five years later when I was given 'months to live'.
For those who don't know me or my story, here it is in brief. Lump found in breast. Lumpectomy to remove gobstopper sized cancerous tumour undertaken. Diagnosed as High Grade Triple Negative Breast Cancer. Six sessions of chemo took place during which I was delighted to experience every side effect possible, including reinstating the infamou ..read more
Amanda and Deb's Breast Cancer Tips
4y ago
Exciting news! Over Lockdown I decided to write my autobiography! The book is a candid account of my life, the ups and the downs and it has an amazing ending (well, you can probably guess the ending since I am alive and well and writing this today).
Buy your copy today at Etsy.com https://etsy.me/30okHvF
Here are some of the comments from those who have read it...
"I am absolutely roaring with laughter!!! Other than the cancer of course which I am not roaring at, this book is brilliant!!!" RB
"I really enjoyed it...some of it must have been very difficult to put down on pap ..read more
Amanda and Deb's Breast Cancer Tips
4y ago
I have been lucky enough to have an incredible lifelong best friend. I have been horribly unlucky to lose her to cancer at just 47.
Cheryl and I met at Primary School where we shared a love of English and complete ineptitude at sports. We were somewhat enchanted by each other's company. We would walk to school together, learn together, play together, walk home together and write each other letters every day. Our favourite game was 'letters in your name'. Not a complex game, it involved shouting out a letter and then moving forward one step if that letter appeared in your name. I performed wel ..read more
Amanda and Deb's Breast Cancer Tips
5y ago
To say that 2020 has not turned out as any of us expected is a huge understatement. It goes without saying that the pandemic has had devastating and far-reaching impact. One (sadly large) group of people particularly affected are those living with cancer. In the furore, ever-changing guidance and a culture of anxiety and in some cases, fear, many cancer patients have been deterred from visiting their Doctors, Oncologists or even A&E.
BBC One's Panorama explored the topic of 'Britain's Cancer Crisis' to understand how Covid-19 had impacted cancer treatment. It made grim viewing. With cance ..read more
Amanda and Deb's Breast Cancer Tips
5y ago
When I look around (from a safe distance), I see a world facing unprecedented challenges, the worst of which is the real and present danger of the Coronavirus to our most vulnerable. It is horrible to see the numbers of people dying from this alarming disease. What is also deeply concerning is that those who are affected are the most vulnerable in our society. Among those are cancer sufferers. Facing cancer in normal circumstances is horrendous. Facing cancer during a worldwide pandemic is unspeakably awful. My precious life-long friend who I have been privileged to have known and loved since ..read more
Amanda and Deb's Breast Cancer Tips
5y ago
When I think of heaven, I don't think of angels or rivers of gold. The heaven I imagine is filled to the brim with overwhelming love. Love that is untainted by the body's frailties, insecurity, worry and fear of loss. On earth, it is love that connects us all, love that enriches our lives and love that makes our hearts sing. In 1 Peter 4.8 he says "Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins". It is love that has inspired infinitesimal songs, poems and works of art. Love underpins acts of kindness and compassion and evokes joy. But love has a darker un ..read more
Amanda and Deb's Breast Cancer Tips
5y ago
When I started chemo (24th January 2014) I was apprehensive. My Dad, my husband Dean and I rocked up to Royal Stoke and we had no idea what to expect. The chemo ward was unexpectedly pleasant. Everyone had a comfortable chair and most had a friend or family member with them. The room was light and airy and all the seats faced inwards so it was a convivial atmosphere, despite the fact that we were all there for life-saving toxic treatments to be pumped into our veins. This was the first time I met Kate. She was a chemo veteran, she knew everyone and became a regular friendly face at my session ..read more
Amanda and Deb's Breast Cancer Tips
5y ago
Well, as I approach another year (and decade in fact), I have had time to reflect on how phenomenally rich I am. OK, just to note, these are by no means physical riches. A terminal cancer diagnosis does not have a positive impact on your bank account, or prospects for that matter. What it does do, however, is create a huge bank of spiritual riches. Here are some of them... 1. The richness of God's healing spirit when you are facing an imminent death (and then go on to live, and live and live...) 2. The joy of another Christmas with my Dad, my husband and my fabulous friends 3. The memories ..read more
Amanda and Deb's Breast Cancer Tips
5y ago
A tee-total drinking game for all the family! Brought to you by Post-Cranium Surgery.com Anyone can play. All you need is some embarrassing post-cancer experiences and a bottle of squash. Here goes... Never have I ever waited anxiously outside my flat for a lift, one hour before it was due to arrive Never have I ever sent the same person three birthday cards (all identical) Never have I ever turned up for an appointment at the wrong time and at the wrong place Never have I ever double-gifted (e.g. sent two different presents to the same person for their birthday) Never have I ever put ..read more