Weekly Forecast: February 20-26
Incandescent Tarot
by Gina Wisotzky
2y ago
After weeks of big, existential readings we come down to earth and into a somewhat chaotic situation. I’m hoping, however, that this contrast will be refreshing, as we take what we’ve learned from our experience of Major Arcana cards like Strength, and apply them to the minutiae of our daily lives. And, to be honest, it sometimes feels good to get back into the rhythm of taking care of business, and no card expresses this mixture of strenuous action and deep satisfaction better than the Seven of Wands. Tasks, projects, bids for attention - all manners of requests on our time are surfacing in ..read more
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Weekly Forecast: February 13-19
Incandescent Tarot
by Gina Wisotzky
2y ago
The Knight of Pentacles is the only knight in the tarot deck whose horse has all their feet on the ground. Standing on a hillock overlooking a freshly-plowed field, the yellow pentacle in their hand matches the vibrant sky - the object of this knight’s attention matches its environment, all signs point to go, and the work is about to begin. It’s not a flashy card. There’s no rushing, charging headfirst into battle as one might imagine a knight from a fairytale would. Bravery, according to the Knight of Pentacles, lies in diligence and perseverance. What goal have you set your sights on and ho ..read more
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Weekly Forecast: February 6-12
Incandescent Tarot
by Gina Wisotzky
2y ago
Well, dear readers, in a rare moment of straightforwardness, our reading is telling us that the main themes of the month are making themselves known to us at the beginning of the week. After all, Strength is our tarot card of the month. Let’s enjoy this! Take note of what you’re grappling with - it will be an ongoing project for you in February - as well as the areas you’ve been growing. The latter is actually the crux of our reading: What formerly wild, rejected, or misunderstood side of yourself has been coming into lovely focus as of late? How can you push through the last stages of integr ..read more
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Weekly Forecast: January 30 - February 5
Incandescent Tarot
by Gina Wisotzky
2y ago
What do you do when you’re looking for a feeling? The Four of Cups sees us starting the week with a nagging sensation that something’s missing. We’re yearning for something in the realm of the cups suit - love, connection, spirituality, or intuition - but we're not sure how to articulate it just yet. In situations like these, challenging feelings can be important guides; pay attention to where you’re yearning, pining, lonesome, or bored. What happens when you just sit with these experiences, much like the figure in the Four of Cups? Depending on your situation and personality, this can range ..read more
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Weekly Forecast: January 16-22
Incandescent Tarot
by Gina Wisotzky
2y ago
Strength is a card that operates on quite an impressive spectrum. Sometimes we’re wanting to figure something out - a big question about our life, ourselves, or our situation - and we approach it head-on, struggling valiantly for understanding. And sometimes we do a stranger dance, one of fits and starts, as we approach our question from different angles, retreating to process, and returning again to re-engage. It’s this odd shuffle that’s animating our lives this week as we try to suss out something important in a complicated situation. Yet no matter how confusing it may seem, this card’s ap ..read more
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Weekly Forecast: December 5-11
Incandescent Tarot
by Gina Wisotzky
2y ago
I don’t know about you all, but I could use a bit more zest in my life. So, in honor of the first week of December and itchy feet, let’s shake this forecast up a little bit. I think it’s always helpful to have a light hand and sense of humor with tarot - zhuzhing up your practice with some changes can go a long way in keeping things fresh and even surprisingly mystical - so here we go. This reading in one sentence Let’s dream wildly so that when it all comes falling down, we know where we want to go. the tower in the room Yes, it’s here: that card. But this version of The Tower is rising up l ..read more
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Weekly Forecast: November 21-27
Incandescent Tarot
by Gina Wisotzky
2y ago
This is a week of both homecoming and breakthrough, dear readers. As we’ve meandered through November we’ve been picking up some severe cards: the grieving, worrying Nine of Swords, the determined and exhausted Nine of Wands, the jarring call of Judgment. This week, however, brings a fresh start and a new beginning. We’ve done our processing; now is the time to look up from our work and deliberation to see the rich life unfolding around us. We’ll start in the center this week, as The Queen of Pentacles is holding court over this reading with warmth and care. What are the sources from which lo ..read more
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Weekly Forecast: November 7-13
Incandescent Tarot
by Gina Wisotzky
2y ago
We have a fascinating synchronicity at work in this forecast with two cards from our November monthly forecast start off our reading: the Nine of Swords and Judgment. Okay, tarot, I’m listening… This week we’re touching the source of our discomfort directly. What change are you recognizing in your life that’s activating sadness, angst, resistance, and old wounds? I’d like, however, to use this reading as a helpful guide. Because we can also work backwards, instead asking ourselves: What is my current discomfort teaching me about how much I’ve grown? The Nine of Swords is an upsetting card to ..read more
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Weekly Forecast: October 31 - November 6
Incandescent Tarot
by Gina Wisotzky
2y ago
I am so glad to see the Queen of Wands back in our reading for the week. I’ll be honest; while I love this card, I was really not feeling it last week. Charismatic ease and vivacious individuality were not shining through into my everyday life with ease! But because of this, I found myself having to strive for this archetype, choosing to embody it despite not feeling up to snuff or at my best. Which is all to say that I’m glad this card is back at the end of our reading, giving us a sense of direction. How are we walking towards a greater sense of authenticity? We have unfinished business wit ..read more
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Weekly Forecast: October 24-31
Incandescent Tarot
by Gina Wisotzky
2y ago
We have quite the shakeup on the horizon this week, and I’m happy to report it isn’t one of the earth-shattering variety. There are no Towers in sight, no cataclysms or pratfalls. Instead, the Wheel of Fortune appears, spinning us out of one mode and into another. If things have been feeling stale, confusing, or overwhelming know that it’s temporary. In fact, know that whatever you’re feeling, it’s about to change, because if it’s about anything, the Wheel of Fortune is about impermanence, transience, and movement. And who thrives in these conditions? It’s the vivacious and capable Queen of W ..read more
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