The Masters and Wisdom of the Tarot August 2024 Workshops
Mary K. Greer's Tarot Blog
by Mary K. Greer
7M ago
Do you feel somewhat alone in your tarot practice? Want to make friends at the same level and with shared interests? Are you looking for inspiration and to up your tarot skills whether reading for yourself or others? And would you just like to have fun with tarot? Come to one or both Omega Institute Tarot events (discount available for both) in August in beautiful Rhinebeck NY! Omega is a wellness retreat and spiritual summer camp where I have been teaching for 38 years, most of those along with the late great Rachel Pollack. We start with a 5-day class on August 4-9, Wisdom of the Tarot (clic more
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The Art of Writing Forewords
Mary K. Greer's Tarot Blog
by Mary K. Greer
9M ago
I’ve written quite a few forewords to tarot books and in the process have looked at forewords to other books to create a checklist for what I appreciate most in them and might want to include in my own foreword. I welcome comments and suggestions from others to add to my list of what makes a good foreword. First, you need to read the work! In some cases, you might be able to skim over certain sections, like the meanings of all of the 78 tarot cards (but read several in each category carefully to understand what the author is providing). If there are exercises or meditations, try out at least more
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Deep Play Tarot Retreat in Tulum: Feb 27-Mar 3, 2024
Mary K. Greer's Tarot Blog
by Mary K. Greer
1y ago
Many of you have been asking about the Tarot Retreat in Tulum, Mexico at the end of February. Please join co-leaders, Jenna Matlin, Dreya Bloome and myself as we talk about our Tarot teachings and present a few ideas for things to do in the Tulum area – known for its archeological sites, crystal clear cenotes, and the beach area that’s called the Mexican Riviera. For details on and registration for our Tarot Retreat: more
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Pamela Colman Smith photo by Alice Boughton
Mary K. Greer's Tarot Blog
by Mary K. Greer
3y ago
I just discovered this previously unknown photo of PCS by her friend, the well-known photographer, Alice Boughton. The source is The Literary Digest, July 4, 1908. Enjoy more
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The Moon Card: Between a Dog and a Wolf
Mary K. Greer's Tarot Blog
by Mary K. Greer
3y ago
Do you know what the expression “entre chien et loup” or “between a dog and a wolf” means?  Llewellyn’s Black and Gold Tarot – fragment It is a French description for twilight – either dusk or dawn – when the half light turns everything monochromatic and you can’t tell the difference between the wild and the tame. I’ve always loved this as one of the main significances of the Tarot Moon card.  I learned the term long ago from tarot creator, Brian Williams, and it recently came up as the episode title of a Kdrama, “Mad Dog”, about corporate abuses. And it turns out there’s another Kdr more
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The Truth Untold, Lenormand Cards, Ashbless, and the Smeraldo Flower
Mary K. Greer's Tarot Blog
by Mary K. Greer
3y ago
Recently, music producer for BigHit, PDogg, was asked what his favorite BTS song is and he answered “The Truth Untold,” sung by the four vocalists (live performance below). It seems there is a long, fascinating history behind it. I’ll try to make this short. (Check out these sites for details: The BTS Effect and the florist’s Flower Smeraldo stories.) This poignant love song is based on an Italian folk tale about a 16th century hideously deformed recluse who devotes himself to his garden. A ragged girl sneaks in to steal flowers. He watches her first in anger but eventually falls in love as he more
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Emperor/Death/Fool Birth Cards and Daechwita
Mary K. Greer's Tarot Blog
by Mary K. Greer
4y ago
Among the Tarot cards determined by your birth date, I find most intriguing the Constellation of the Emperor, which consists of the Major Arcana cards whose numbers add up to four: the Emperor (4), Death (13), and the Fool (0-22). Many people don’t include the Fool in this set. I made the decision to do so based on teaching stories such as King Lear, The Emperor’s New Clothes, and the Sufi Nasruddhin tales, etc. In fairy tales it is often the youngest, most foolish son who ends up solving a problem and marrying the princess to become the king. Death rarely features in these sagas. However, wh more
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Flying Ambulances for the Navajo Nation
Mary K. Greer's Tarot Blog
by Mary K. Greer
5y ago
My friend, John Irving, is currently flying medical planes within the Navajo Nation that’s being devastated by COVID-19. I asked him to send me his story that I could post here to let people know what is actually going on. It’s just one story from the midst of this crisis. I want to add that John has been the chief pilot for heads of state as well as flying humanitarian missions around the world both professionally and personally, for instance to bring survival supplies to remote areas ravaged by floods or earthquakes. He’s one of the most caring people I know, who acts immediately to help tho more
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Write from your Heart with Tarot
Mary K. Greer's Tarot Blog
by Mary K. Greer
5y ago
How to write from your heart with tarot: – Breathe (ground/center if applicable). – Connect with your future reader (including if you will be your only reader). Try to get a specific image in mind and open your heart to that person(s)—real or imaginary. – Begin your writing with where you are right now at this moment, being as concrete and present as possible (even if you will edit this out later). Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash – State your intention (even though you may find yourself going elsewhere in your writing). – At this point, if not before, draw a tarot card from your shuffl more
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Tarot Tour of Italy 2019
Mary K. Greer's Tarot Blog
by Mary K. Greer
5y ago
The best way to understand the historical roots of the tarot is to visit Northern Italy and see the actual sources for the imagery. There is no way I can duplicate the wonderful job Katrina Wynne did of telling the story of our Italy Tarot Trip this October so I’m sending you to her page. Enjoy the journey and photos of our amazing journey on Katrina’s Transformative Tarot Counseling blog. Here’s a few additional photos to wet your appetite for Katrina’s post more
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