Automation World
Automation World is the leading publication for automation professionals working in discrete, batch and process manufacturing industries. Readers will discover the latest new products and technologies, articles on management issues, Industrial Ethernet, Packaging Automation, and other topics that matter now to automation professionals.
Automation World
3h ago
Industry Week editor-in-chief Robert Schoenberger offers insights into the business issues — from workforce gaps to strategic maintenance — that are driving executive decisions around industrial automation purchasing and implementation projects ..read more
Automation World
3h ago
Industrial companies’ efforts to decarbonize are a mixed bag with many untapped opportunities ..read more
Automation World
3h ago
The consolidation of product lines through acquisitions may provide access to more integrated solutions, but it could also lead to shifts in supplier relationships and product availability ..read more
Automation World
3h ago
Insights on the impact of motion control technology suppliers’ integration of advanced technologies into core automation components such as actuators, controllers and sensors ..read more
Automation World
3h ago
As the manufacturing industries advance, and control technologies are increasingly built to withstand harsh industrial environments for direct placement on or nearby production operations, are enclosures still as vital to automation today as they’ve been in the past ..read more
Automation World
3h ago
Manufacturing execution system software, when implemented correctly, can highlight the biggest problem areas in the factory to drive ROI goals such as boosting yields, reducing scrap and increasing product quality ..read more
Automation World
3h ago
What issues are most pressing to young people entering the manufacturing industries ..read more
Automation World
3h ago
Thomson Industries’ Movotrak CTU 7th axis features a Kollmorgen servo motor, linear-unit-driven guide rails and collision detection functionality to move cobots between task locations ..read more
Automation World
1w ago
Manufacturing tech industry experts weigh in on the technologies that will have the biggest impacts on industry in 2025 ..read more
Automation World
1w ago
Do you know the difference between generative AI and AI for data analytics? If all the AI tech introductions over the past couple of years have left you confused, read this to understand the key differentiators ..read more