Inflamed and Untamed
I'm Sara. I am the proud writer/founder of Inflamed & Untamed which I started in 2011. I make chronic illness and lifestyle videos. I have a rare disease called Chronic Intestinal Pseudo-Obstruction and I also have Crohn's disease. On this blog I talk about the good, the bad, the ugly, and sometimes funny, in living with chronic illness.
Inflamed and Untamed
1y ago
Please pay attention to publish dates when using Inflamed & Untamed While I work hard to provide you with accurate and up-to-date information at the time of publishing, as time passes some information may no longer be relevant or accurate. The field of medicine is a constantly evolving science and art. Thankfully! In 1951 a […]
The post The J-Pouch Explained in Plain English. appeared first on Inflamed & Untamed more
Inflamed and Untamed
3y ago
At this point I was no longer living. I use the word living differently than meaning to be alive. Living to me is something more than breathing air in and out. It is more than just existing. Living requires quality of life. I was not living back then, I was just alive...
The post My Worst Crohn’s Flare: When Time Stood Still appeared first on Inflamed & Untamed more
Inflamed and Untamed
3y ago
When I tell people about the physical things I have gone through they are shocked. The blood transfusions, the intravenous feedings, the surgeries, the hospitalizations, and so many other things about it all seem brutal, and they are; but the physical things for me are so much easier than what the disease has actually done to me as a person...
The post IBD: It’s So Much More than the Physical Stuff appeared first on Inflamed & Untamed more
Inflamed and Untamed
3y ago
People had been shopping, they already purchased their Christmas gifts, they’ve been doing things and my life had been on pause since July. That felt strange. It felt strange that I had entered the hospital in early July when it was summer and I was leaving when it was snowing. How did this happen? How was this my life? How did six months go by?
The post 6 Months Inpatient: Picking Up the Pieces of My Life After J-Pouch Surgery appeared first on Inflamed & more
Inflamed and Untamed
3y ago
And then your mind starts thinking about that.
About death.
About what it must be like to be a sick person. Then you laugh at yourself because this IS what it’s like to be a sick person because YOU are one of them. “I thought I was going to die,” was real to me...
The post Normalizing Pain and Symptoms that Healthy People Would Seek Help For appeared first on Inflamed & Untamed more
Inflamed and Untamed
3y ago
My situation is my situation. I have these health conditions, like it or not, and they aren’t going anywhere. I certainly don’t like that I have had to go through so much but I refuse to live a negative life and say that nothing good has come out of this. Truth is, there are some...
The post Finding the Good in the Bad with Chronic Illness appeared first on Inflamed & Untamed more
Inflamed and Untamed
3y ago
I think that if you live with a severe chronic illness that death has to cross your mind at least once or twice. The first time I saw the amount of blood I was losing through my bowel movements I was scared to death, of death. This was not right; this was not supposed to be happening! I was a kid and that blood scared me.
I’m bleeding internally, what do I do? Am I dying...
The post Can You Die From Crohn’s Disease or Ulcerative Colitis? appeared first on Inflamed & Untamed more
Inflamed and Untamed
3y ago
I actually had some pretty dark and hateful thoughts about ostomies that were shaped by fear and not by truth. I don’t like admitting it but I think it’s important to speak openly about and I know that others have had similar thoughts as mine before learning the truth about ostomies. I thought they were gross, smelly, unattractive, and that I would need to hide myself. I figured I would have to...
The post Accepting Your New Body After J-Pouch or Ostomy Surgery appeared first on Inflamed & Untamed more
Inflamed and Untamed
3y ago
In a healthy person the process of inflammation would stop after it protected the body from harm and helped to heal it. In people living with IBD the inflammation does not shut off and the result is open sores (ulcers) and bleeding in the intestines until the overactive immune system is brought under control. If the intestinal inflammation is left untreated then serious complications and irreversible damage can...
The post Crohn’s and Colitis: More Serious than Poop Jokes appeared first on Inflamed & Untamed more
Inflamed and Untamed
3y ago
Somehow I finished my shower and that took everything I had. Everything. I sat down and I cried because I forgot how easy it used to be. How you never think about things like your morning routine. How fast and easy it is to take a shower, dry your hair, put on clothes...
The post Fatigue and IBD: A Story of Absolute Exhaustion appeared first on Inflamed & Untamed more