Oikos Journal
Oikos is a journal issued by the Nordic Ecological Society and is one of the leading peer-reviewed journals in ecology. Oikos publishes original and innovative research on all aspects of ecology, defined as organism-environment interactions.
Oikos Journal
1w ago
Dear colleagues and friends,
It is with a mix of excitement and nostalgia that we announce changes in our senior editorial team at Oikos. Our esteemed Captain and Editor-in-Chief for the past 12 years, Dries Bonte, will be embarking on new academic endeavors. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Dries for his personal and professional dedication to Oikos. As he concludes his final editorial duties, Dries will assist in ensuring a smooth transition to our new senior editorial team. We also wish to express our profound appreciation to Gerlinde De Deyn, who has served Oikos as our Deputy Editor-i ..read more
Oikos Journal
4M ago
SPECIAL ISSUE: The role of whole genome duplication in evolutionary ecology
Polyploid organisms are common and can be found across the tree of life. A key question is to understand how and why these polyploid lineages become established and persist in populations, particularly since they are predicted to have a low probability of success. While the collection of papers in this special issue addresses broad questions on the evolutionary ecology of polyploids, ultimately, these studies also highlight the myriad ways that we are examining what drives the success of polyploid lineages. In t ..read more
Oikos Journal
4M ago
Please join in welcoming our newest soil ecologist Stefan Geisen to our editorial board! Take a look at her interview.
Personal website: https://www.wur.nl/en/persons/stefan-geisen.htm
Twitter: @stefan_geisen
1. What's your main research focus at the moment?
Soil ecology in a broad sense. Microbiome interactions, importance of higher trophic organisms (trophic cascades etc), plant-soil interactions...
2. Can you describe your research career? Where, what, when?
Anything but planned... I started 'real' research in my PhD in Cologne on soil protists i ..read more
Oikos Journal
4M ago
Benoit Gauzens joins our editorial board! Take a look at their interview!
Keywords: networks, food webs, population dynamics, global change, ecosystem functioning
Affiliation: German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany
Personal website: https://www.idiv.de/en/profile/493.html
Twitter: @BGauzens
1. What's your main research focus at the moment?
I am using food web models to understand how the impact of different types of perturbations (temperature increase, resource harvesting, pollution,...) will cascade ..read more
Oikos Journal
5M ago
Greeting us all the way from Costa Rica, this magnificent hummingbird, adorned with its vibrant colors, graces the cover of April's issue! This beauty is one of the study species featured in "A phylogenetic perspective on ecological specialisation reveals hummingbird and insect pollinators have generalist diets", a study by Maglianesi et al. (2024).
The paper investigates ecological specialisation in plant-pollinator networks through a phylogenetic lens, focusing on hummingbirds and insects as day-active pollinators in the Costa Rican highlands. While previous studies have extensively explored ..read more
Oikos Journal
6M ago
Please join us in welcoming Elly Morriën to our editorial board! Take a look at her interview and get to know our newest soil ecologist better!
Keywords: soil ecology, soil food webs, biodiversity-ecosystem functioning, carbon sequestration, plant-microbe interactions, stable isotope tracing
Personal website: https://www.uva.nl/en/profile/m/o/w.e.morrien/w.e.morrien.html
Twitter: @MorrienElly
1. What's your main research focus at the moment?
The role of soil microbes and the wider soil community in sequestering carbon to mineral soil particles
2. Can you describe yo ..read more
Oikos Journal
7M ago
February's cover brings us a field of white clovers aka a bit of hope for the spring to come for us in the Northern Hemisphere! From the study "Urban spatial heterogeneity shapes the evolution of an antiherbivore defense trait and its genes in white clove" by Ishiguro et al. (2023).
Urbanization is a global threat to biodiversity due to its large impact on environmental changes. Recently, urban environmental change has been shown to impact the evolution of many species. However, much remains unknown about how urban environments influence evolutionary processes and outcomes due ..read more
Oikos Journal
8M ago
JANUARY'S cover portrays a tiny chipmunk! The study species for Allain et al. (2023) - "Age at first reproduction and senescence in a short-lived wild mammal".
Senescence is the degradation of biological functions with increasing age. Its existence and relationship with life-history strategies remains poorly studied in short-lived wild vertebrate species. We investigated the relationships between age at first reproduction (AFR), reproductive senescence and longevity in an eastern chipmunk Tamias striatus population, where the first opportunity to breed is conditioned by pulses of seed ..read more
Oikos Journal
10M ago
Nordic Society Oikos invites applications for Senior Editors for the journal Oikos.
We will start reviewing applications on 17 January 2024
The Nordic Society Oikos is seeking two new Senior Editors to join the Editor-in-Chief team for Oikos.
Founded in 1949, Oikos has long been a vital platform for research and perspectives that have the potential to significantly advance or reshape our understanding of ecological mechanisms, processes, or patterns in nature. A society-based journal, Oikos is committed to publishing fundamental ecological research, embracing an ..read more
Oikos Journal
10M ago
Nordic Society Oikos invites applications for Senior Editors for the journal Oikos.
We will start reviewing applications on 17 January 2024
The Nordic Society Oikos is seeking two new Senior Editors to join the Editor-in-Chief team for Oikos.
Founded in 1949, Oikos has long been a vital platform for research and perspectives that have the potential to significantly advance or reshape our understanding of ecological mechanisms, processes, or patterns in nature. A society-based journal, Oikos is committed to publishing fundamental ecological research, embracing an ..read more