Laura's Watercolors
Watercolor plein air, still life, flowers, animals, birds etc paintaings by Laura
Laura's Watercolors
21h ago
Still plugging away at the amaryllis!
This one is the fanciest, with very fine stripes and a bright green center ..read more
Laura's Watercolors
4d ago
From class with SaltyWaterArt last night.
The study is always better than the painting. Planning to do more "studies" (?) from the reference ..read more
Laura's Watercolors
4d ago
I took a picture of this scene from my car in Maine.
Started this painting a while ago and, I think, finished it today ..read more
Laura's Watercolors
5d ago
Enjoying painting patterns, it's very engaging.
This is hot press paper and the sizing was not great, which kind of helped me keep all the little bits of the pattern discrete ..read more
Laura's Watercolors
1w ago
Been dabbing away at this little still life for days and I think it's finished.
My red and white amaryllis is about to bloom; I am forcing several hyacinth bulbs, which are in various stages ...
Having a hard time painting of late, feeling low, anxious ... Started about nine days ago ..read more
Laura's Watercolors
2w ago
. 16x18
My red amaryllis is pretty wilted now; I think the white one will hang on a couple more days. Then I have one more getting ready to bloom ..read more
Laura's Watercolors
2w ago
I picked up this bottle at a thrift store. Just loved it shape.
Below: my patterned cloth sampler, in progress, before one of my amaryllis fell over onto it and converted it in wet dirt. I was liking the results so much that I may do another.
. 16x18 ..read more
Laura's Watercolors
2w ago
And a litle homework practice.
These are also small, about 3x4 ..read more