Switzerland, anyone?
Hope College Off Campus Study
by Kathleen Schnorberger
4d ago
And I’m back! And this time I’m in Geneva, Switzerland, one of the most international cities in the world. I am here with the School for International Training with their International Relations and Multilateral Diplomacy program. The scary thing about studying abroad is that you don’t know what to expect. Regardless of the fact that … The post Switzerland, anyone? appeared first on Off-Campus Study ..read more
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Settling In!
Hope College Off Campus Study
by anabelsietsema
1w ago
I have been in Spain for almost a week now and finally feel like I am starting to settle in (though I have a long way to go). The past week has been a whirlwind of feelings, experiences, conversations, and more. There have been some high highs and low lows, if you know what I … The post Settling In! appeared first on Off-Campus Study ..read more
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Fearless in France
Hope College Off Campus Study
by Kathleen Schnorberger
1M ago
Before I left to come to France everyone I talked to always said “You’re going to have so much fun!”. If I had a dollar for every time someone said it to me I could probably afford my plane ticket home. Even so, they were obviously right, I had the time of my life and … The post Fearless in France appeared first on Off-Campus Study ..read more
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A few parting thoughts
Hope College Off Campus Study
by Kathleen Schnorberger
2M ago
I am officially two weeks away from catching my flight back to the States! Every single second of this semester has been such a blessing and so so so much fun. But, I would be lying if I said I wasn’t excited to come home. I think this is the point of the semester where … The post A few parting thoughts appeared first on Off-Campus Study ..read more
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Preconceptions and misconceptions
Hope College Off Campus Study
by Kathleen Schnorberger
2M ago
When traveling to a new country there are probably a lot of things you already know or think you know about that place. A lot of the time though a culture or a place will surprise you by being the exact opposite of what you thought.  And yes, I have heard it all about French … The post Preconceptions and misconceptions appeared first on Off-Campus Study ..read more
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Hope College Off Campus Study
by Finnegan Rohs
3M ago
I’ve been in Sevilla, Spain for a little over two months now. My apologies for not making posts as consistently as I should, there’s been a lot to learn here in Spain. Mi español es progresando mucho, y estoy muy feliz con mi habilidad a entender español. I switched my host family back in late … The post SO MUCH TO DO SO MUCH TO SEE appeared first on Off-Campus Study ..read more
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What wouldn’t exist in my life if I hadn’t studied abroad
Hope College Off Campus Study
by Kathleen Schnorberger
3M ago
What should I be doing right now? Practicing my French presentation that I have in a couple of hours. What am I doing instead? Writing this post and reminiscing about all the amazing things studying abroad has brought me. My program is making a video about things in people’s lives that wouldn’t exist in our … The post What wouldn’t exist in my life if I hadn’t studied abroad appeared first on Off-Campus Study ..read more
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“You’re funny in English?”
Hope College Off Campus Study
by Kathleen Schnorberger
3M ago
This was said to one of my friends in the program by one of our tutors as a joke because my friend had, obviously, said something funny while speaking in English. While it was funny for our tutor to be surprised that my friend was funny, it got me thinking about how hard it truly … The post “You’re funny in English?” appeared first on Off-Campus Study ..read more
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The good, the bad, the ugly and the beautiful
Hope College Off Campus Study
by Kathleen Schnorberger
4M ago
It has officially been a month since I arrived in France and it has been absolutely crazy. In good, bad, ugly and beautiful ways. Obviously, let’s start with the good. For starters, I’m in France, so, who can really complain about that? But more than that I’ve met some incredible people and seen some of … The post The good, the bad, the ugly and the beautiful appeared first on Off-Campus Study ..read more
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Let’s talk about my first week in France
Hope College Off Campus Study
by Kathleen Schnorberger
5M ago
The first week of arriving in a new country can be incredibly stressful and anxiety-inducing. I know for sure mine has forced me outside of my comfort zone but in the best possible way. I have already learned so much and made so many new friends. So, let’s talk about it.  After close to 15 … The post Let’s talk about my first week in France appeared first on Off-Campus Study ..read more
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