Chef V
Chef V's cold blended Super Green Drink is a refreshing and delicious way to help you lose weight, gain energy and enjoy better sleep without the hassle of home juicing. Each hand made Super Green Drink is made up of locally sourced, organic ingredients, including 7 supergreens, and delivered straight to your front door.
Chef V
3M ago
The clinical trial data speaks for itself. Following a Chef V 21 DAY DETOX and continuing with healthy habits such as continuing with an Organic Green Drink subscription isn’t a quick weight loss fix. It’s a lifelong health transformation. And the best part is that after the 21 DAY DETOX, you can indulge in some of your favorite not-so-healthy treats from time to time. It’s all about balance. If you stick to Chef V’s healthy eating routine (resources provided) at least 80% of the time, you may experience the same results as the study participants ..read more
Chef V
3M ago
The benefits of green drink from Chef V are proven by research. Here are five research backed benefits of green drink for gut, skin, metabolism, and detox. Sipping on Green Drink is the easiest way to get your daily dose of health-boosting veggies. In fact, 16 ounces of Green Drink is the equivalent of 3 servings of fresh vegetables. Studies show that green, leafy veggies offer numerous positive outcomes for health. Here are my top 5 Green Drink health benefits ..read more
Chef V
3M ago
At Chef V, we love Green Drink, in case you couldn’t tell. But, as crazy as it might sound, some people are scared of the delicious green stuff. They mainly associated it with long-term juice cleanses. However, you don’t have to be a detox juice cleanse master to enjoy fresh juice, regardless of what’s in it. There are plenty of ways to work some of that green drink into your everyday routine. You might even want to give a Chef V detox a try ..read more
Chef V
3M ago
The top five ways to use Green Drink: Now that your Green Drink has arrived, what do you do with it? Should you chug the whole thing in one sitting like you’re at a frat party? Or do you daintily sip it like Mary Poppins drinking a cuppa tea? Whether you chug or sip is totally up to you. More important is learning how to incorporate Green Drink into your everyday routine ..read more
Chef V
1y ago
What do you do when your recipe for veggie juice becomes in such high demand from friends, family and your private chef clients? If you’re Veronica Wheat, you throw caution to the wind, dive into the deep end of the entrepreneurial pool and create a mega-successful nationwide Green Drink delivery company.
Chef V's green drinks, made from organic and certified leafy greens, have been helping people nationwide. From dramatic health improvements to enhanced quality of life, Chef V's raw juices and cleanses have gained massive popularity for the right reasons. This article guides you through every ..read more
Chef V
1y ago
Angelica describes her Chef V 21 Day Detox Success - "For so long, I’ve felt bloated, clouded and discouraged by the feeling that I’m not reaching my health goals because of constant cravings. Doing Chef V’s 21 Day Cleanse has helped me realize that I am what I consume and all the sugary things advertised as “healthy” or “clean” isn’t as they seem."
The post Angelica’s 21 Day Detox Success appeared first on Chef V ..read more
Chef V
1y ago
Order a 21 Day Detox Challenge – followup with a Green Drink subscription. Over a 28-day period, the Chef V 21 Day Detox + Green Drink Program resulted in positive health improvements: weight loss – an average of eight pounds. – ‘bad’ cholesterol decreased – (LDL cholesterol) and the ratio of total cholesterol to LDL […]
The post Promo-21 day challenge for blog articles appeared first on Chef V ..read more
Chef V
1y ago
You’ve been eating like crap, drinking too much wine/champagne/Prosecco, not exercising enough and your pants are getting too tight. It’s time for an intervention. But if you’re considering doing a cleanse/detox, is the cure worse than the intervention? Before you splurge on a week’s worth of fancy juice or other detox product, take the time to learn about cleanse side effects.
The post Avoiding the Side Effects of Cleansing appeared first on Chef V ..read more
Chef V
1y ago
"I finished my 5 day cleanse and here are the results: 2 day Pre-cleanse I lost 3.6 pounds, 5 day cleanse I lost 4.2 pounds. So in one week I lost a total of 7.8 pounds!"
The post Stacey’s 5 Day Cleanse Weight Loss! appeared first on Chef V ..read more
Chef V
1y ago
At Chef V, we love Green Drink, in case you couldn’t tell.
But, as crazy as it might sound, some people are scared of the delicious green stuff. They mainly associated it with long-term juice cleanses.
However, you don’t have to be a detox juice cleanse master to enjoy fresh juice, regardless of what’s in it. There are plenty of ways to work some of that green drink into your everyday routine. You might even want to give a Chef V detox a try!
The post Chef V’s Green Drink Plan appeared first on Chef V ..read more