A rye smile
Chef Lesego's Blog – lesdachef
by LesDaChef
4y ago
I’ve come to enjoy my monthly visits to The Whisky Brother shop, not because of how I always want to buy everything (and can’t afford to) but because of the knowledge Marc always shares with me on each visit. Similar to how I approach food from a laid back but knowledge-based point of view, Marc (the big boss at The Whisky Brother) has a similar attitude when it comes to whisky. Always full of titbits and facts about things the average drinker takes for granted. When I entered the store to collect a few more bottles for me to review and write about, I honestly wasn’t expecting to walk out with ..read more
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How to make home made sweet chilli sauce #CookLikeABosch
Chef Lesego's Blog – lesdachef
by LesDaChef
4y ago
We had a family gathering once at my parents house. Due to my dad’s diabetes our cupboards and fridge were free of any condiments and processed food. My mom served lunch and when her brother, my uncle, asked for tomato sauce he had this look of distress and shock when she told him we didn’t eat nor keep any tomato sauce in our house. The memory got me thinking about the strange habits human beings get up to when it comes to their food. Things like asking for salt before tasting your food or sprinkling tabasco sauce all over food. In fine dining restaurants all you get is salt and pepper, when ..read more
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A chef, a desert and his whisky sorbet
Chef Lesego's Blog – lesdachef
by LesDaChef
4y ago
If you’ve followed my career over the years (I’ve been known to do a few things on TV, in books, maybe magazines and sometimes even the newspapers) you’ll know that I try my hardest never to sugarcoat my opinions about something. I’ve always felt that we South African chefs are often way too guarded and polite when it comes to talking about food and the lives we live. Hence my business slogan being “Taking the Snobbery Out of Food”. So when Marc, Mr WhiskyBrother himself, asked me if I’d be interested in writing about whisky my first response was, “as long as I can be myself”, he didn’t bat an ..read more
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How to make boerewors from scratch #CookLikeABosch
Chef Lesego's Blog – lesdachef
by LesDaChef
4y ago
One of the things we had to learn to make at chef school was boerewors. The excitement of being told we would be having a student braai and party was soon met by the realisation that it would mean us having to make our own boerewors and rolls…from scratch. The joys of being a chef. I usually have an annual charcuterie day in October. This is because Bosch is a German brand and during October is the annual Oktoberfest. A festival filled with beer and German sausage. Hence me deciding to teach attendees how to make preserves like terrines and pates, sausages like chorizo, biltong and wors as we ..read more
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How to make marshmallows from scratch #CookLikeABosch
Chef Lesego's Blog – lesdachef
by LesDaChef
4y ago
One of the things I love making the most is confectionery. Even though I personally am not a big fan of sugar or sweets this is countered by my love for making sweet things. I think it’s the science behind it all that has me geeking out. One of my favourite things to demonstrate when I have an audience is how glucose, eggs and sugar can be turned into marshmallows quite easily. There are a whole lot of different ways to make marshmallows. Some use hot honey, others don’t use gelatin but rather agar-agar, others swear by molecular gastronomy techniques which involve other ingredients but in th ..read more
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So? What’s for breakfast? #ActNowForDiabetes
Chef Lesego's Blog – lesdachef
by LesDaChef
4y ago
One of the most asked questions I get these days is about what to eat for breakfast as a diabetic. It was one of the first things I asked my Doctor as well when I was first diagnosed. 80% of commercial breakfast cereals contain added sugar, yes even the ones you’d think are “healthy” and full of bran and fibre. One habit I always tell people to start, even if they aren’t diabetic, is to read all labels on food packaging. Know what is put into your food and what you’ll be putting into your body. Sugar is used as a flavour enhancer on a whole lot of processed foods but especially breakfast cerea ..read more
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Bowled over with @BoschHomeSA
Chef Lesego's Blog – lesdachef
by LesDaChef
4y ago
With the current Covid-19 pandemic hitting the food and hospitality industry for a massive six a lot of us food professionals have had to start thinking outside of the proverbial box. If you’ve been a follower of my business over the years then you will know that my first love (besides sport and being sarcastic) is food education. When the good folks at Bosch approached me nearly 4 years ago to work with them my very first request was that I be given free reign of the cookery class section at the Bosch Showroom in Kramerville. So began my monthly cookery classes and lessons. I also often rant ..read more
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My Prawn, Calamari and Mussel Bisque Recipe
Chef Lesego's Blog – lesdachef
by LesDaChef
5y ago
I love soups, especially in Autumn. All kinds of soups, the pureed creamy variety (butternut soup and courgette soup), the chunky American kind (chowders and gumbos) and the typically British variety (meat and potatoes etc). All are popular in South Africa, although we give them various names. Another reason I always chime on about soups is because of my obsession with stocks. If you’ve followed my blog for a while or have a copy of my first book Dijo (if you don’t, I’m seriously judging you right now) then you’ll know how I feel about people making their own stocks at home from scratch. They ..read more
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Weightloss in the time of Corona
Chef Lesego's Blog – lesdachef
by LesDaChef
5y ago
If you’ve followed my blog for a while, you will know about my constant fight with the visual cliche of what a chef looks like. No, not the current one where a chef is someone who will have tattoos everywhere, a big beard, ride motorbikes and dress in black, no, that one is a battle I have since given up on and accepted. I am that cliche. I’m referring to the cliche that chefs should look like they enjoy eating the food they make…or you should never trust them. Before heading to chef school (over 10 years ago now) I was fit and trim. I worked out 5 days a week and the only alcohol I drank was ..read more
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Chilli Pork and Chicken Marinade
Chef Lesego's Blog – lesdachef
by LesDaChef
5y ago
If you follow my channel on Youtube (My Channel) then you may have seen me creating this recipe live. I didn’t follow any recipe but instead followed the 3 principles of a meat marinade: oil + acid + flavouring. Every good marinade will have these 3 components. Please check the video out as I explain it in more detail. I used my handy Bosch Vitastyle Mixx2Go blender to make the marinade and it worked perfectly. No need for those huge blenders anymore for small jobs like this. Try marinate your meat the day before you cook it. I would highly recommend you braai or grill the meat but you can a ..read more
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