Staying in Balance Acupuncture Blog
Bonnie Diamond is a Japanese Acupuncture in Amherst and Easthampton MA treats pain holistically. This blog is on Acupuncture, Breath Work, Chronic Illness, and all things health related.
Staying in Balance Acupuncture Blog
1M ago
If you woke up this morning, after ushering in the new year, and a small voice deep inside of you said this year things could be different, please know that I hear you.That voice is important and deserves to be heard.As I sit here writing this, I'm taking a moment to shift my focus to all of you who may be reading these words. Those who are patients of mine & those of you I've connected with in some way by email. And I wish all of you a year filled with happiness & health.As I focu ..read more
Staying in Balance Acupuncture Blog
1M ago
What comes to mind when you think of food? What comes to mind when you think of dieting? What comes to mind when you think of your weight? All of these are loaded questions with incredibly complex answers. But what if food, diet & weight became simpler? What if instead of focusing on weight, portion size & calories, you switched your focus? When I work with people around food habits, there are 4 aspects of eating that we focus on: 1) Accepting wh ..read more
Staying in Balance Acupuncture Blog
2M ago
Are you feeling a little stressed at this time of year? I'm finding things are taking a little longer than planned, small problems are feeling magnified and I'm a bit more irritated than usual. All signs that I need to turn inward. Can you relate to this?I wrote a blog about 10 years ago about finding balance during this season that you might find helpful. It begins like this."One of the great strengths of Eastern thought is its ability to allow for the exist ..read more
Staying in Balance Acupuncture Blog
2M ago
I'm sure that you've heard time and time again to eat more vegetables. It sounds so simple and might be if we lived in a world with vegetable stands instead of ice cream & hot dog stands!Luckily, there are some easy ways to eat more veggies. One of my favorites is roasting vegetables. Just preheat your oven to 400 degrees, spread 1-2 TBS of olive oil or avocado oil on a baking sheet, and add your favorite veggies, chopped into bite-sized pieces. Listed below are ..read more
Staying in Balance Acupuncture Blog
3M ago
I hear time & time again from patients that as they begin to feel pain relief, they find they have so much more time & energy. Being pain-free allows them to sleep better at night, go back to exercising & be able to return to doing the things that they love. The truth is pain, while often not serious, can sap energy and be difficult to manage because the brain is sending constant messages that something is wrong. Sadly, for most of us, no one has told us what to do to ..read more
Staying in Balance Acupuncture Blog
5M ago
I was at a retreat this weekend, which was great, but honestly the food wasn’t so good. I was eating minimally and a friend asked if I was a vegetarian. I responded that I wasn’t and that I didn’t follow any of the types of diets that we usually think of – vegan, paleo, pescetarian, etc… but that I’m thoughtful about what I eat. Someone who knew me well added that while most people eat for enjoyment and energy, I view food as medicine.& ..read more
Staying in Balance Acupuncture Blog
5M ago
I used to eat on the run all the time. I’d grab a Kind Bar as I was leaving the house. Sometimes, I’d have my breakfast driving to an appointment. I’d find a few minutes in between seeing patients to gulp down lunch. It’s easy to do and can seem efficient. Sometimes it may actually make sense. As a habit, it may become problematic. Here are some of the benefits of sitting down to meals, eating with friends and family &am ..read more
Staying in Balance Acupuncture Blog
5M ago
It feels like summer flew by way to fast. Fortunately, we have the weekend to try and relax a little, regroup & get ready for the fall season. And, we still have those amazing, local, newly harvested produce. It’s a great time to harvest veggies from your garden, get your weekly CSA farm share or stop at a local farm stand to enjoy the wonderful bounty of food we have in our area. Wondering how to turn this produce into yummy, delicious meals? Here are l ..read more
Staying in Balance Acupuncture Blog
5M ago
This may be counterintuitive but one of the most important reasons we all have trouble eating healthy, losing weight & feeling good about our bodies is that we have so many food choices ALL THE TIME. A baby boomer like me remembers when you could only buy candy in an actual candy store, a drugstore and a supermarket. That was it. Now as we run errands, we constantly see all kinds of tempting foods – at clothing stores, gas stations, hardware stores & department stor ..read more
Staying in Balance Acupuncture Blog
6M ago
If you haven't seen me in awhile, I'm happy to report that I'm feeling great.I'm fully recovered from my transplant surgery & feeling so very grateful -- to my donor, my medical team & everyone who supported me through this process.I thought there was a good chance that I would have to accept a new reality, one where I was in slow decline.That's not what happened. I feel stronger, have fewer symptoms & much less worry than I did before surgery.I expected to be on more me ..read more