Gaining Heaven’s Perspective on What’s Ahead
Coastal Church Blog
by Pastor Kevan Dobsin
2d ago
“And now I have told you before it comes, that when it does come to pass, you may believe. – Jesus in John 14:29 When it comes to perspective, you’ve probably heard some of these common sayings: “Let’s put things in perspective.” “It’s all a matter of perspective.” “We need to have a fresh perspective.” Usually more
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The Holy Spirit Empowering Us Through His Helping Presence
Coastal Church Blog
by Pastor Payam Jalali
1w ago
Life is full of challenges and hardships, and people are always looking for ways to navigate it better.  Many people seek guidance in making tough decisions, important plans and executing them. People long for a helping hand in setbacks, conflicts, crises, misfortunes, and unfavorable circumstances, but in the world that we live in, most people more
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Finding Joy in Times of Suffering
Coastal Church Blog
by Pastor James Fam
1w ago
God will use your trials and recovery to serve and minister to others. Let this promise anchor your soul, knowing that your suffering is temporary, but His joy is eternal. The Gospel of John teaches us that our joy is found in abiding in Christ, trusting His sovereignty, and resting in His victory over sin and death more
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The Love You Have to Give
Coastal Church Blog
by Jacqui Bishop
3w ago
It is true that once you have caught the truth of God’s love for you, you will naturally want to give it away. Jesus told us that our love for each other would be a sign to all that we belong to Him. This is a supernatural thing; it’s not a guilt trip. A lack of love is a sign that we need to get back to the source: God. We will come to the end of our own capacity to love, but the love we have to give comes from He who loves us no matter what we ever did or will ever do. Take some time to let that truth wash over you today more
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How to help your child when they have been betrayed or bullied
Coastal Church Blog
by Pastor Jessica Chen
1M ago
As Christians and as parents, we need to have a clear plan for helping children process and heal from betrayal and bullying so that every effort is made to prevent the carryover of emotional wounds into adulthood that can affect how they succeed in life. The Holy Spirit is an incredible guide and the power of prayer cannot be underestimated, but when it comes to children, is there a thoughtful way to help them process and heal from experiences of betrayal or bullying more
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Foot Washing a Symbol of Love and Service
Coastal Church Blog
by Pastor Karen Kepkay
1M ago
The Lord might not be literally asking us to wash someone else’s feet (though it could happen of course) but He does call us to look to serve others and find a need and meet it. What does it look like to you to love another person with actions, even when it is uncomfortable or costly more
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Abide and Go: Two Sides of the Same Mission 
Coastal Church Blog
by Pastor Dave Koop
1M ago
While abiding keeps us connected to Christ, His command to “go” ensures that we do not stagnate in our faith. When we are deeply rooted in Him, the natural result is the desire to share the gospel and bear the fruit of the Spirit that Paul talks about in Galatians 5:22,23. Abiding is not passive; it produces action. In John 15:5, Jesus says: “Whoever abides in Me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit more
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Home: A Place of Love and Belonging
Coastal Church Blog
by Pastor Fari Maghami
1M ago
Today, the church is called to proclaim the Gospel through our being, doing, and telling. The good news is that the only way we find our way back home is by God’s grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, according to Scripture alone, and for God’s glory alone. This message is for all people, regardless of nation or socioeconomic status more
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What Does the Love of God Look Like?
Coastal Church Blog
by Pastor James Fam
2M ago
The story of Christmas reminds us of the incarnational love demonstrated when God became flesh in the form of a baby lying in a manger. The birth of a Saviour that seeks to bridge the gap between humanity and the divine, even at great personal cost. This sacrificial love invites us to reflect on our own relationships and consider how we can embody selflessness and generosity in our interactions with others more
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How Can I Have Joy?
Coastal Church Blog
by Pastor Brad Bergman
2M ago
Advent points us to the incredible truth that joy is not a fleeting emotion, but a steadfast assurance found in Christ. His joy anchors us in life's storms, sustains us in our waiting, and invites us to celebrate God's goodness. This Advent season, may we continually open our hearts to the joy of our Saviour more
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