Master Oil Painting Blog
Oil painting sales, commissions, techniques & free art instruction videos from an award winning artist Bill Inman who shares with you the secrets to become a professional artist. Bill's work can be found in collections from Switzerland to Saudi Arabia and throughout the United States and Canada.
Master Oil Painting Blog
1y ago
This video is short, only 3 minutes long. But it demonstrates a critical idea in oil painting. Art is all about problem solving – using our imagination to overcome obstacles.
We can leave ourselves open to any tool, whether it’s a paint brush, a chopped up credit card, or a photograph. Oil painters use squeegees, palette knives, sand, wax, fabrics, glass beads, Q-tips – anything that will help them achieve the textures and marks that will tell the story they long to share with the world!
Those are simply tools to complement our imagination. We are problem solving creatures. We thrive w ..read more
Master Oil Painting Blog
1y ago
Richard Schmid’s palette colors that he used from 1998 to 2015
Almost every artist I’ve talked with uses Alizarin Crimson. It’s one of the most popular colors ever.
Mixed with Phthalo Green or Ultramarine Blue, it creates rich dark shadow colors. I tried to eliminate it from my palette once and struggled to make deep, saturated shadows.
So, what’s the problem?
(View this in the Comprehensive Oil Painting Course found in your membership or course: https://www.masteroilpainting.com/courses/master-oil-painting-comprehensive-course/lessons/will-alizarin-crimson-fade-should-i-be-worried-whats-a-g ..read more
Master Oil Painting Blog
1y ago
Why are there so many rules when it comes to composition? Why does it seem so hard to make a strong design when painting?
Composing paintings can be tricky. So many opinions, books, articles, and videos about composition can be confusing and frustrating. Is that just how it has to be?
Struggle is simply part of being a painter?
Maybe. But is it possible that we complicate things without needing to?
Over a half dozen books in my art library have the word Composition in the title, and dozens more that talk extensively about it. Sure, there is some agreement among artists, but there is also an a ..read more
Master Oil Painting Blog
1y ago
Every artist has two invaluable tools in their creative arsenal. The first is the mind, a realm teeming with imagination and possibility, shaping our creativity’s vital fabric. Our priority should be to keep this cognitive machinery in tip-top condition.
The second tool, peculiar to us painters, is squinting. Now, this might sound like bizarre advice but don’t furrow your brows just yet! You’re thinking, how does squinting – which typically signifies the need for glasses – help me paint better? Great question! Let’s unravel this mystery and explore the magic of squinting to improve our oil pai ..read more
Master Oil Painting Blog
1y ago
3 reasons to avoid using alkyd mediums like Liquin as an oil painting varnish.
Why Alkyd Mediums are Popular with Oil Painters
Alkyd mediums are popular among oil painters. They can speed up drying time, help the paint flow more easily, and increase or decrease gloss (Liquin causes a satin sheen while Walnut Alkyd Medium increases gloss). They also cause oil paints to dry with a tougher, more durable paint film.
Do not use Liquin to varnish your paintings!
Those last two properties may be why so many artists use alkyd mediums to varnish oil paintings. My recommendation: DON’T use the ..read more
Master Oil Painting Blog
2y ago
今私の問題のために。 $100 以上を入金すると、その 25% をキャッシュ ボーナスとして受け取るという経営陣との合意があります。定期的なフリースピン. Η Casino Guru ..read more
Master Oil Painting Blog
2y ago
sdfgsdfg wert wert4027
The post test title1753 appeared first on DarkOct02 ..read more
Master Oil Painting Blog
2y ago
sdfgsdfg wert wert1124
The post test title8104 appeared first on DarkOct02 ..read more
Master Oil Painting Blog
2y ago
sdfgsdfg wert wert6265
The post test title1540 appeared first on DarkOct02 ..read more
Master Oil Painting Blog
2y ago
sdfgsdfg wert wert7708
The post test title1688 appeared first on DarkOct02 ..read more