Qiang Huang A Daily Painter
Qiang Huang is an impressionistic, representational artist painting still life, landscape and figurative subjects.
Qiang Huang A Daily Painter
2w ago
Recently, I organized a painting workshop for the master artist Albert Handell, and I did this one on his class. I am still in the mood of researching of grays. I have enjoyed the color subtlety and it is closely related to my previous village paintings. I hope my color will have more chromaticity soon, but now I want stay in grey a little longer ..read more
Qiang Huang A Daily Painter
1M ago
I am painting a scene of Pingyao, an ancient city in Shanxi province, China. This coming September I will stay at this place and do plein air painting with a group of artists. So I am better to be prepared. This painting is not done, but I want to share with you how I started. It has been so enjoyable seeing the painting evolves right in front of my eyes. This time I don't want the painting to be too tight, so I deliberately to keep of my early spontaneous marks. As the details come more and more, it will gets harder to keep it loose. We will see. If you are interested in going w ..read more
Qiang Huang A Daily Painter
1M ago
I have just upgraded the "Painter's Guide" app. The major change is the data display dashboard. I have added a new color parameter called the "Tint", which measures how green or purple a color is. As a matter of fact, the color temperature and tint are two orthogonal axes forming a Cartesian coordinate system crossing the color wheel. The conventional hue/chroma polar system and the temperature/tint Cartesian system can be transformed from each other. We artists usually emphasize on color temperature, but not on tint. So we have only 50% of information the nature offers us. After ..read more
Qiang Huang A Daily Painter
1M ago
Although we still say "Happy New Year" to greet each other, 2025 has already passed its first week mark. I am getting so busy alternating painting, color research, communications with friends, plan for future events, and so on. Many of you are probably living and working very similarly. No matter how much out of control I am, I try to keep cool, at least I appear to be. However, when a real master works, the situation is the opposite. They are in control for sure, but they appear they can achieve what they want casually. They have all the freedom on their side. This kind of feeling rem ..read more
Qiang Huang A Daily Painter
1M ago
Continued working on this painting. Concentrated still on the accuracy of the greys. Measured and compared numerically. This is rather an engineering project than an artistic one, but it is OK. After I figure out all the engineering issues, I will then do art. I feel content so far, even I can't really verbalize what is going on. I feel I have adequate amount of tools now to put "grey" under control. I feel I am learning like an AI robot. At the beginning, I am so slow, and clumsy. Until one day, I really get it. I will .......   ..read more
Qiang Huang A Daily Painter
1M ago
I am very excited to let you know that I have just planned a "Painting in China" trip for the coming 2025. It is called "Painting and Sightseeing in China 2025". It will be on September 14 - 28, 2025 for 15 days. From 2013 to 2019, we have conducted 5 China painting trips. For each trip, a group of artists traveled together in China for two weeks. In the middle of the trip, we stayed in a special place and had a casual painting workshop. During the two weeks together, we developed a long lasting friendship and improved our painting skills. After a thorough investi ..read more
Qiang Huang A Daily Painter
1M ago
This one took me a long time. On the foundation of the previous painting, I have learned that transparent oxide red by itself will not give me accurate warm color. I have to add yellow ochre to drive my greys into the right direction. My ref photo wasn't good enough for this project, I have changed composition significantly. Thanks to Master Hsin-Yao Tseng, and Master Chien Chung Wei for helping me to compose the painting differently. Now I feel content for my warms and cools. I also investigated how to vary the "tint" of color to thoroughly move the colors in the color space. Tint is ..read more
Qiang Huang A Daily Painter
1M ago
I copied a painting of an infamous artist to practice my color temperature control. The warm and cool were varied by mixing proportionally transparent oxide red (TOR) and Portland gray deep (PGD). The objective of this project is to make the color temperature relationship correct for the light/shadow, and near/far fields. With a home-made color temperature metrology, I use my apps to measure color temperature numerically. If I did this project correctly, I should achieve two visual effects: 1, all 3D structures will looks vividly solid with a consistent local color invariance between ..read more
Qiang Huang A Daily Painter
2M ago
Happy Holidays my artist friends. I can't believe that 2024 is almost over. I have been enjoying my holidays. Relatively quiet, I have been painting and thinking about both art and science. I have not posted much of my own work because I am doing so many experiments, and my images are not that showable. I am re-learning so many things. Meanwhile, I am in awe of so many wonderful master artists doing exceptional excellent work. I want to promote more of their teachings. So I want to remind you that the famous artist master Albert Handell will come to Austin again and teach an 5 days oi ..read more
Qiang Huang A Daily Painter
2M ago
As usual at this holiday season, I have made a desk calendar for the coming new year 2025. Sorry to said I am a little late this year to announce this. You may preview my painting images and purchase one or more on https://www.qhart.com/store/2025-calendar. I can't believe 2024 is almost over. I am so grateful that so many of you are supporting me. Without your help, it is not possible I can survive in this treacherous time. If you think my painting, teaching, and all the related work I do are useful, that will make me very happy. Thank you so much ..read more