Unconscious Trading Bias?
Forex Trading London Blog
by Martin
1y ago
Do You Have an Unconscious Trading Bias?   Have you ever given any thought to how you behave and react when in front of your Trading Platform screen? Perhaps you are hesitant to commit to trades - to actually be able to pull the trigger at the right time.  Or perhaps you are trigger happy and a bit impetuous, when it comes to taking trades, seeing opportunities everywhere and having multiple trades open at the same time.  How big are your position sizes, how many positions per trade and what % of your trading account do you risk on each trade and what % do you risk in open tra ..read more
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Passing a Prop Firm’s Evaluation – Some Suggestions
Forex Trading London Blog
by Martin
1y ago
Following on from my previous Blog Post: ‘Typical Stages of Trader Development’,  the next natural topic would be ‘How do you actually pass a Prop Firm Evaluation?’  Here are some trading tips which might be of some use. Firstly you have to find a Prop Firm that matches your style of trading.  Are you a Position Trader, a Swing Trader or an Intraday Trader?   Do you need to have the ability to keep your trades open over weekends and for several weeks or even months?  Some firms will accommodate this and others won’t.   […] The post Passing a Prop Firm’s Ev ..read more
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Typical Stages of Trader Development
Forex Trading London Blog
by Martin
2y ago
Typical Stages of Trader Development - For some time now I have been acutely aware of the unrealistic expectations of people who come into trading, thinking that they are going to be able to pick it up quickly and make a rapid fortune!  The reality is vastly different.  Here are my thoughts on what that reality is.   The typical starting points are: […] The post Typical Stages of Trader Development first appeared on Forex Trading London ..read more
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Christmas Wishes 2021
Forex Trading London Blog
by Martin
3y ago
Firstly, our very best wishes to you and your families at this Christmas time and thank you for reading our Blog posts throughout yet another difficult Covid Pandemic year.  As the trading year draws to a close, it is a good time to take stock and analyse how you have done in 2021, what you have achieved and what could be improved upon in the coming year.  If you can spend some time reflecting on your trading year, you should be able to: […] The post Blog first appeared on Forex Trading London ..read more
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Tell Me Why I Don’t Like Mondays?
Forex Trading London Blog
by Martin
3y ago
The lyrics for ‘Tell Me Why I Don’t Like Mondays!’ by the Boomtown Rats used to epitomise how I often felt as a Forex Trader trying to take new trades on Mondays. Often I would be seduced into trades by false signals, one way and then the other, leading to extreme frustration.  This was the case until I realised that Mondays are days when the markets will most often churn and consolidate and where unsuspecting traders can be preyed upon by the big players and Market Makers seeking liquidity. The market would move in one direction and then reverse and then end up pretty much where it had ..read more
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When Not To Trade….
Forex Trading London Blog
by Martin
3y ago
Whatever type of Trader you are, there are some periods or points in your life when it probably isn’t in your best interest to trade and I’m not referring to unpredictable economic events such as FOMC and NFP etc or non-favoured days of the week or month. Profitable trading nearly always relies on thorough market analysis and timing and being in the right mind set, rested, fit and alert to all the possibilities and prepared to have the courage of your own conviction to take the trades that you see. Over the years I have learnt that there are definitely times in your life when it isn’t in you ..read more
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Christmas Wishes – 2020
Forex Trading London Blog
by Martin
4y ago
Firstly our very best wishes to you and your families at this Christmas time and thank you for reading our Blog posts throughout this difficult year.  As the trading year draws to a close, it is a good time to take stock and analyse how you have done in 2020, what you have achieved and what could be improved upon in the coming year.  If you can spend some time reflecting on your trading year you should be able to: Highlight your strengths and weaknesses Then review and if necessary update your Trading Plan Draw up some ideas of where you would like to be as a trader at the end ..read more
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Let’s Talk About Money!
Forex Trading London Blog
by Martin
4y ago
At the recent Smart Traders’ Online Summit, organised by Round The Clock Traders, I gave a talk about ‘How To Build Your House of Trading’ and during the subsequent Q&A the topic of Money came up.  The usual questions of ‘How much money do I need to start trading?’ and ‘How much money in percentage terms of my trading capital can I make?’ etc. These are fair questions to ask, but in broader terms, Money can have a funny effect on us and our Trading Mindset. As you develop as a trader, you have to start working on your trading psychology or mindset and dealing with pre-programmed beli ..read more
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How Sharp Is Your Edge?
Forex Trading London Blog
by Martin
4y ago
When learning how to trade the financial markets, you need to learn a strategy or two to get started, most will find something off the internet or pay for one. The issue then is how good is that strategy and probably more importantly could you actually employ that strategy to profitable effect. Reading and knowing the rules is one thing but actually implementing them in a live market is another thing entirely. So it would make sense to be able to learn the strategy and how to implement it in an environment that is less testing in the first instance. Once you have learnt the strategy and how t ..read more
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Trading Longevity
Forex Trading London Blog
by Martin
5y ago
I was chewing the fat with a fellow trader a few days ago and the topic of trader longevity came up. The question posed was ‘What is it that keeps a trader in the game, particularly during turbulent times when market volatility and false signals can increase? Plus most retail traders lose most or all their trading capital. This stat can vary from approx 70 to 90%, depending upon the Broker reporting such information. At first, when answering such a question, it might seem difficult to pinpoint one or two things or aspects of trading or trading behaviour which stand out, because there are, wit ..read more
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