Getting Sleep Back On Track After Vacation
Luli Sleep Consulting Blog
by Jessica Sawicki
7M ago
Summer is always a love/hate relationship for me. I LOVE the fact that there’s no schedule, no running around with carpool and pick-ups, and no waking up early. The feeling of not being rushed all day. Late nights, lazy days, and sometimes even getting to travel, is a good way to reset minds and bodies in the middle of the year. Of course, there’s always the hard part; when my kids are home and I’m trying to get any sort of work done and I keep hearing the words “I’m bored” or “I’m hungry.”   Regardless of how you’ve spent your summer days, getting back into the routine of early morning more
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Siblings And Sharing a Room
Luli Sleep Consulting Blog
by Jessica Sawicki
8M ago
Having your kids share a room can create a sibling bond and lifetime memories. Although sometimes putting your kids in a room together is more about a necessity, and not having enough space and needing them in 1 room. Whatever the reason may be, many parents often hesitate to do so as they are worried they’ll have two kids (or 3 in my case) awake in the middle of the night.   From a very young age, I had my two older boys share a room; when my eldest was 3 and my second son was 2 years old.  They were sharing a room until they were 9 and 10, when my 4-year old son also joined them i more
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Two-year-old & Sleep Issues
Luli Sleep Consulting Blog
by Jessica Sawicki
10M ago
Toddlerhood can sometimes be hard, but at the same time it can be really amazing to watch your child unfold. Seeing your little one transform into a little person with interests, wants, and needs, is often fun to watch. Around 2 years old, their speech really develops and your child goes from single phrases, to putting words together into sentences. Their brain is developing rapidly, and they have a newfound way of communicating. However, this can also cause tantrums and frustrations in their daily life. Sometimes parents will also see it affect their sleep, as the kids now knows how to stall more
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3 to 2 Nap Transition
Luli Sleep Consulting Blog
by Jessica Sawicki
11M ago
Nap transitions are always hard. Any change in your child’s schedule is always hard as it takes some time for both the parents and the child to get used to. With any transition, you have to give your child some time to adjust to the new wake windows, and sometimes less day sleep.   Your child may start showing resistance to 3 naps anywhere between the ages of 8-9 months old. That 3rd nap of the day, which is often a catnap, becomes a struggle and they begin fighting it more and more. That last nap has been there to help bridge the wake window to bedtime. In the transition phase, there w more
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Issues With Your Toddler's Routine? Try These Tips
Luli Sleep Consulting Blog
by Jessica Sawicki
1y ago
Bedtime routines are a strong foundation in setting up healthy sleep habits for your child. It’s what really helps signal our kids that it’s time to go to sleep. It helps them transition from play time/awake time to sleepy time. It signals the brain to continue secreting melatonin, which is that calming, soothing hormone we all produce when we’re sleepy. Routines in general shouldn’t be too long and there should be one for nap time and one for bedtime. You can start setting up a routine with your little one when she is as young as 6-8 weeks old. And while that routine looks a lot different th more
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The 4-month Sleep Regression
Luli Sleep Consulting Blog
by Jessica Sawicki
1y ago
You’ve survived the newborn stage, or so you think. Your baby is about to turn 4 months old, and you are starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Your baby is now sleeping longer stretches, with perhaps one or so wake up, and you get a sense of a schedule forming. And then BAM! Your baby hits the 4-month regression and it all just falls apart. More wake ups. Shorter naps. And everything you have strongly worked on, starts to fall apart. While with some babies it’s more noticeable than with others, it is very common for your baby to hit this 4-month regression. This is the exact de more
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Breastfeeding and Sleep
Luli Sleep Consulting Blog
by Jessica Sawicki
1y ago
The two most common topics you’ll hear about when you have your baby is: feeding and sleeping. The amount of “advice” out there can sometimes be conflicting and overwhelming. I get it! I have been there before, and even with my 4th child the guilt and confusion was there. Heck, we’re all parents. But it can be overwhelming to navigate. I often hear parents ask me about breastfeeding AND sleep; ‘Will my baby sleep well or through the night if he is breastfed”? Many are told to switch to formula to get their newborn sleeping.  This can often leave Moms feeling sad and confused on what she more
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Is Your Little One Trying to Climb Out?
Luli Sleep Consulting Blog
by Jessica Sawicki
2y ago
I will NEVER forget the day that my second son, who was under the age of 2 at the time, jumping out of his crib! He was sleep trained at a young age, and was sleeping perfectly fine. But one early morning all of a sudden I heard a loud thump (we had wooden floors then). Of course, we tried to put him back in, but he kept jumping out and so that’s when we transitioned him into a bed.   But if you have a little one who hasn’t fully jumped out yet, there’s hope! If your baby is jus lifting a leg, or at least seems interested in doing so, then you are at the right place! So what do you do wh more
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12-Month Sleep Regression
Luli Sleep Consulting Blog
by Jessica Sawicki
3y ago
Sleep regressions are a scary thought, and as parents we dread the moment it comes. It throws us for a loop because our child was sleeping so well, and now all of a sudden not. This can be frustrating for parents, because after all that hard work in getting your child sleeping well or on a schedule, things completely fall apart, and we feel that we won’t be able to get that good sleep back. But that’s not true! While sleep patterns are disrupted and regressions happen a quite a lot those first couple of years, you can still make sure sleep is intact and it doesn’t all fall apart! So, what is more
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Toddler Bedtime Struggles & How To Handle Them
Luli Sleep Consulting Blog
by Jessica Sawicki
3y ago
We all know that the toddler stage can be tough. Fun, but tough. Kids at this age and stage really start becoming little humans. They’re growing and learning so much. Soaking every little detail in, all their experiences throughout the day. While they’re trying to go about their day and foster their independence. They’re also seeking direction, guidance, and love and support from us. So they’re basically trying to be little humans, but they obviously can’t do it on their own. So they look to us, their parents, their caregivers, to help guide them to direct them in the right way. They need our more
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