5 Tech Devices to Live Better with PD
Parkinson's Community Los Angeles (PCLA)
by wpengine
1w ago
Technology has the power to improve the lives of people with PD, and the options for these tools are expanding each year. Recent advancements in tech have allowed for revolutionary methods of monitoring diseases and providing more tailored solutions for treatment. For people with Parkinson’s, this translates to several phone applications, speech aids, and even smart shoes that help them track their symptoms and live more enriched lives. Here are four cutting-edge products leveraging technology so people with Parkinson’s can live better. NeuroRPM App Photo credit: NeuroRPM Apple Watch users wi ..read more
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How Parkinson’s Impacts the LGBTQ+ Community
Parkinson's Community Los Angeles (PCLA)
by wpengine
1M ago
Happy Pride Month! PCLA is committed to serving all members of the Parkinson’s community, especially those who are marginalized or face discrimination in the healthcare system. Members of the LGBTQ+ community experience unique barriers in healthcare, often leading to delays in diagnosis and improper treatment of symptoms. As of 2022, it’s estimated there are nearly 100,000 LGBTQ+ people living with Parkinson’s. With an aging population, it’s anticipated the number of LGBTQ+ individuals with PD will only increase in the near future, making research that much more critical. Here’s how PD impacts ..read more
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Freezing of Gait, Explained
Parkinson's Community Los Angeles (PCLA)
by wpengine
1M ago
Freezing episodes can be one of the more frustrating and debilitating side effects of Parkinson’s. Freezing of gait refers to the temporary inability to move despite your best efforts. It may feel like you’re stuck in place and can impact different parts of the body, as well as speech. Freezing lasts a few seconds (and sometimes longer), but even those few seconds can be disruptive, frustrating, and dangerous. Here’s what to know about freezing of gait and how to mitigate the impacts. What is Freezing with Parkinson’s? Freezing is defined as a “brief, episodic absence or marked reduction of f ..read more
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Top Walking Aids for PD [And Benefits of Using Them]
Parkinson's Community Los Angeles (PCLA)
by wpengine
2M ago
Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a progressive neurological disorder that predominantly affects motor skills, leading to significant challenges in daily activities, including walking. As the disease progresses, some people may find mobility aids to be especially helpful for maintaining independence and safety. While adaptive devices may be necessary for some people, not every person with PD will require these tools. Each person’s journey with incorporating walking aids is dependent on their unique circumstances, and choosing to use a walking aid is a personal choice. Let’s explore the varying eleme ..read more
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Are Parkinson’s and Hearing Loss Connected?
Parkinson's Community Los Angeles (PCLA)
by Vivian Kanchian
2M ago
May is Better Hearing & Speech Month! Parkinson’s disease (PD) and hearing loss are two seemingly unrelated conditions affecting millions of people worldwide. Until recently, little has been known about the interplay of these conditions, but emerging research suggests a possible connection between the two. Here are the potential causes, signs, and treatment options for hearing loss with Parkinson’s disease. The Stats on PD & Hearing Impairment Research exploring the connection between PD and hearing loss is evolving, but studies have revealed intriguing correlations. Recent data sugge ..read more
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Is Parkinson’s A Disability?
Parkinson's Community Los Angeles (PCLA)
by Vivian Kanchian
3M ago
According to federal and state laws in the United States, Parkinson’s is considered a disability. However, “disability” is a broad term. It relates to both the physical and mental impacts of Parkinson’s disease, ranging from a person’s ability to perform basic daily activities like getting dressed to the impact on non-motor symptoms such as gut health issues. Here’s how disability is defined as it relates to Parkinson’s disease and the symptoms impacting daily life for people living with Parkinson’s. Defining Disability In the United States, the concept of “disability” is primarily defined th ..read more
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Vocal Exercises for PD: Benefits & Resources
Parkinson's Community Los Angeles (PCLA)
by Vivian Kanchian
3M ago
Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a progressive neurological disorder affecting movement, muscle control, and balance. However, its impact isn’t limited to just physical aspects. PD can also significantly affect voice and speech. This is where the importance of vocal exercises comes into play, offering a beacon of hope for those striving to maintain effective communication. Let’s explore why these exercises are crucial for individuals living with Parkinson’s, recommended vocal exercises, and resources for further assistance. Impact of PD on Speech and Communication Parkinson’s impacts speech in sev ..read more
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Managing Fatigue with Parkinson’s Disease
Parkinson's Community Los Angeles (PCLA)
by Vivian Kanchian
3M ago
Fatigue is a common and often debilitating symptom for people living with Parkinson’s disease, affecting their quality of life significantly. Unlike ordinary tiredness, the fatigue associated with PD can be overwhelming, making it difficult for individuals to perform even simple tasks. The Impact of Fatigue on People Living with PD Fatigue is one of the most common non-motor symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease, with studies suggesting it affects up to 50% of individuals with PD. Fatigue may occur at any stage of Parkinson’s disease, and many people report it significantly impacts their daily rout ..read more
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Exploring the Link Between Pneumonia & PD
Parkinson's Community Los Angeles (PCLA)
by Vivian Kanchian
4M ago
According to a 2020 study, pneumonia is the leading cause of death and the most common reason for hospital admissions in people living with Parkinson’s disease. Understanding the connection between Parkinson’s disease and pneumonia, including its causes, treatments, and the latest research, is vital for improving care and outcomes for individuals living with PD. Connection Between Parkinson’s Disease and Pneumonia Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a progressive neurological disorder affecting movement and causing symptoms like tremors, stiffness, and bradykinesia (slowness of movement). As the dise ..read more
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Can You Drive With Parkinson’s Disease?
Parkinson's Community Los Angeles (PCLA)
by Vivian Kanchian
5M ago
As Parkinson’s disease progresses, the accompanying symptoms may impact an individual’s ability to drive. This can be a sensitive and sometimes tricky topic. Since driving is associated with independence, people living with PD may view restrictions to driving as a further narrowing of their freedoms. Fortunately, many people with Parkinson’s can continue driving safely for years, especially in the early stages of the disease. As the disease progresses, it becomes more important to monitor symptoms, understand changes, and adapt driving habits accordingly. Here’s how PD impacts the ability to d ..read more
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