Twitchy woman
Living well with Parkinson's Disease is possible. Twitchy Woman seeks to educate readers about living with PD and encourage them to take charge of their lives.
Twitchy woman
12h ago
Be positive, be grateful, exercise, love yourself, and try your best to take care of yourself always. Teri Jewell It is hard to believe that I was diagnosed about 16 years ago. Life has not changed a lot, which is a good thing. Most complaints can be written off as aging. But Parkinson’s definitely has ..read more
Twitchy woman
6d ago
Next month will mark the 10th anniversary of the Twitchy Woman blog. Over the years, there have been many changes and additions to the original blog, making it quite cumbersome to navigate at times. We recently made some changes and updates to our website to make things go smoother for everyone. Each week, on Tuesday ..read more
Twitchy woman
1w ago
The main thing is this, I am not my disease. I am aperson with Parkinson’s and I aim to live life fully Barbara Salsberg Matthews on MOOC What is a MOOC? A tot’s word for MooCow? A primitive hut like a Yurt? Code word for an Iced Mocha? Buzz! Wrong answers. Massive Online Open Course ..read more
Twitchy woman
2w ago
Some great news for Twitchy Woman. Feedspot, which publishes “best of” lists on many different topics, including Best Parkinson’s Blogs ( TW has been #2 for several years!) has a new Parkinson’s category – Top Parkinson’s Influencers. @twitchywoman on Instagram, has been selected by their panelists as one of the Top 35 Parkinson Influencers on the web. Woohoo ..read more
Twitchy woman
1M ago
If the genie came out of the bottle and granted me one wish for Parkinson’s, I would immediately say: prevent cognitive decline.” Gordon H. Baltuch, MD, PHD, Neurological Surgery-Columbia University First, the Fires in Los Angeles Thank you for all of your emails and texts checking in with me about the LA Fires. We are ..read more
Twitchy woman
1M ago
Dear Friends, As you know, Los Angeles has been hit by unprecedented fire storms that are affecting nearly everyone in the area. If you have lost your home, don’t hesitate to reach out to me or others in the Parkinson’s Community. Here are some ways we can help Medications If you do not have access ..read more
Twitchy woman
1M ago
As I write this, it seems that Los Angeles is burning to the ground around me. it began late this morning. Mr. Twitchy and I were driving to our local Costco when we saw a billow of smoke to the northwest of where we were. We knew it wasn’t just a cloud. The smoke from ..read more
Twitchy woman
2M ago
Swarm of bees, gaggle of geese, pack of hounds, pride of lions, flock of sheep, flight of swallows, and even murder of crows The Book of St. Albans, 1486 As everyone else is reviewing the past year or making predictions for the future, I thought I would rather share some interesting things that I have seen in the last few days ..read more
Twitchy woman
2M ago
Nashville cats, play clean as country waterNashville cats, play wild as mountain dewNashville cats, been playin’ since they’s babiesNashville cats, get work before they’re two Well, there’s thirteen hundred and fifty twoGuitar pickers in NashvilleAnd they can pick more notes than the number of antsOn a Tennessee ant hillYeah, there’s thirteen hundred and fifty twoGuitar ..read more
Twitchy woman
2M ago
Dear Friend of Twitchy Woman, Thank you for your continued support and participation for over 10 years of Twitchy Woman. We have all shared many experiences with each other, growing and changing as our needs have changed. We have found not only the mutual support, but the power of a community to teach, advise, encourage ..read more